Fiery Blast relegated to useless after today's patch

Discussion in 'Mages' started by Udonn, Feb 14, 2017.

  1. Mogrim Well-Known Member

    Actually, I **think** you're missing his point - the internal 2.2bil number is before the SDA multiplier. So your FB hits are well within the range of what is possible. Whats happening is that the RECORDED damage doesn't ever exceed 2.2bil. Then your SDA multiplier kicks in when FB actually *hits*
  2. Zelox Active Member

    I challenge you to FB higher than 2,233,385,000 without any debuffs on the encounter including procs like increase dmg to encounter
  3. Zelox Active Member

    but yeah if you read my post carefully you'll see that im right, just do some personal testing and you will see. just don't debuff to get results easier, but yeah there are probably other variables that are able to modify the final damage other than debuffs but im not sure... just go test the baseline and youll see what i said is true
  4. Rondo9 Active Member


    Repeated the above test (Levinblot then cancel FB):
    FB only used 27.1% of the Levinbolt hit where the first test was 90% (my DC at the time)

    I'm not arguing that you're not right, Yes there is something seriously broken with Fiery Blast. I have spent hours and hours trying to find the breaking point but I just get to many inconsistency's. Another example is:


    Total record able damage while FB was active was 11,653,765,660 FB hit was 35,527,543.40.
  5. Zelox Active Member

    interesting, i feel like i'm in the matrix
    Mizgamer62 likes this.
  6. Rondo9 Active Member

    Here's a strange one for ya.


    FB was 121% of Levinbolt hit when my DC was 98.7%.. are proc's being included now?



    FB was 97% of ALL OUTGOING damage!
  7. Zelox Active Member

    nah thats normal look at my multiplier formula, watch just cast FB and smite of consistency.
    caith didnt convert the SDA from % to decimal correctly
  8. Jasmin New Member

    It seems that FB does not write all the damage and repeats the last skill
  9. Zelox Active Member

    theres a maximum threshold for fiery blast and its variable on something, not sure what, but for me its ~2.233 billion for better geared wizards its ~3.3 billion idk what is causing the change and honestly its getting too tedious at this point to continue narrowing things down even more, the mechanics i talked about before are good enough to understand what may be causing the problem