DLGamer run out of keys - Moderator Assistance Please

Discussion in 'Expansions and Adventure Packs' started by ARCHIVED-snowline, Feb 15, 2010.

  1. ARCHIVED-Moiya Guest

    OK Kiara said Steam now has them avail and I went there and they are BUT from wat I can see I'd still have to wait for the box to be sent to me as it doesn't say they'll send you the key, is this right or am I just not getting it lol
  2. ARCHIVED-Shareana Guest

    Steam should be emailing keys.... They do not do boxes unless you pay more for it I believe...
  3. ARCHIVED-Vannin Guest

    Cyrath wrote:
    Unfortunately latest update from Kiara says 5pm PST which is 1am UK I believe, so we don't even get it on the same day.
  4. ARCHIVED-VerkMahdison Guest

    Oh joy- despite refusing my payments it looks as if one of them got far enough to confuse VISA who think the payment is 'pending' and act like i'm overdrawn! WHY is this so DIFFICULT???
  5. ARCHIVED-Baf Guest

    It's kinda funny reading this thread, in a mean sort of way. Seriously, what did you guys expect? Launch day is always a mess. Every single time.
    Anyone who actually expected to play today hasn't been paying attention since Nov of 2004 at the very least. Just relax. Go out and enjoy RL for a change. The game will still be here tomorrow.
    As for me, I popped into Game Stop on my way home from school. Clerk asked me if I had preordered. Nope I said and walked out the door 2 minutes later with the box.
    That was a little over an hour ago and the patcher just finished. Launching the game now. If the server is up I'll let you all know about my discoveries. See you tomorrow.
  6. ARCHIVED-Athad Guest

    Received from DLGamers less than one hour ago or so:


    Website is encounting severals load, that's why the frontpage is under maintenance. But the backoffice still work. we will get the site up as soon as possible.
    We still waiting the delivery of activations keys , it seem to be really really soon.

    DLGamer staff
  7. ARCHIVED-Shoushin Guest

    kallstrom wrote:
    lol im checking multiple pages and talking with guildies :p but yeah i'd like to get in :p but with the 5pm PST estimated time i guess it's out of question. :p
  8. ARCHIVED-Shoushin Guest

    and do you know whats the best ? the US servers are already up and running and patched and can play SF. :p so much for letting everyone be able to get in the same time. :p
  9. ARCHIVED-Shareana Guest

    Keep it within the rules and respectful people please ;)
  10. ARCHIVED-Dimmulola Guest

    I think my post was respectfull and within the rules?

    I will rephrase my post then: How do you think this could get worse, as you stated?
  11. ARCHIVED-Nikadaimon Guest

    Hilai@Butcherblock wrote:
    lol! this is exactly whats bothering everyone hehe
    especially the 'what did you expect' part.. like SOE couldn't have expected and anticipated on this?

    And I agree.. it IS funny reading this thread. And insightfull and interesting to see how SOE is handling this.

    (Come on... saying to a frustrated/maybe angry crowd its not your fault? No more information? Retailer who IS giving responses and details? It just looks bad for you ;) )
  12. ARCHIVED-Shareana Guest

    Trust me, it could get worse....
    The internets could break!
    The delivery guy that is delivery the game to your home could get into a car wreck and have the games on fire so that you have to wait days for your shipment....
    the servers and databases could implode....
    they could explode....
    Should I continue?
    Things can always get worse.... Kiara is working on it
    *edited to add* Last I saw, BB had crashed a few times...
  13. ARCHIVED-Nikadaimon Guest

    Shareana wrote:
    LoL! quotes like this won't help I think hehe :)
  14. ARCHIVED-Shareana Guest

    Nikadaimon wrote:
    OMG! I so DID not mean it like that!!!!! Oh you are soo mean :)
  15. ARCHIVED-Dimmulola Guest

    Shareana wrote:
    I would have used a delivery guy, but because SOE forced me to go for a DD this is an impossible scenario. Remember im from Europe, it's somewhere East of where SOE thinks is located the centre of the world.
  16. ARCHIVED-BMouse Guest

    Shareana wrote:
    Is it true Kiara wears a Wander Woman Outfit during launch? :p
  17. ARCHIVED-QuaiCon Guest

    Shoushin wrote:
    was same on the last few expansions too. and if i remember right the last few times the uploads of the files to the patchers took much longer on eu servers too than on us servers.
    cannot even remember any expansion launch on which i could play on eu servers earlier than 10-11pm.
  18. ARCHIVED-Nikadaimon Guest

    Shareana wrote:
    Hehe.. we might as well have a little fun and laugh while we're waiting ;)
  19. ARCHIVED-Nikadaimon Guest

    BMouse wrote:
  20. ARCHIVED-TonlinT Guest

    Can we please at least get confirmation that DLgamer have been sent, or are about to be sent, the activation keys?
    I ask this because a guild-mate was told via email that they were expecting them within the next 30 minutes, this was over 2 hours ago, and I was told the same thing 40 minutes ago.

    Neither of us have keys, obviously.