Q&A Regarding SF International DD

Discussion in 'Expansions and Adventure Packs' started by ARCHIVED-Kiara, Feb 12, 2010.

  1. ARCHIVED-Shareana Guest

    Maigraith wrote:
    Now THAT sounds promising ;)
  2. ARCHIVED-Sowe Guest

    I really do not understand why SOE did not sell it themselves. Why did you have to get all these Distributers involved when you are setup to do it yourselves ? I would pay $100 AUD to have been able to PreOrder this a month ago ( With the weeks head start ) From SOE. Save having to worry and having to camp these bloody forums.
    Now I have to go through Steam it seems ( With No PreOrder Function ) and they dont even have any Info up on their site. I understand you have been told its all good and they will but, its the same stuff I have been told for the last month so please excuse my skepticism, I am somewhat disillusioned. Us Australian's really do get left at the bottom of the pile. And yet I bet most of us would be some of SOE most loyal customers.
  3. ARCHIVED-dizzi73 Guest

    Here here Sowe, some of us Aussies bought the original game pre release where we could design our characters prior to game release and were EQ1 players before that.
    Spare some thought next expac and consider that the world is bigger than the US, just make it the same release date for everyone.
    I'll be very disappointed if I am unable to get into the game on the 16th (17th for us future types!) as I have taken time off as has my other half to play your expac.
    *fingers crossed*
  4. ARCHIVED-Lantis Guest

    What are the available options for us Canadians (since despite having it available on the 16th, Amazon.ca only start shipping it on the 19th, with ETA for the 23rd, even when using Express Shipping)?
  5. ARCHIVED-Shareana Guest

    The Canadian's should have the same possibilities as the Americans to be honest. They either need to go into a store, or order it online and wait for the mail :( if you want to get in before the official launch on the 23rd...
  6. ARCHIVED-Lantis Guest

    Shareana wrote:
    You need to tell that to Amazon.ca :(
  7. ARCHIVED-Shareana Guest

    Lantis@Antonia Bayle wrote:
    What shipping did you choose? If you chose the free shipping, then that would be why.
  8. ARCHIVED-Lantis Guest

    I chose Express Shipping (which was $4.94 extra).
    Shipping date: 19th.
    Delivery date: 23rd.
  9. ARCHIVED-Shareana Guest

    Lantis@Antonia Bayle wrote:
    Did you try to contact them to see why they wait 3 days to ship it?
  10. ARCHIVED-GregR01 Guest

    Kiara wrote:
    2 more pages and no info, can we please get an update on this?
    Given the history if this problem I'm reluctant to wait till the day of release from steam, more than likely something will have gone wrong. We DO need a pre-Order site to make sure we get the expansion in a timely manner.
    Don't you agree Kiara?
  11. ARCHIVED-Lantis Guest

    Not yet. I had been waiting to see what information Kiria would dig out regarding pre-orders and potential DD for Canada. I'll try contacting them since it seems they are my closest chance to get it early (neither Futureshop.ca or BestBuy.ca list it on their site - BestBuy.ca's website only lists... EQ2 KoS )
    The weird part is Amazon.ca does say that the Release Date is on the 16th.
  12. ARCHIVED-Shareana Guest

    Pikard@Splitpaw wrote:
    From what we were told, Steam should have the DD available on the 16th for those people that do not live in the America region...
  13. ARCHIVED-Kiara Guest

    Pikard@Splitpaw wrote:
    So far all I've got is that to the best of our knowledge Steam will be covering anyone not in North or South America.
  14. ARCHIVED-Kiara Guest

    Lantis@Antonia Bayle wrote:
    I've already said several times that there will be no DD option for Canada on the 16th. They have the same retail options that folks in the US do and therefore the offer isn't be extended.
    I'm sorry.
    Your options for Canada are Gamestop (EB Games) or Amazon's Canadian site.
  15. ARCHIVED-Shareana Guest

    Lantis@Antonia Bayle wrote:
    I do not think that Kiara is going to be able to change the Canadian preorder issue...
    However, did you try Gamestop.ca?
  16. ARCHIVED-GregR01 Guest

    Kiara wrote:
    Yes, but agian, this is ON the day of release...
    Can you please let us know what the status is concerning the other Pre - Order vendors?
    A reply from direct2drive CS tells me that the IP block is determined by the publisher (SoE)
    When is this going to be resolved?

  17. ARCHIVED-Lantis Guest

    Kiara: I know (now), I was just waiting because a few days ago you were still telling people you were still waiting to obtain various answers, and so far the two "same" options mentionned that I was familiar with (Amazon and BestBuy) were no-go for me.
    Shareana: I emailed Amazon.ca, will see what they will say.
    Thanks for the Gamestop.ca link - I didn't know they had a Canadian store as well :) Gamestop isn't well known here, where major retail is mostly through Futureshop and BestBuy. So if Amazon's answer doesn't satisfy me, I'll hit the Gamestop.ca website instead.
  18. ARCHIVED-Shareana Guest

    Lantis@Antonia Bayle wrote:
    WHOOT! I am good for something at least ;)
  19. ARCHIVED-Lantis Guest

    Got a reply from Amazon.ca:
    Thank you for writing to us at Amazon.ca.

    I have investigated your order, and it appears that the estimated shipment and delivery dates listed on your order confirmation e-mail are incorrect. I apologize for any concern these erroneous dates may have caused. Our developers are currently working to correct the technical error that caused these dates to be miscalculated.
    I have already cancelled and ordered from Gamestop.ca, but just to let people know that Amazon.ca should also be able to ship on the 16th or so.
  20. ARCHIVED-Lofofora Guest

    Hi :)
    So yesterday, I went on DLgamer, bought the pre order of SF (no problem at all), got access to preloading by downloading a EQII.exe file.
    1. I know the drill so I installed the program in a new file "EQ2 SF" and start the launcher : VERY long to arrive to the account select but works ... starts the check file and gives me 11GB to download while im playing ... the problem is as it's loading while playing I stopped trying to log on after 10mn of loading GuildHall without success (stayed around 10% when i stopped)

    2. Second try, i put the new EQ2.exe in my EQ2 file and do the same thinking "ahah it wont trick me trying to download the full game ... check files : download 11GB ??!!!!

    Can we have a "the right way to do" pls once we have this new file ?
    Are we supposed to reinstall everything ?
    Are we just supposed to wait the 16th, launch the new patcher, put the key and only download the exp ??

    A bit of help would be welcome :)