Homeshow Wishlists

Discussion in 'Norrathian Homeshow' started by Cyliena, Nov 9, 2012.

  1. Quiarrah Well-Known Member

    Can we eventually get the Magical Manors as Purchasable either from DB cash or Loyality? (Like any other Prestige House?)
    YES I KNOW THERE ARE versions of them in the city but these are the special RENT FREE ones. They do not require An abundance of STATUS to get. (Still wanting the Magical Manor in Qeynos Mage Tower!)
  2. Ocarinah Well-Known Member

    They have the Legends of Norrath packs on the marketplace...not sure which pack will have which magical city home as one of the loot options but it should happen Soon™. Hopefully someone will place on broker if they win and don't want it.
    Uwkete-of-Crushbone likes this.
  3. Uwkete-of-Crushbone Well-Known Member

    Crossing fingers on that! I've found two, count 'em, two, in all my time of looking for them. :-/

    proud owner of rent-free New Halas and Freeport places
    Cyliena and Puckling like this.
  4. Quiarrah Well-Known Member

    ***** well we have Owl mounts and Duck mounts now . . . how about a GUIENIE PIG mount?? *****

    (I can't even say that with a straight face)
  5. Quiarrah Well-Known Member

  6. Uwkete-of-Crushbone Well-Known Member

    And it's already got a "saddle mark" like a Corgi! :D

    Ah, Corgis...those would be mounts for Fae, for sure. ;)


    Even Wood Elves, if big enough:

  7. kianne Well-Known Member

    any chance please we can get matoppie blankets and pillow/cushions in navey or dark green, burgandy, purple ,blues preferably not pastles but yeah them too!! oh and white pleaseeeeeeeeeeezzzzzzzzzzzzeeeeeeee :D
  8. Wizzam Well-Known Member

    Rocking Chairs! Pretty ones.
    Quiarrah and Uwkete-of-Crushbone like this.
  9. Uwkete-of-Crushbone Well-Known Member

    We've got the Gnomish one that Rawl made, but I think that's it.

    Wizzam likes this.
  10. Quiarrah Well-Known Member

    Yes. . . all very good ideas and NOW that my Carpenter is almost 100 (96 and counting) . . . I can't wait to see all the things I can make next. Transcribing my next recipe book is like opening a Frostfell pressie! LOL. . . *umm . . who makes the bedrools and those little bags? Pouches?? **
    I will also be needing new books soon but I have a sinking feeling I am going to have to start "QUESTING" for them?? Or getting FAVOR with certain alliances?? (starting to sound a lot like WoW to me . . . unless someone buys them and puts them on the broker I won't be able to do much)
    Now for something actually for this thread. . . MORE TEA SETS!! We need! ((channeling my inner Yoda))
    We will be needing those for every occasion. . . not just FROSTFELL. Put Tea Services on the list! PLEASE
    Uwkete-of-Crushbone likes this.
  11. Uwkete-of-Crushbone Well-Known Member

    Some recipe books, yeah...but Lera has just about every one of 'em on, so if there's a recipe or item that intrigues, look it up there, and you'll be sure to find the book and where to get it from. After that, the details might require a bit o' digging, but Wiki should have that, and even old Zam has been getting a dusting recently. :)

    I have...hmm...three Carpenters that are level 100 (it is fun, lemme tell ya! More fun than most, especially just folks that are only in demand like once a poor main :(...), and the highest level adventurer is...hmm...ah: 49 (most of them got to where they are due to big projects, and my compulsive/cheap need to make something I need RIGHT NOW myself :D). So, it's a little hairy, trying to get to the high-level stuff, but there are books out there that are Heirloom that my higher level, non-Carpies can get for them and share. :)

    The tricky bits might be getting all the faction for the No-Trade, non-Heirloom, etc. jazz...I haven't tried Maldura yet, actually, but I have gotten a bit from Thurgadin (the blue dwarves, not the server. Darn, that's confusing... :-/).

    Gretel likes this.
  12. Leafa Active Member

    I'd love to have the calm sproutling tree with the blue lights on the loyalty merchant!
    Uwkete-of-Crushbone likes this.
  13. Wargred Member

    I'd like to see an option to turn off the sound effects in some of the housing. (Mosy the Vacant Estate of Unrest). While it was and still is ine of the things I like about the house, I sometimes find it annoying, or doesn't fit with decorating ideas that I have in mind for mine.

    It would also be cool to have an option for changing the time of day in the housing as well.
  14. Uwkete-of-Crushbone Well-Known Member

    Do we have the red (Rage) one? 'Cause yeah, I missed out on getting those, and I really, really, really want to be able to use those for decorating. ;->

  15. Gretel Well-Known Member

    They're still a collection reward as far as I know. I spent some insane amount of plat getting one (I wanted more than one, but one had to do) for my Nights of the Dead house.
    Uwkete-of-Crushbone likes this.
  16. Wargred Member

    I'd really like the option to place tiles straight on the walls, rather than have to manipulate them to get them there.
    (As someone who works with flooring on a daily basis in real life, it's not that hard to stick a tile to a wall).
    Uwkete-of-Crushbone and Gretel like this.
  17. Wargred Member

    How about a red marble tile that doesn't look almost black. (Maybe that's just my monitor calibration, kinda doubt it though, just calibrated it).
    Maybe some more natural stone type tiles... a light colored travertine type tile would be awesome. (hopefully that link works).
    Maybe some marble tiles with a higher gloss type finish, and a mirrored floor tile would be cool.
    Gretel and Uwkete-of-Crushbone like this.
  18. Uwkete-of-Crushbone Well-Known Member

    They sorta have that mirrored floor tile look, but it's in a form that's reminiscent of the only water feature we had for the longest time...the Mirrored Sumac Platform does indeed remind me of the Watery Platform. ;->

    Thank you for, Lera! :D
  19. Wizzam Well-Known Member

    I would love to see an in game, multi tiered lazy susan that slowly turns on it's own, or starts turning when clicked on! :p
  20. Yachiru-san Well-Known Member

    BAHAHA... I just died of laughter.
    Uwkete-of-Crushbone likes this.