PoW Myth Cloaks

Discussion in 'Items and Equipment' started by Twyxx, May 3, 2013.

  1. Twyxx Well-Known Member

    Problem with making them too useful is that you end up having to nerf them to replace them. Or would have to add another focus effect down the line as people are going to expect that buff going forward. Probably not much they're gonna do about them at this point. Just can learn and do a much better job with similar next time.
    Wanyen, Neiloch and Quabi like this.
  2. Tekadeo Active Member

    Lol I got it: just add the proc from the master crafted cloaks to all Myth cloaks. Yay!

    Speaking of which, it's gotten pretty lame that the whole game revolves around OMG I need a crit bonus proc on every slot. I know it's awesome but it's not very fun or creative...
    Neiloch likes this.
  3. StaticLex Active Member

    The paladin cloak is fine the way it is and your conjuror change is worse than what it currently does.
  4. Quabi Active Member

    Yeah, forget about upgrading these. I'd rather see them become obsolete.
  5. Estred Well-Known Member

    The effect should be good enough to warrent still running PoW. However not so quintessential to a class that you can't replace it.

    Eventually down the line I will miss the 5% Max HP from my Mythical Cloak but if another item has something more worthwhile I will replace it. That or maybe we will see a new Epic Repercussions (just kidding please that would mean Fallen Swords would become the new DoV-Mythical Line and have to give the Cloak as a class reward).
  6. Errrorr An Actual EQ2 Player

    Either need to bring them all up to the same level, or bring those that are already desirable now really down. As it stands, pretty sure most guilds would still do the zone for Dirge/SK/Templar/Guard cloaks at the very least, if doing zone for these classes, seems fair to make it for all classes atleast. Either that, or just add them to a different mobs loot table.
  7. Quabi Active Member

    Are Dirges/SKs/Templars/Guardians with the cloak overpowered? I don't see why it's important that they all be equally desirable. Having more relavent content is kinda cool I guess, but I'd rather just run newer zones for upgrades.
    Neiloch likes this.
  8. Estred Well-Known Member

    Not really overpowered just more effective than some other classes.
    Guardian: +2.2K HP and 5% HP as a raid buff.
    Dirge: Revive dirge and nearest players within 25 meters with 100% Health and Power.
    Templar: Make Unyielding Benediction a Groupwide effect.
    SK: Grants 40% DR, 3 Postional AE-Taunt, potency effected AE-Taunt. recast 3 Mins.

    In simpler terms.
    Guardian: HP-Buff
    Dirge: Reverse-a-wipe
    Templar: Group-Proc Stoneskin
    SK: Grave Sacrament Version 3.
    - Of these the Guardians have the least obvious effect as it bugs out if a player moves to far or dies during combat.

    Imo here are some opinions.
    Warlock: Has a 50% Chance to add an additional tick to Damage Over Time effects.
    Inquisitor: Adds a potency modified Ward to their Group Cure, base ward 5000. (15K Ward with 300% Potency) cannot crit.
    Mystic: 3 seconds of 75% DR across the group. Recast 5 minutes.
    Mystic-Alt: Duration 15 Seconds on activate. Effect is to resurrect group-members with 50% Health and Power and target takes 50% less damage for 5 seconds. if they die while this is active. 3 Triggers. Recast 3 minutes 25 seconds.

    Just some thoughts, I haven't given a super long thought on the effects of the cloaks.
  9. Daalilama Well-Known Member

    Willing to hire mercenaries to get me my Templar cloak.....just saying.
  10. Chronus Active Member

    Templar cloak only blocks combat hits (i.e auto attacks) I thought. Still useful but not as amazing as first thought.
    Dirge I also thought was straight up immaculate revival for their group only but with a 7 minute reuse timer.

    For warlock rather than some RNG effect for dots I'd rather it be an extra tick on apocalypse and cataclysm just to enhance our aoe dotage a bit because that's what our class is about. Or give rift or absolution a bunch of ticks on it or something.
  11. Estred Well-Known Member

    I can get behind an extra tick on a spell or two, especially class defining ones.

    I was thinking further currently Berserkers Banner of War only adds more to what they already do well, physical damage prevention. I would get behind a 1 trigger Magical Only stoneskin on say Gut Roar for them. That would let them ignore a 1-hit AE but still have to joust or avoid multi-hit deathtouches.

    I think the Assasin one is fine as is, it's a damage proc. From reading it though... is it a duration clicky or a perma-clicky? I could see making a 50% to strike twice being a bit much. Mortal Blade already hits like a train, letting it double hit would be crazy hard, basically EB for Assassins, which on another note would be a massive taunt (transfer).
  12. Rixan New Member

    No. Sorry. Assassin mythical cloak is not fine as is. The proc doesn't crit and is not a class-defining effect like the others. What it needs is an enhancement to any of Assassin's abilities, not a common damage proc.
  13. Estred Well-Known Member

    Difference in personal opinion, I also did not know it was non-crit. I still would rather see something that isn't RNG-based. Guards have HP buffs so is our's really class defining? Especially since it is bugged half the time? The "good" cloaks all have limitations on them, I know our assassin wasn't complaining about his cloak that much, it was free damage.
  14. Ucala Well-Known Member

    all of them are non crit I believe. making any damage cloak pretty awful
  15. Tekadeo Active Member

  16. Priority Well-Known Member

    The assassin cloak is horrible. The ONLY good thing about it is double red slots. Even then, not that many red slots that are worth using for a scout.
  17. Estred Well-Known Member

    You do realize I am not disagreeing with you right? I said I was unaware that the damage component did not crit. I also just said the opinion of our assassin which was a resounding "it's not the worst." Many cloaks have issues but I certainly would not call them "worthless" free damage is free damage regardless of the size, the issue is if the player perceives it as justified against other classes, which you feel the assassin cloak does not compare.

    I too suggested a 50% "added tick" on Warlocks but have changed that viewpoint to just flat add a tick to two of their abilities. I haven't done the math but I do not see a huge issue with stealth attacks having a chance to hit twice, the problem I foresee is basically giving an assassin the melee-equivalent of elemental blast.
  18. Crychtonn Active Member

    So these are OK and my post saying ~

    Gets yanked and flagged as trolling??

    Betting this post gets yanked in 5 . . 4 . . 3 . . 2 . . ya whatever
  19. Hammdaddy Active Member

    Can we start a petition to ban estred? Hes really dumb.
  20. Tekadeo Active Member

    Rather ban someone like you tbh. At least he doesn't try to pick fights for no reason, and apologizes when he is wrong. Sure he posts a lot, but it's apparent you have a little growing up to do there, son.