Please help test new repair options

Discussion in 'Test Server Forum' started by Windstalker, Mar 13, 2013.

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  1. Lodrelhai Well-Known Member

    1) Instant use in combat - NOT good.
    2) Costs 3x the currently-available item and does less than it - REALLY not good.

    I could swear at the Business of EQ Franchise panel, you guys said you wanted to DECREASE the cost of Marketplace items? Something about following WoW being a bad thing?

    Not sure if I'll stick this button out of the way somewhere on my UI, or start offering 2 versions of the character window - one with it and one without.
    Tylia, Mae-, Feara and 4 others like this.
  2. Uwkete-of-Crushbone Well-Known Member

    Hey, Lodrelhai, do you charge for your custom UIs that don't include this big, honking, stupid button? ;->

    I agree completely that it ought to be OUT OF THE WAY, maybe something the size of the Search function on the character sheet, or a smaller, perhaps still triangular button on the Mender window or whatnot (I don't use the repair bots or whatever, so I'll take the words of those that do). Killing the current, useful potion (and that potion couldn't've been placed higher up, like in the SC Home screen, if the Powers That Be wanted it noticed more often?) in favor of one three times the cost also doth indeed, truly, sucketh. And either get it "down" to the level of all the other in-game repair methods, or do without--or, just have it be an option on the Mender, not on the character. Or, how about this: if you ALREADY HAVE another method for "quick" repair, such as a repair 'bot or whatever, make THAT insta-ready in combat. Since I don't use such critters, I don't know what it entails: is it a one-shot item? Does it have a long re-charge (5 min., 15 min., whatever)? Such limitations built in to an already existing item might keep this SC thing from being "too functional" (which I, too, would REALLY hate to see. Isn't one of the issues with Alaplaya their "pay-to-win" business mode?). Yes, there were times in the past I could've used something like this (mainly when other party members insisted on getting the primary tank killed again and again), but those were few and far between, luckily, and if need be, I could've just gotten a 'bot (now, I mostly just solo). ;->

  3. Xillean Well-Known Member

    I don't care what you offer for sc honestly but please for those of us that are Gold paying members give us a hide all sc option unless I click on the sc button in my menu. I do not want to ever see any of your sc stuff in my face, I pay gold for a reason and I find it highly annoying and unnecessary to have it shoved in our faces. If I want to spend even more of my money on sc stuff, trust me I know how to get to the marketplace to do so.
    Belissa, Lambtron, Estred and 10 others like this.
  4. Uwkete-of-Crushbone Well-Known Member

    Amen! :)

    Beyoncia and Xillean like this.
  5. Beyoncia Well-Known Member

    Xillean and Gash like this.
  6. Lempo Well-Known Member

    Mender bot is like 6 seconds to cast/1hr recast (base)
    It can't *reliably* be used in combat.

    I'm going to reserve saying what I truly think about this for the moment. They are asking for it to be tested and for input, they have gotten that input how they act upon it remains to be seen.

    This mending option should not be allowed to be used in combat, period.
    Thanks though for making another one of your rare appearances on the forums, asking for this to be tested, apparently at the players expense and answering the tough questions, oh wait they haven't even been acknowledged. :rolleyes:
    Uwkete-of-Crushbone and Xillean like this.
  7. Eradani Well-Known Member

    i can't believe this. last week there was a post about too much marketplace and someone official said someone was looking into it and this is what they come up with?

    i give up... /unsub
  8. Fractals Member

    I mourn the loss of the pre-station cash Everquest 2. Didn't SOE say there wouldn't be any non fluff items sold through station cash? This is not a fluff item. SOE you remind me of my x-boyfriend, you tell me one thing and do another. I stayed with him too long too. Every time I see something like this I feel a twinge of disappointment.
  9. Calthine Well-Known Member

    They are adding and XP debt potion in.
  10. Ragna Well-Known Member

    Either your goal is to make SC an alternative to PP for "normal" repairs and then the cost is way too high (Come on, a couple PP aren't worth 150SC even if like me you have 13K+ SC) or it's for the "Oh S... !" moments when there no convenient alternative and then it's too much "in your face".

    The fact it's useable in combat is kinda unsettling (even more when you consider there been bosses "eating" your armor since T5)
    Xillean likes this.
  11. Ragna Well-Known Member

    Still Potion of Forgiveness was 50 SC for repair+debt when repair alone is 150SC plus whatever they'll charge for the future XP debt erraser.

    No matter how you look at it but if you liked the Potion of Forgiveness, you're kinda SOL now.
    Alenna and Guiscard like this.
  12. Hordolin Awanagin Active Member

    What's sad is that I used the crap out of the Forgiveness Potions. Never thought twice about dropping 50 cents to repair and get rid of the debt. Really handy in the testing environment when you're killing yourself over and over and your repair bot isn't ready to use yet. With this, a buck 50 to only repair and probably another 50 cents to get rid of debt.. Not going to do it. Not worth it at all.
  13. Fractals Member

    The cost is way too low, it should be at least ten dollars.
  14. Hordolin Awanagin Active Member

    Forget to take your Haldol today? :p
    Guiscard and Fractals like this.
  15. Fractals Member

    That made me laugh out loud when I googled Haldol. :p I just figured the cost of ruining my game should be high.
    Calthine likes this.
  16. Hordolin Awanagin Active Member

    That's what I was going for. 50/50 chance of a laugh or getting the post reported. :D
    Uwkete-of-Crushbone and Guiscard like this.
  17. Fractals Member

    I guess it's people like you that keep me in the game.
  18. Feara Well-Known Member

    Please don't do this. It's so not cool.
    Do you think there is a chance you will stop force feeding us baby food?
    Alenna and Guiscard like this.
  19. Guiscard Active Member

    /epic FAIL big rip off - will cost more than Forgiveness potion. LEAVE THE FORGIVENESS POTION ALONE.
    Alenna likes this.
  20. Guiscard Active Member

    But are charging separately for repair and XP debt - currently 50SC gets you both. This new scheme is more expensive and simply a money grubbing, grasping scheme worth of a medieval usurer. It will not cost people more than before -- MONEY GRUBBING.
    Alenna and Uwkete-of-Crushbone like this.
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