Lu 21 ...

Discussion in 'Ranger' started by ARCHIVED-Tasye, Mar 23, 2006.

  1. ARCHIVED-hieronymus Guest

    what are adamintine arrows hitting for now on auto attack?
  2. ARCHIVED-Jay42 Guest

    Kinda saddened by the preliminary reports...not that they sound all that bad, they just don't sound very good. Nobody realistically expects our damage to get anywhere close to pre-LU20, but I was hoping this LU would make us a little less underpowered. Right now I feel like a utility class without any utility, cuz I sure don't bring a whole lot of damage. I've grouped with wizards, warlocks, swashes, necros, and assassins lately and I'm usually behind all of them. For the first time, I'm starting to dislike being stuck with so many conditional attacks, while the mages can stand in one place and click buttons as long as they have line of sight.

    Can you tell that my guild's active T7 group has started parsing every night? :p Bleh.
  3. ARCHIVED-Carnagh Guest

    My main is a Brigand... I have a Ranger alt I rolled out to get the measure of the Ranger "changes".... he's only lvl 38 so I was interested to see what SOE was going to do to address his decimated dps.... all I can say is bollocks.
    I've no idea if the changes did anything for higher levels... where's the root? Did I miss it? Seriously, am I simply missing something? Is there another class who a blue 1-up mob puts more of a dent into than a mid-level Ranger? Yeah I can beat a blue ^ mob, but I'd rather take a yellow even no arrow mob that I would a green ^ mob with a Ranger.
    I'll save my Ranger for when the betrayal comes out.
    EDIT: Lo siento, mia culpa... I'm on and EU server and apparently we haven't even got the patch yet despite it being in our live update notes. I'll have to wait until tomorrow to play with root. :)
    Message Edited by Carnagh on 03-23-200602:10 PM
  4. ARCHIVED-Mary the Prophetess Guest

    I think that the hopes and expectations on the part of Rangers were pinned so highly on this update, and the results were so bland, that there will be a lot of players retiring their Rangers and switching to alts.
    It's sad.
  5. ARCHIVED-LoreLady Guest

    I was counting on you to bring me out of this doom and gloom about rangers since I have lost my positive spark towards this class. I figured if anyone could bring light to the dark it would be jay42. But anyways, I hope they continue working on rangers.
  6. ARCHIVED-purebreeze Guest

    "what are adamintine arrows hitting for now on auto attack?"

    Ive been autoattack kiting to see the numbers. 62 ranger, ironwood bow, str 280ish.

    Arrows are hitting for 400-800 or so.

    Now turn on Brutal Instinct and kite autoattack, 1834, 1762, 1305, 1573 705 1775 1427 810
    and that was a 65^^ defender. too bad its a 5min recast.

    I havent grouped yet but so far solo i feel pretty good.
  7. ARCHIVED-watchout1138 Guest

    Bottom line they utterly destroyed our dps by taking stream of arrows away...and yes we still have the skill but its a useless piece of crap. I can do more dmg with auto attack than i can with stream and that was before todays 33% upgrade in ranged auto attack. They need to do something with that spell because right now i use it to pull mobs and thats it.

    Today was a pitiful attempt at increasing our dps back to T1 where they said we should be IMHO.
  8. ARCHIVED-Aerious Eldrin Guest

    just logged on after reading the boards here and wanted to post what I have experienced so far just soloing about.

    lunging blade root is 4secs apprentice IV

    ebony bow 70.4 DR

    My STR is is 341. w/ focus up I fired off two reg shot both crit one for 1790 the other 2260. reg shot now.

    Also, hit focus and fired triple shot and all three hit all three crits.

    Haven't grouped yet, but could be nice...either way better than what we had. as good as pre LU20? probably never gonna be that agin /sigh

    oh and as an end not


  9. ARCHIVED-Jay42 Guest

    LOL I know, I actually feel guilty when I post like that b/c I'm usually expected to be the class cheerleader and encourage everyone to keep their heads up in the face of adversity. But I'm only human like everybody else, and I get discouraged a lot more often than I let on.
    We'll see - it's not like I'm going to give up hope and walk away from my main; that's just not an option. The game is still fun for me, and I'll play a ranger whether we're gimped or overpowered, I'd just prefer to be at least adequate. I guess I am, at the moment. Just getting tired of struggling against the game mechanics to try and eke out even passable DPS. I wish I was as skilled and well-equipped as the others who are breaking 500 or 600 in every fight, but I'm not.
    In the end, you shouldn't waste your time doing something you don't enjoy. Loyalty to the class is a good thing, but loyalty at the cost of having fun may be a pretty steep price to pay. It's not like you get some reward or recognition for sticking with it through thick and thin.
  10. ARCHIVED-Kaleyen Guest

    Guess I'll be the one to say it then...

