Planes of Prophecy Expansion Stream - Tues, Oct 17 at 10AM PT

Discussion in 'News and Announcements' started by Roxxlyy, Oct 10, 2017.

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  1. Nicolos Active Member

    I second this but this should only be the base expansion. The premium would include all this PLUS DBG sends someone to your home to play the game for you so you never have to think about it again. I mean seriously?
  2. Luzionist Active Member

    As far as the Epic 2.0 goes if one character has completed the time line why not allow all characters on said account be able to start the timeline and have all prerequisites done, the only quests that need to be done are the actual epic line
  3. Melt Actually plays the game


    Oh wait, you're serious. Let me laugh harder.
    Underrated TV show. But seriously, I want what you're smoking.
    Scrappyz and Conifur like this.
  4. Kurei Hitaka Well-Known Member

    Will anything be done about the obscene stat levels?
  5. Ratza Well-Known Member

    I hope they increase the heartbound time with the xpac. And old greyed out content grinding!!!! Lastly....don't put new 101-110 spells behind pay to win cash grab with DB cash or you probably going to lose more players.
    Hirofortis likes this.
  6. Nero Active Member

    Just a suggestion, but I'm guessing that your questions stand a much better chance of being answered if they aren't laced with negative connotations.

    And that's not just a snipe at this question, but an overall theme of the questions being posed.

    Since this is a question thread, instead of a request thread, a HB related question could look something like this:

    Could you please explain your rationale for making the HB buff last 30 minutes instead of 2-3 hours (length of most raid nights) or even 24 hours (case with deity and pre-order buffs). While we understand that this buff is not a "must" to successfully run any group or even raid content, it does become an inconvenience to have to constantly run back and forth between the content that we enjoy playing, and the Guild Hall to rekindle. This issue becomes more and more prevalent as one starts to group and raid with a more competitive player base.

    Or your could try:

    Over the past several expansions, we have noticed a significant increase in stat levels, primarily in Potency and CB. At times, the overall increase in player power came half way through an expansion due to the introduction of a new mechanic or item, which can make it difficult to keep the content balanced for the duration of the 12 months. Can you please discuss your plans for itemization, and stat balancing in general to ensure that content that is challenging in December (a month after xpac launch) remains relevant and challenging in the summer?
    HaphazardAllure and Prissetta like this.
  7. Alphonsus Well-Known Member

    Want them to play your toons for you as well?
  8. Cassta Well-Known Member

    PLEASE don't forget us solo players. :( We don't often speak up but there are still MANY solo players and not all of us care about endgame. :eek: Some of us actually like to quest forever (hence Everquest) and focus on other things, like decorating! :D Again, please don't forget about the solo players and players who did not boost and are lower levels. One last there anything that can be done to stimulate our economy? Broker prices are ridiculous and getting worse every day. Thank you for listening.
  9. Cassta Well-Known Member

    Apologies. This was a double post which I have now edited to delete it. :oops:
  10. semisus Does not play this game

    Snikkety likes this.
  11. Ratsle New Member

    I heard that your normal spells that you learn each level(not ascension) will have to be learned in order.

    Are crafters going to be able to craft the journeyman, expert and grandmaster with raws and rares or is it going to be another one of these collect x pages and find someone with the recipe deals?

    Is there going to be another one of these long epic quest lines with no help like the epic 2.0 was? I know a lot of people hated it, but, I had a blast brainstorming with people running around looking for clues.
  12. Moparfan New Member

    What a fantastic idea. The only thing I would change with this list is:
    They should give you 20,000,000 plat and your epic 2.0 for free.
  13. Moparfan New Member

  14. Ingerimm Well-Known Member

    To the developers.

    I know you have a lot to do at the moment, the addon is coming, certainly with many nice new things.

    But many times a little hints, which is also important for us and where everyone hopes that the addon will also be better.

    There are basically problems with client stability since AoM, I do not know if you have noticed this, but it would be really nice if the stability of the game clients returns to the old days of EQ2.

    If you play a few hours and then zoning and have a client crash or the game closes itself without a reason, etc.

    These problems are extremely frustrating, especially when a raid changes the zone and you always have losses on players who have flown out of the game.

    The people zones in the guild hall want to rekindle their heartbound and from 12 people the zones often go then 1 to 2 people linkdeath.

