Player Guild and Faction Rewards Revealed!

Discussion in 'Tips, Tricks, and New Player Questions' started by ARCHIVED-Suleman, Dec 8, 2004.

  1. ARCHIVED-LadyShylah Guest

    THANKS!! That information was incredibly helpful :)


    EDIT: Let me make my question clearer.

    As far as I understand it, only patrons have access to these items.

    1. Do patrons spend personal status or guild status to get items?
    2. Can the guild leader and the officers use guild status to get these items, in turn taking away from the guild point pot?

    I hope that makes better sense!

    Message Edited by LadyShylah on 12-09-2004 12:07 PM
  2. ARCHIVED-Tiberius Guest

    How can we check our faction with each faction ? Acadmey of science for example thing that sucks is some of us had done like 25 or so of these before the big change. I take it that none of that faction has any effect
  3. ARCHIVED-Suleman Guest

    This thread should have the answers you are looking for re: housing and status costs.
    Message Edited by Suleman on 12-08-2004 09:54 PM
  4. ARCHIVED-Kenelm Guest

    Message Edited by Kenelm on 12-14-2004 02:27 PM
  5. ARCHIVED-Annabetn Guest

  6. ARCHIVED-Konradin Guest


    what happens if you own a House which needs Guild Level x and leave the Guild?

    You need to be Patron to buy from the City-Merchants, do you need to be Patron to buy the Mounts and Houses? Or are those available to all Members of a Guild?

    In other Words, are those things incentives for being a Patron? And if you loose that Status (Patron and/or Guild Membership), will you loose Rewards which needs an upkeep?

  7. ARCHIVED-Taeryn Guest

    OK, maybe I'm just being dense, but here goes ....

    As a Guild Leader, I see my guild has let's say, 20k in status and I have let's say 50k in personal status. We decide we want a common space to meet hang out etc. So, as the Guild Leader I go find a 2 room place or whatever. We meet the check on guild level, status, etc. Now, the weekly upkeep.

    1. Do I, as the person who purchases the home have to maintain upkeep? Meaning, do I personally have to do writs in order to keep personal status points available for the weekly status cost AND keep the coin in my personal bank for the weekly charges?

    2. IF I am a crafter, as opposed to adventurer, meaning I'm a much lower level than my Sisters in the guild as I focus on crafting, am I going to be forced to change my focus so that I adventure more to earn personal/guild status?

    3. Also, I think it has been mentioned, IF the guild status points are to be used for upkeep, how does the system know to deduct from guild earnings instead of my personal bank.

    4. Finally, if the deduction comes from my personal status, and I'm a crafter, will there be crafter based writs offered for us crafters who like to create as opposed to killing that will contribute towards personal status in the near future?

    My apologies if any of these points have been covered, plain simple answers would do well here and not a bunch of links to threads that are pages long and time out due to the board having too much traffic or whatever causes it to die out.

    Thanks ahead of time :)
  8. ARCHIVED-klg6439 Guest

    Ok stupid question here? I just joined a guild. Now who do I talk to to get these writs or quests to do? How do I know who to search out to get these quests? P.S. we just started our guild so the leader does not know either.


    Lost in Qeynos. LOL
  9. ARCHIVED-NorwoodBlack Guest

    This to me is the big question I am wanting an answer to. From what I have read so far, it seems that faction is tied to the individual character and not the guild. Is this correct? The guild itself doesn't gain faction right - just each character depending on whom they complete writs for?
    So for example patrons might want to start focusing on the faction representing their archetype, or does that even matter? Someone earlier asked about armor types and that was my thought as well. Why would a mage pick the Qeynos Guard as his/her faction if the reward is heavy armor?
    Are the perks purely cosmetic, or do they in fact differ significantly by archetype to the point that you only want to align yourself with the faction representing your archetype?
    Duinor Thundershield
    The Dungeoneers
  10. ARCHIVED-Grunarch Guest

    All the faction perks are cosmetically "themed" to archtypes. The Militia wlll have the fighter costumes, and the Arcane Scientists have the robe costumes. Also the furntiure specific to that faction will be themed to it, like the Seafury Buccaneers have the shark head mount, and a ship steering wheel. I really hope since these "costumes" are fluff only, that mages will be able to wear the platemail costumes too.

    From what I have read, guilds do NOT gain faction one way or the other, just the individuals within it.
    Message Edited by Grunarch on 12-09-2004 01:12 PM
  11. ARCHIVED-Pauleh Guest

    Very good question I want to know that to
  12. ARCHIVED-Feena Guest

    No, they cannot wear platemail costumes. I know this because my mage cannot wear some of the city merhcant items.. Ok, that's exactly true. My mage cannot wear any clothing item for sell at the city merchant because it's all flagged as "light" armor and mages can only wear Very Light armor.