    Chin up! It will get better, this was just the first baby step of many to get us back on track!
  11. ARCHIVED-DmZBaT Guest

  12. ARCHIVED-Zholain Guest

    I wish Stream of Arrows had never been created.

    This is certainly not directed at you Watchout, or anyone else for that matter, but Stream of Arrows created lazy rangers. When a class becomes so dependent on one skill to accomplish anything at all, that is inherently bad. What I actually liked about the skill was that it gave me the ability to maintain very good dps while either a) CA's were recharging, or b) I was out of power or low on power. However, it's raw power combined with the 'flaw' in proc mechanics made it severely overpowering, particularly while soloing. So many rangers seem to have become so dependent on it, that the 'style' of play that we'd been used to simply vanished. I hate what it did to the ranger class in general, and the glances that it caused to be thrown our way because it was so powerful. In my opinion, I wish that the devs would either eliminate it, or bump up the damage...keep the range restrictions as it...and put it on a 10 or 15 minute reuse timer like Sniper Shot.

    There. I said it. Does that make me a bad ranger?

    Oh, and by the way. I too am severely disappointed by what I'm hearing about the changes. Hopefully, this is just a small first step of more changes to come. But we all need to make sure we continue to express our concerns here in the forums and in-game via /feedback.
  13. ARCHIVED-Gareorn Guest

    Bah! What a buzz kill. Had a rough day at work, but was excited to get home and check out the changes. I think I'll get a few chores done and go to bed early tonight. I don't see a reason to log on. Tomorrow will be a better day.
  14. ARCHIVED-Fennir Guest

    what the hell is all the bellyaching about?

    i'm enjoying the changes immensely

    shrug getting tired of posting here i think. you guys wont be happy till they hand u a bfg.
  15. ARCHIVED-Tasye Guest

    Fennir, you are a fanboi will love anything they do to you, with or without lube.

    LU21 did not address a single thing about the massive nerf to our class. We still have T2-T3 DPS, and THAT WILL NEVER CHANGE.

    It's too bad I wasn't L55 prior to the nerf, it would have been nice to see what kind of damage Pee of Arrows could do.
  16. ARCHIVED-Gareorn Guest

    I'm not "bellyaching." I'm just not logging on tonight. And, I'm very happy with my character, thank you.:smileyhappy:
  17. ARCHIVED-purebreeze Guest

    I wish some of you wouldnt be so negative when you havent even tried the changes yet. ive been playing with them since the servers came up and i solo way better.

    the autoattack almost feels like what poison use to after it proc'd, ya know you hit a ca and there would be that little delay and then a huge chunk of life would come off from the procs. Well im feelin that again. against solo mobs im getting mostly aa hits in the 900s after i fire off a ca. if they have any life left when they get to me lunge and step back to finish them. im fighting yellow and orange solos.

    In groups i think most the added dps is going to come from autoattack also. throw on some haste and debuffs and youll be like a gattling gun. prob wont even use ca's much.
  18. ARCHIVED-Petroglyph Guest

    More like reitre there rangers and move on to Vanguard when it comes out.
  19. ARCHIVED-Fennir Guest

    im crying salty wet tears for u
  20. ARCHIVED-Sirlutt Guest

    i retired mine right after the changes.. the mere fact that sony didnt realise how hard the changes would hit is a CLEAR indication that their "fixes" would fall short.. anyone thinking otherwise is fooling themselves...

    if they cant work out how to fix the broken mechanics effectively then theyhave very little chance of trying to fix the balls up they made of it and put Rangers back to being tier 1 DPS without relying on the broken mechanics.

    really enjoying Guardian right now... and started a PvP assassin.