    Logging these people up again makes their UI problems and they have to relog again, usually their heartbound buff is gone. Until the entire process is complete, the 30 minutes of the heartbound buff with the Raid are still 20 to 25 minutes.

    Normally there should not be so many LD's through client crashes as it is at the moment. Client stability should return to earlier days.

    At least this is a big concern for the entire community.

    Perhaps compiling a 64bit client would resolve some of these problems, which currently affect game stability.

    Thank you
    Best regards
    Griffon Lady likes this.
  15. Alarra Well-Known Member

    Well I am serious about my idea. You guys seem to think it is all easy because you have done all of it, you guys have spent the last year or so getting it done.
    Why is it so bad to have more people come in on a more or less level playing field for 1 character on each account to hit the expansion running.
    How long would it take for a new or returning player to get all that stuff? 3-6 months? 12 months? (getting a character to level 100 and 350AA can take between 2 days to 1 week, a rare shiney or 2 for the plat, but the deity stuff and the ascension stuff much longer)

    Do you not want more people to join you?

    The stuff I put out there is the basics that anyone would expect you to have to get started on this expac.

    How do you expect a new/returning/bored TLE player to catch up?

    I'm guessing you like empty servers because the grind curve is too hard to start a new character from scratch at this point of the game.
  16. Wimble Active Member


    As some of the politer replies point out, what you ask for is the equivelent of $1000+ expenditure given freely which MANY players have chosen to spend on their characters. If DBG chose to give this out "free" with the new expac they would not see revenues climb as you contend, rather, plummet:no one would chose to spend $000 again because they had seen it would likely be given out for free in under 12 months!

    While I with agree the spirit of your post - particularly "giving" a player a levelled to 10 ascension class, maybe giving people a base figure in tithe for cb, stamina (10 maybe), the whole point of the game is to gradually progress a toon over time. Giving much more away would simply erode that concept and the confidence in the product that the existing player base currently has.
    Griffon Lady likes this.
  17. Alarra Well-Known Member

    Alenna is a different player. I'm Alarra.

    Yeah, I understand the concept of what you say and what others have. I think it would frustrate new players to find out they have to fork out $700-1000 to get to be where everyone else before being able to start the expac especially as the zones for getting the spells will be old content and the drop rate is abysmal for getting them.
    If I were a returning player and found that I had to fork out that amount of money to just start, you know, I would choose a different game. They would never come to play with everyone.

    Lack of players in the world will lead to less people playing and DBG hitting the Sunset button.

    Humor me, from my perspective, getting someone to play 3-6 months solo or 5th wheel in guild groups until they can actually play with the rest of the population does not sound like a good idea for longevity of the game.
  18. Alarra Well-Known Member

    For the record, I spent $350 on spell upgrades for those ascensions.
    I would embrace the idea that someone gets those spells to Master (not GM or Ancient) if it means they will not feel road blocked and will join us for the new expansion.
    Alenna likes this.
  19. Moss Well-Known Member

    Some people have grind their Tithes point day and nigh before and after the XP nerf. Some have P2W to get extra bonus to get them faster, some have bought those bonus items to others with plats. And still it was giving for free for everyone without any compensation for those who have worked hard or paid to get them. And apparently almost everyone was happy about it.

    Some people have P2W there ascension upgrades, others have run day and night solo/experts content to get them (to a limited level), some have spent millions of plats on the broker to obtain them. Why would it be different to allow everyone to catch up, and give them some items to upgrade one ascension class to a specific level (expert).

    Catch up mechanisms are needed when the game is too unbalanced for returning players.

    Tithe points was one of such case, because you needed month of intensive grind/
    Ascension spells (experience, and spell upgrades) is also one them.

    Of course a better solution would be to either :
    - Nerf the ascension spells (compare to other abilities) so that a player with journeyman ascention spells does not do 10 times less dps than one with GM
    - Greatly increase the drop rate of journeyman, adept, expert ascension scroll, and give the recipe to crafters (unlimited charge)

    As a better solution for tithe would have been to greatly reduce the return value (0.1-0.2% per point at maximum from the first tithe) instead of giving everyone 50 points and breaking the itemization/stats inflation at the same time.
    Agarth and Alarra like this.
  20. Hirofortis Active Member

    Can we get Wizard Manaburn updated. It has not been useful in forever. Either make it useful or get rid of it.
    Zgragy likes this.
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