New PQ loot changes

Discussion in 'General Gameplay Discussion' started by jbc1948, Jun 12, 2017.

  1. jbc1948 Well-Known Member

    • Item rewards from Shade of the First Brood, Battlement Bound, Ill Omen, and Long Live the Emperor are now only acquired by looting a chest that spawns near the public quest.
    • You will have 5 minutes to loot your rewards from these chests after the public quest ends.
    • Ok I understand the reasoning behind this idea is probably to cut down the AFK ppl at PQ's
    • The timer seems quite short though for all but the Emperor PQ. No idea where the chest will be located. A set spot? Near where the Named dies?
    • If you have a large population rushing around a chest it maybe be quite hard to get to it to loot esp if folks stay mounted , have pets, mercs etc. Maybe the chest will be huge?
    • If the chest appears at a set location regardless of where the name dies (esp the Hero and the Hydra) it may cause people to stop attacking when the named is almost dead and head for the loot spot.
    • A 10 min timer would still reduce the AFK problem and reduce the chance that somebody who has done the full PQ not getting an item reward.
    • On a secondary note how about on have PQ's pop in zones the can be accessed via Travel Bell/globe instead of stealth zones that depend on hoping somebody invites you. The no zone access when it fills up would still need an invite
  2. Merriel Well-Known Member

    I have to agree with you on the five minutes being pretty short when you have almost a hundred people milling around. I have known situations in public quests like these in other games where people pile up and block the chest so others who want to grab their loots can't get to it, and I foresee this being a problem here as well. The chest would have to be GIANT, to prevent this from happening. What I don't understand is why the devs are focusing on silly things like this rather than more important stuff that needs to be done in game.

    Not everyone who is 'standing around afk' is really afk. I tend to park an alt at the PQ's just to keep an eye on when the PQ messenger/fisherman/herald spawn so I can do other things in between times, and she just stands on the ledge looking on while I actually participate in the PQ on my brigand. I am certain I'm not the only person who does this. The lag is so bad during these PQ's, I can barely cast my abilities sometimes. I hope the lag in these lag-fests is taken into consideration regarding damage done in these PQ's if they decide to require a person to do a certain amount of damage to be eligible for a reward. about fixing things that are really broken instead of trivial things like whether a person gets loot or not. I'm sure people are not doing these PQ's for the loot so much as the xp anyways. Most people have already gotten their sword/charm/helmet by now...and the merc chestplate seems to be a fictional many times as I've done that PQ and I've never once seen it drop. The familiars are nice, but more cosmetic than anything and really not that important...why they ever changed the cages to heirloom and the familiars to no trade is beyond me, and now they are lowering the trivial amount of money the merchants will pay for them? Was this really that big a deal that they had to focus on something as trivial as that? I seriously doubt people are making tons of plat selling those things to merchants. :/
  3. Ceyarrecks Wunnfirr Well-Known Member

    so a Public Quest like those experienced in Great Divide eh?

    how about this case in point:

    those who $$PAY$$ to have the research of their skills instantly raised to GrandMaster will do more damage and be given a greater reward, then those who can not afford to Instant Raise {read: cheat; aka Pay to Win}

    and OH, by the way,.. how will damage be monitored since the Public Quest beasties are frequently INVULNERABLE?

    and since there might be a delay in other participants joining the fray, that means the late comers are guaranteed a lesser reward? so if one is not CAMPING the event site, why bother even joining at all?

    or is it only those with KA RAID Gear will do the most damage, and thus gain a greater reward?

    ... can you feel the love,..?
    actually, I call the appropriate emotion Hatred.
  4. Malleria Well-Known Member

    Everyone gets the same reward for KA PQs. There are no tiered reward levels. That's been the case since launch, so not sure where your rant is coming from...
  5. Maudit New Member

    I think you are being a little dramatic, nowhere is it mentioned that the mechanics for the rewards is being changed, only that your goodies will be in a chest instead of a window....

    You are forgetting the shards, which are needed to make the epic spells/abilities to GM and Ancient. Which is the real prize the AFK's are looking for, the rest are just bonus, although, I wouldn't be surprised if some of those AFK's got the mythical familiar while they were doing God knows what in real life.

    So, I disagree, it is not a silly thing and needed to be addressed, just sad it took this long.
    Mermut likes this.
  6. Lateana Older than Dirt, Playing EQII since 2004

    Its a dumb idea. Chests were awful in the past and won't be any better now. I quit doing PQs in the past because much of the time I couldn't find the chest or found it too late. That sucks the fun out of it. Working hard for no reward is BS.

    It is just sad that some folks can't let other people have nice things because they are jealous that they might not have "earned" it.
  7. Semperfifofum Well-Known Member

    I did not detect any hint of "if you do more damage you get a bigger reward" so that's likely to be a red herring. If you're wondering if that's true, checking the game update notes might help clarify. And anyone cynical enough to just stand there with a platoon of alts is cynical enough to run Act and make an audible trigger so they don't miss the chest. The benefit to "hard workers" will be minimal while the detriment to the "lazy" will be equally minimal. Don't stress over such minutiae.

