
Discussion in 'History and Lore' started by ARCHIVED-therodge, Aug 23, 2006.

  1. ARCHIVED-Themaginator Guest

    yeah thats true alot like you say tomatoe i say....tomatoe ...yeah you get my point lol
  2. ARCHIVED-Lader Guest

    I hear people on TS so often and they pronounce stuff way different than it is in my head, like melee, i think malay, but some say it meleee, and there are tons of others. hehe, languages are so much fun! like the "gh" in through isnt the same as it is in trough. Who woulda thought?! You know, i really would hate to have to learn english as a second language.
  3. ARCHIVED-MaelieJade Guest

    ^^^^^ This proves that some EQ players are just plain ...bad with the English language. :)
  4. ARCHIVED-Dukdalf Guest

    After learning english as second language in highschool, reading all books in english on the university, writing my exams in english, writing my papers in english, and being addicted to computer games for all my life. I still suck at writing a few sentences in decent english, let alone pronounce it right.
    English is one of the languages just like chinese where the pronouncation is really quite different compared to the way it is written.
  5. ARCHIVED-Ko'dan Guest

    The phaonmneal pweor of the hmuan mnid, aoccdrnig to a rscheearch at Cmabrigde Uinervtisy, it deosn't mttaer in waht oredr the ltteers in a wrod are, the olny iprmoatnt tihng is taht the frist and lsat ltteer be in the rghit pclae. The rset can be a taotl mses and you can sitll raed it wouthit a porbelm. Tihs is bcuseae the huamn mnid deos not raed ervey lteter by istlef, but the wrod as a wlohe. Amzanig huh? yaeh and I awlyas tghuhot slpeling was ipmorantt!

  6. ARCHIVED-Uanelven Guest

    omg. just realised it isn't Vyermm . I've had that 'r' in my head for ages.

    Luclin I've always pronounced Loos-lin and raised an eyebrow at the eq2 voice over hearing Luck-lin.

    Another strange one was Velious which for some reason I had as Veloosh or some weird similar word. I did realise after a while that Vell-ee-us sounded better.

    I've been asked how I pronounce my characters name before. /shrug. no idea. :p I just get Uan which I guess would be like Ewan. Rest is clear enough .

    Interesting thread. :)
    Message Edited by Uanelven on 08-25-2006 05:45 AM
  7. ARCHIVED-Zyphius Guest

    I totally agree! I would love to get more responses on this one though, as this is a huge argument between my mom and I.
  8. ARCHIVED-Whazy Guest

    His nickname is Naggy, (unofficially, of course) which indicates his name is pronounced "Nag ah fen."
  9. ARCHIVED-Zyphius Guest

    That indicate nothing. His nickname is "Naggy" because Nag is the first syllable of his name.
  10. ARCHIVED-Ishya Guest

    so true =)

    everyone should speak flemish
  11. ARCHIVED-Jindrack Guest

    LOL, you are right, I read that whole thing without a hitch... well except for one word I had to look over twice, the "mses" for "mess". I guess without the expectant two S's at the end it tripped a little. :)
  12. ARCHIVED-Vobe Guest

    About "Luclin". I recall a dev post from years ago on the old EQ boards that confirmed that "Luck-lin" was proper. (I think the post was from Abashi?)

    Most of the pronunciations I see here are similar enough to be acceptable wichever way you say it. We just need the devs to stop using their "random name generator for the gods" software.

    The one that has always bothered me the most is "Qeynos". For all those years that I, and my friends played EverQuest, we pronounced it "Kway-nos". When I got started on EQ2, and heard "key-nos" in all the voice acting, I made an effort to change how I prounounced it. But even now, I can not help but think Kway-nos is a better way of saying Sony EQ backwards.

    Also, there are a few names that end with an "E", which I have always pronounced, and the voice acting does not. I just can NOT see the E being silent in these names.

    Tunare = Too - na - ree

    Felwithe = Fel - wi - thee

    Rathe = Ra - thee

    I could accept "fel - wi - thay" (likewise for the other two), but pronouncing it "fel - with" just doesnt make sense with the "e" at the end.

    Also, I pronounce my own name is "Vo - bee", though a lot of my friends call me "Vohb" on voice chat.
  13. ARCHIVED-Ranger1017 Guest

    I have always pronounced Luclin properly, apparently.. Luck-lin.

    Felwithe as correct, also, Fell-with

    Rathe always sounded like wrath in my head.

    I do seem to be in the minority... I have and always will pronounce Tunare as Tune-ar-ee. Toon-air just sounded stupid, and Toon-are was slightly better, but my brain has always insisted that Tunare be pronounced with three syllables.

    Actually I had the impression that most, if not all, of the God's names were anagrams... for example Tunare unscrambled is Nature. I can't remember any of the other ones, though, now.
  14. ARCHIVED-Seffrid Guest

    Been nearly 40 years since mine :smileywink:!
  15. ARCHIVED-Moorgard Guest

    The saving grace of all this is that different people saying the names and places in our game differently actually makes sense. Look at the real world. People on America's east coast pronounce some of the same words differently than people on the west coast, while someone from Australia could have a vastly different take on it.
    How well does a person from Ireland do pronouncing names on their first visit to India? I bet they'd make one or two mistakes. So then why should a dark elf instantly know how to pronounce names and locations important to dwarves? Why would ogres be able to flawlessly pronounce the names of elven deities and sacred places?
    So if you really want to keep on saying "loose-lin," go ahead. Even some of us on the team say some names differently (though we pretty much agree on that one). :p
  16. ARCHIVED-Tamat Guest

    Well said!
  17. ARCHIVED-Cusashorn Guest

    I think that a person from Ireland making a few pronounciation mistakes in India would probably get lynched by the locals if they weren't careful. :p
  18. ARCHIVED-muiir Guest

    I highly doubt that, and I really hope you are trying crack a joke with statements like that. :)
  19. ARCHIVED-Cusashorn Guest

    Thats what the :p is for.
  20. ARCHIVED-Zyphius Guest

    Agreed! However, that is why they are called "mistakes". There is an accurate way to pronounce everything, and that is what we are looking for, accuracy. Each person may or may not continue to pronounce different names and words to his or her liking, but some of us just want to know what is accurate.