    Since most of these items are just "fluff", will it be possiable some time for a vendor to just sell the items but at a really high price? This is like a roleplayers dream for some of these items. Now I don't mean the faction items, but the city merchant items. If these are just fluff items to be worn not in combat, then we should be at least be able to buy them even if it costs a ton. They should also all be flagged as Very Light armor so that everyone has a chance to wear them. Right now Plate classes are the only ones who can wear all the stuff. Mages on the other hand are limited to wearing about four items total. What if my mage wants to be sided with the Freeport milita? Now I can't use any items they sell because I can't wear them and I basicly wasted all my time joining that group.
  13. ARCHIVED-Bumco Guest

    Already these rewards are worthless.

    If they made it possible for people to simply purchase them with straight out coin, it would completely destroy any reason for guild levels and status to exist.

    At least as it is now, there is a reason to level a guild. It's a worthless and pointless reason (fluff items) but at least there is some reason and I'm sure some people don't agree that fluff is worthless and will break their necks busting out writs to be able to wear a no-stat robe that identifies them as a member of the Arcane Scientists.

    Make those items available for cash, for any player, and you really might as well completely yank out the whole guild XP, writ and status system, as it's only purpose will have been defeated.

    As for marking the items as very-light armor, I also disagree. If any class can wear the uniforms of any faction, then what exactly is the point of the different factions?

    Maybe the faction inspecific items (from the city merchants) should be wearable by any class, but I see no reason that the platemail uniform worn by the Freeport Militia would be wearable by a spell-slinging mage.

    You want a fancy uniform as a mage? Join the Arcane Scientists. The Freeport Militia is all about power by force of arms. We don't want any finger wagglers sullying our uniform and reputation.
  14. ARCHIVED-kegamen Guest

    Of course, that *fluff* and furniture you can buy for your big house, can reduce the status point cost for the house. I believe one of the devs also said that as your guild gets higher level, the status point cost for the house goes down.

    So...A lvl 30 guild of players will A) Have the big house and...B)NOT have to spend all their time doin writs to maintain it.
  15. ARCHIVED-Bumco Guest

    And will have no one using it as it is in an inconvenient and out of the way location, far from brokers and fuel vendors.

    Oh, and items purchased for status do not reduce the status upkeep costs of the house. Nor do the rewards from Creature Mastery quests. So far, only the "Collectors Edition Dragon" and player made items reduce the upkeep costs of housing.

    Still, you have a valid point, your ghost-town house won't really cost any status to maintain once you've stuffed it full of Carpenter made items. I guess you get what you pay for :) (ie: nothing for nothing)
  16. ARCHIVED-Bettargh Guest


    I've read through this entire thread...I saw one post kind of confirm that you need to be in a guild before you can join a faction. can you partipate in/buy from/work for the various factions in eq2 w/o being in a guild?
  17. ARCHIVED-Bumco Guest

    Yes, you have to be in a guild and at least 11th level to obtain writs from the various factions, at this time.
  18. ARCHIVED-Miroz Guest

    very nice.

    3 things:

    1) these are not "guild houses". these are pretty much individual residences.

    if guild houses exist then they are or will become available to guilds post level 30.
    there are a few nice, large, unoccupied structures in Qeynos that might well serve as guild halls.
    if there are guild levels post 30.

    2) what, exactly, is the interaction between housing/mounts and guild level?

    ** was answered ***

    3) i take it that houses are still not instanced? if they do get instanced that would substantially lower their prestige value, i think.

    Officer in Exile

    Message Edited by Miroz on 12-09-2004 07:51 PM
  19. ARCHIVED-Faedorne Guest

    True, until we see that we are offered a "REAL" guild house, this is just us getting cash together and picking up a place.

    Once you are in a guild you will see housing that you can purchase that requires your guild status or personal status to be a specific value.

    When you leave a guild you lose all prestige. You cannot join a guild, buy something, and leave.

    I'm not sure how prestige works in instanced or non-instanced. If there is faction gain or loss there, it wouldn't make sense that being instanced mattered at all.

    Unitas @ Butcherblock
  20. ARCHIVED-Miracleknight Guest

    One thing I've been wondering though I wouldn't really bug or pester about this is.. as an armorer would I be able to upon reaching a certain status be able to make those noble outfits or my own version of them? I kept thinking that'd be an awesome idea (but one that shouldn't be anywhere near the top of the list) for the past week or so. It would be nice for artisans to be able to make use of guild status as well :)