    The Great Divide loot chest was often very large, there is precedent for it. If you need practice clicking something people are standing on, go to Tinkerfest, heh heh. One little gnome... hundreds of mounts! Hint: zoom in, aim for the feet.

    I'm surprised the "chest" isn't a glowy that's above ground level so everyone can see it and click it even if they're all puppy piled together. Surely that occurred to the developers? Must be some reason why they chose a chest - maybe tradition? Something bright and glittery would prevent people finding out too late they forgot to loot it.

    By the same token, the gnomes this year could be using tinkered wings and be above ground. And/Or humorously crash once in a while. :)
    Juraiya and Livejazz like this.
  8. Mermut Well-Known Member

    I'm pretty sure this is primary aimed at the OF PQs. This last week there were regularly an easy dozen toons just standing there, hour after hour, never attacking, with just a pet or the like up.

    This seems like a fairly elegant way to prevent afk farming of tokens and fragments w/o making nerfing the PQ for those who ARE there.
    santargria, Dude and Mizgamer62 like this.
  9. Luhai Active Member

    I like this change. OF PQs have been totally ridiculous since the introduction of familiars.
    20-30 people standing around AFK, with maybe 3 people trying to find and kill the mobs.

    And if it takes someone more than 5 minutes to find a huge chest at a PQ, I don't know what to say.[IMG]
    Jrox and Mizgamer62 like this.
  10. Errrorr An Actual EQ2 Player

    If this change stops people doing a pet attack and afk then I'm all for it. As long as chest spawns where mob dies in JW, or centrally in Fens/KP/OF should be fine. Anybody deliberately blocking the chest, screenshot, report and petition. I'm sure they'll find themselves blocked in future
    Mizgamer62 likes this.
  11. Lucus Well-Known Member

    i don't see why it couldn't be a column of light going all the way to the flight ceiling instead of a chest, there's fat chance of there being enough people to cover a clickable column of such height.
    Semperfifofum likes this.
  12. Moorefallen Active Member

    pretty sure if you go afk your pet / merc stop doing any thing but playing cards. But this is a change for the better. Glad to see it done.
  13. Livejazz Well-Known Member

    Semperfifofum likes this.
  14. Mizgamer62 Feldon Fan Club Member

    I am glad they finally did some thing. I was so sick of working my buns off in these PQs, while other people stood there afk with pets/mercs/auto attack up and got full credit or stood off to the side and only participated when the named was at less than 5 percent health. I only wish they had done something sooner.
  15. Anaogi Well-Known Member

    Except that history tells me this will be a disaster. When they fiddled with loot handling for the old PQs it screwed folks who actually were active and the PQs died off. I have zero confidence this change won't foul things up worse.

    Sorry, and I'd love to be proven wrong, but I don't think I will be here.
  16. Uxtalzon Active Member

    I don't think crowding the chest would be an issue. Within 30 seconds more than half the raid force has fled the scene or teleported elsewhere. Within a minute, it's completely vacant.

    Hope they disabled /summon. I'd hate to run after a chest someone is dragging around and trolling everyone. :p
  17. Kielex Well-Known Member

    Well when you kill a named in heroic instances the chest doesn't drop off the body, It teleports to you. I reckon maybe the same thing happens? Thais if we each get our own individual chest.
  18. Kielex Well-Known Member

    uh, I just checked the stats underneath my name and that is no where even near correct. Wonder if they're rolling back toons, I have 33mil hp and 36k potency solo -.- Wth
  19. captainbeatty451 Well-Known Member

    In ESO, when you do the public quest, a chest drops, and you get loot. It works fine, however there are usually fewer people at the anchors than there are at the Hydra. But I'd still say that if you have mounts hidden on your end, it shouldn't be a problem to get your stuff. But...I agree with the idea that it will most likely take at least a week to get ironed out, because that's the game we're playing right now. Get new thing. Test new thing. New thing gets fixed.

    I think with the problem being afk pq farming, this was a very easy way to address it. It's much easier than putting in some arbitrary 'you did such and such damage, so that means you were active' type of code. Here, if you're afk, you at least still have to be aware enough that a thing is going on and be able to get to your computer in time to click the chest.

    If you have to step away to change a diaper just as the thing starts, and you send your pet to attack the mob while you're away for what should have been 1 minute but ends up being 10 minutes because the diaper exploded all over the furniture, you can at least still get your reward for trying to be there for the 20 minutes you had to play that day, but life got in the way. So that kind of 'OH NOOOOO' afk won't be penalized quite so hard. The only ones who really get altered here are the people who sit there for the day with their cpu on and get rewards because they have merc or pet on defend or whatnot.

    It's a good change that should have been in place from the very beginning.

    I feel that our devs need to do a better job of thinking like an exploiter when designing these features. Often times these minor (and sometimes major) exploits are allowed to exist far longer than they should when they really never should have seen the break of day to begin with.
    Juraiya, Mizgamer62 and Kielex like this.
  20. Steelviper Active Member

    I would imagine that the chest at the end would be as big as the ones after Great Divide PQ, or the Commonlands PQ (for those who ever did that one at the intended levels 15-25), which is pretty big and hard to get obstructed except for the biggest mounts.
    Cyrrena likes this.