Pre order for Shadow Odyssey w/ bear mounts and pets???

Discussion in 'Expansions and Adventure Packs' started by ARCHIVED-Elquinjena, Aug 29, 2008.

  1. ARCHIVED-Cinnimon Guest

    I have sugestion since I am one them also who wants both pre-orders. Is possible in DD that we can have extra option to get both for extra five dollors or what ever SOE feels is right here? It would be more money for SOE and I am sure there would be some who would pay extra money to get both. Anyways here hoping we can get both with out having to buy both expansions at full price to just get both pre-order items.
  2. ARCHIVED-Elorah Guest

    Cinnimon wrote:
    I would LOVE this idea....

    As someone who enjoys the housing aspact of the game, I would LOVE To be able to get the DD to be able to get the Void pet AND the Painting per character.... But the bear mount is cute too!

    Anyone else notice that the Retail version of the painting is not one per character?
  3. ARCHIVED-Llew ap Dwr Guest

    Will we be able to get this version in the UK? If so where from?
    not a hope in hell I'm afraid....
  4. ARCHIVED-Authorised Guest

    I'm not too fussed about the void house pet. I like the sound of the bear, and I collect pewter figurines, so naturally a pewter dire bear sounds awesome.

    Unfortunately I live in the UK. When I look at the pewter bear edition on amazon us I'm told they will not ship outside the us. when I look on Amazon uk I'm told they're out of stock and there's no mention of bears, pewter or otherwise.

    I'm expecting to have to just bite the bullet, go digital download and just miss out on both in game and RL bear, does anyone know any way I could possibly get my hands on this mystical retail box here in the UK?
  5. ARCHIVED-gith Guest

    There will be a UK retail box.. Just not the one with the bear. I suspect I will have to do the digital download again too I don't want to. I too my the Pewter bear and ingame bear, and all the other nice things that come with that retail box.
  6. ARCHIVED-janmystique Guest

    If we can't get the pewter figurine in the UK retail box version, why not? Does it mean that Sony are making "special" editions available for those of us living outside the USA! Also, some confusion as to what will be in the box version. say this:
    EverQuest II: The Shadow Odyssey contains:
    - The Bloodline Chronicles (Adventure Pack)
    - The Splitpaw Saga (Adventure Pack)
    - Desert Of Flames (Expansion Pack)
    - Kingdom Of Sky (Expansion Pack)
    - The Fallen Dynasty (Adventure Pack)
    - Echoes Of Faydwer (Expansion Pack)
    - Rise Of Kunark (Expansion Pack)

    Also includes the Legends of Norrath strategic online trading card game, digital starter deck and booster pack
    Amazon say nothing! So, no mention of an in game mount. Does that mean that it too is missing? This is all very confusing!
  7. ARCHIVED-Northlight Guest

    This may sound stupid, but I wondering how you get the in-game bear once you receive your pre-ordered game. On Gamestop, it says you will receive instructions on how to get it. On Amazon, it mentions nothing on how to get it (which is where I prefer to order from so I don't have to pay for shipping). They both say you will ge the figurine, but I am more concerned with getting the in-game mount. I think last time I ordered from Gamestop and they emailed me a code with ROK. Any ideas?
  8. ARCHIVED-DragonMaster2385 Guest

    Northlight wrote:
    have you never /claim before? If not, log in and do it; I'm sure you have something there; especially if you got RoK. Anyway, that is where your pre order bonus will be when the expansion launches.
  9. ARCHIVED-Northlight Guest

    Yes, I have /claim several times. I guess I thought that all the games were manufactured at the same time, making no difference between pre-orded boexed games and boxed games purchased in-store on the day of release. This would lead me to believe that all boxed games included the in-game mount, therefore defeating the purpose of pre-ordering. I want to make sure that if I order from Amazon, that I don't only get the figurine, but also the mount. I don't want to post another message here after I get the game and am unable to /claim the mount and have everyone say, "Duh! You should have noticed that before you ordered."
  10. ARCHIVED-Elorah Guest

    Well I preordered today at the Brick and mortar store... they have no idea about anything for preorders, so I hope that we get the items with pick up of the game....
  11. ARCHIVED-Levatino Guest

    Diknak@Butcherblock wrote:
    I think I can be a right person to comment on that. I am an Eq2 player but next to that also a reseller myself. I have my own gamestore in Winterswijk the Netherlands. Since I have knowlegde of this beautiful game i can search for Eq2 in my providers databases and am shocked to see none of my providers have the game for sale. (edit: one distribitor had 1 copy of KoS, so "nothing" was a bit excessive, my apologies)

    Sure I am glad as a reseller that SOE is ecouraging retail sales but then also make it possible that I as a reseller I can get the game not only for myself but also for my customers.. So advertise more and also let distribitors know that this wonderful game exist!

    to add, I have posters of Wrath of the Lich King in my shop cause Blizzard is advertising..
  12. ARCHIVED-EQIIgamer Guest

    shadowscale wrote:
    Drogmor but yeah seriously!!!!!!!

  13. ARCHIVED-Dacarlo Guest

    Hmmm I'm a bit surprised the search function didnt dig this thread up.�

    I made this one :p

    I realise some people might want the house item and sure its cool looking but I think the bear is far and away more desired. Everyone I've spoken to in game thus far is way more interested in having the mount. I recall reading somewhere that it scales with the level of the toon which suggests its more than just a fluff mount.
  14. ARCHIVED-Daysy Guest

    kela wrote:
    It's not even a case of retailers having to be convinced to sell the game; the problem is that the shops can't get it. Even those who do carry Sony games, and have the odd copy of Vanguard on the shelves, say they can't get EQ2.
  15. ARCHIVED-gith Guest

    Still nothing on UK site about the pre-order expansion pack with pewter bear etc. Can we get an Official comment please? Will it be available Outside the US?
  16. ARCHIVED-axl_2baz Guest

    The box has been confirmer in France for all I know, in 2 versions.
    Standard box with just the bear IG, limited box with the bear IG and the tin sculpture.
  17. ARCHIVED-firza Guest (germany) confirmed it also. Just bought one of the 2 limited boxes...

    But what really buggers and scares me is this:
    Lieferung voraussichtlich: 20 November 2008 - 28 November 2008
    Voraussichtlicher Versand dieser Artikel: 17 November 2008

    This mean they expect to deliver this artcile to me between 20 November and 28 November....I hope thats them being scary...cause DHL takes one day.
    I think I will delete my order and buy the DD, I dun mind waiting a day or two...but thats crazy.
  18. ARCHIVED-Authorised Guest

    So it's available in USA, germany, france but not the UK. That's rather frustrating. I'm counting on the fact that amazon UK will eventually get the boxes in stock and offer them for sale.

    If not then I guess I'll miss out :(
  19. ARCHIVED-Fernia Guest

    This seems to happen every time an expansion is released. Confusion reigns supreme! They offer a bewildering array of options with different incentives for each option - which then seems to change a few times before release...all info is based on US players, then all the Europeans (me included) and Australians build a 100 page long thread with confused speculation and "I havent seen an EQ2 box in my store for x years!" type posts. we are again. :D
  20. ARCHIVED-janmystique Guest

    Amazon UK have now posted more information but still no mention of an in game mount etc:
    "All-In-One Compilation Pack: Includes Desert of Flames, Kingdom of Sky, Echoes of Faydwer and Rise of Kunark expansion packs, and The Bloodline Chronicles,The Splitpaw Saga and The Fallen Dynastyadventure packs. Includes Legends of Norrath strategic online trading card game, digital starter deck and booster pack." are sticking with:
    "EverQuest II: The Shadow Odyssey contains:
    - The Bloodline Chronicles (Adventure Pack)
    - The Splitpaw Saga (Adventure Pack)
    - Desert Of Flames (Expansion Pack)
    - Kingdom Of Sky (Expansion Pack)
    - The Fallen Dynasty (Adventure Pack)
    - Echoes Of Faydwer (Expansion Pack)
    - Rise Of Kunark (Expansion Pack)

    Also includes the Legends of Norrath strategic online trading card game, digital starter deck and booster pack."

    Surely someone knows what the boxes contain? I don't even want the Norrath stuff. Being outside the US, I am not allowed to play for prizes anyway. Currently, it looks like all I will get if I buy a retail box, apart from the expansion of course, is a card game that I can't play and an in game trading card for a painting. They say information is power but in this case, I say it is more like a ministry of discouragement! Please Sony, will you clarify?