
Discussion in 'Zones and Populations' started by Gaealiege, Dec 11, 2014.

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  1. Tanktop Member

    For those that are disappointed it seems like you clear those zones easy. why should you care if they get adjusted, they are already trivial to you.

    looks like soe is not touching any T3 zones so i dont really get it

    i see hardly any pickup groups on my server and thats not a good sign for server numbers thats already dwindling. so if it lowers the entry level for the casual players and see some more activity on the server i'm all for it.
    Wirewhisker and Feldon like this.
  2. Wurm Well-Known Member

    Its all about "ME ME ME and ME!" self centered players always feel that all of the new content should only be for them, and everyone else should still be putzing around 1 or 2 expacs ago and being happy about it.
    Wirewhisker and Feldon like this.
  3. knine Well-Known Member

    Its not about me.. incase you didn't read.. I haven't even been in temple yet... mainly due to the fact, I had yet to acquire the gear. The fact of the matter is, they changed stuff that shouldn't have even needed changed, and it wasn't the fact that no one could do it.. it's the fact that people don't like to have to figure things out, or to actually get resists up to where needed.. sorry about your broken back and the fact you don't have ToV gear, but even with the quest line gear, which they really force you to do, and buying the crafted made 15k resist gear, people can get into the first 2 zones.. make progress, pick up gear with 19k resists, blue armor pants, chest, shoulders, gloves, helm.. all drop from the first 2 zones.. that's my point. I'm not elite, but I do like challenges. The above poster is right, that some people will never learn, but come on.. is it that hard to read buffs on mobs.. understand red script, knowing when to joust and not to.. no.. .that's the point. Sure are the zones even more trivial now, yes.. do I care.. yes and no.. just makes it that much easier to gear up all my alts to run with guild groups instead of having to pug for my alts... will lead to even less grouping that is already available now.

    Oh and even though I cleared drunder zones.. I really hated them.. just wanted to throw that out there.. they over scripted mobs for sure.. this epac is well scripted and made you have to up your resists.. something actually mattered on your stat bar again...
    Mizgamer62, Kiry and Gaealiege like this.
  4. Wurm Well-Known Member

    You said "ToV potent"... not "ToV Gear" and you basically called me a slacker.

    Lets see I've already replaced most of my ToV blue gear with AoM yellow and I replaced my ToV fabled belt, shield, bow and charms with AoM gear and I have 4 potent shoulder tokens 5 potent pants tokens and 3 potent hands tokens in my bank (I really need to throw them away come to think of it) proving what I said about being RNG's red headed stepchild during ToV (I could have run as a tank with all the green DPS gear I got I guess :rolleyes: )

    I was just starting on Dom when I had my accident so I highly resent what you said, when it would have been as easy as clicking on my EQ2U profile to see that your comments weren't even close to being true.

    Some us work at getting better, some of us play classes where they don't have to get better and some of us get everything handed to them on a plate. Lumping everyone into "slacker" without knowing them is disingenuous and borderline strawman.
    Tylia, Mermut, Llwellyn and 1 other person like this.
  5. Stylish Active Member

    So the guy states that he ALREADY kills the named in 30 seconds.
    Then he states "he would like it to remain challenging".
    Am I missing something?
    Wirewhisker and Feldon like this.
  6. Trickykell Member

    Did you guys remove gear or is EQ2U bugged... 0 resists on a few toons and mit that low? You guys win EQ2 if it's not bugged.
    Wirewhisker and Feldon like this.
  7. Ratza Well-Known Member

    You're missing that gear is being sold out of these so called easy zones to players not able to do them.....way too many people are taking advantage of unnecessary difficulty in tier1/2 zones so they can make plats.

    I would say there is a good portion of players who will never see tier 3 zones just like not getting through Dom last xpac......at least for many it was just 1 heroic zone in ToV....this xpac got off on the wrong foot by making heroic content aimed for raiders....doesn't make sense when you consider these same players also have raid zones too...so what was left for the little guy in this xpac?.....toning down these zones was necessary.
    Feldon and Stylish like this.
  8. Ratza Well-Known Member

    I'll tell you what is disappointing....disappointing is seeing less than a handful of players on a server looking to group...disappointing is watching guilds implode because content is too difficult for their casual players....disappointing is when SOE does nothing to alleviate the frustrations of players on low population servers....low pop servers is a bigger problem and affects ALL play styles not just the raiders.
  9. Gaealiege Active Member

    Nice way to misrepresent the argument. If we're already killing the mob in 30 seconds, it was already trivial. Why then does it need to be reduced in difficulty if it's already that trivial? Again, we shouldn't be setting the bar as low as possible for bad players. Simply because you pay for a game doesn't entitle you to see the content.
    Mizgamer62 and Kiry like this.
  10. Gaealiege Active Member

    I linked our profiles. We are not raiders. The argument of raiders versus casuals isn't going to work in this situation. Find your strawman elsewhere. We are using the exact same tools available to you.
    Mizgamer62 likes this.
  11. Gaealiege Active Member

    I don't feel the content should be exclusively for me. I feel that we should receive more than 15% of the content. You casuals are the entitled "ME ME ME" individuals. Every single time something is slightly difficult or time consuming you throw a fit until it's changed to be otherwise. I wasn't the one complaining for a change. Your crowd was. Now that the content was changed, I have taken offense.
    Mizgamer62 and Kiry like this.
  12. Gaealiege Active Member

    You mention that work and fun are separate then suggest we go do work if we want a fun, challenging experience. That's not even a consistent argument.

    Ignoring that, there should absolutely be challenging content. Designers are suppose to create an experience that incites the feeling known as "fiero." Nothing creates a sense of accomplishment when it's trivial in difficulty.

    Contrary to what you've clearly been told, there are people that find challenge to be fun. I'm aware there are people that find challenge to be unfun. They want mindlessly easy zones with no chance of failure, because getting a participation trophy each time is "fun" to these people. I am not one of those individuals and would prefer to get a bit more content than 15% of the heroics catered to me. It's hardly entitled to suggest we deserve more than 1/6 of the heroic content designed toward us.

    Finally, let's not play the real life card. You and I aren't playing on the same field in reality. I'm retired with a passive income a magnitude over the average income in the U.S. Would you like me to demean your life as being incomplete or insufficient because you apparently enjoy sports or aren't the same class as me?
    Mizgamer62 and Llwellyn like this.
  13. Ratza Well-Known Member

    My disappointment is in low pop .... low pops effect everyone from casual to raider...both crafter and adventurer, and especially hurts guilds trying to fill raid forces when there simply are not enough players....your point is? All the tools in this game will not increase server pop. Perhaps you fair better on your server than mine. Disappointment comes in many forms and I was expressing mine.
    Feldon likes this.
  14. Gaealiege Active Member

    Sorry, I didn't miss the point. We were beastlord tanking Zavith'loa in the first week. Nothing in those zones were initially challenging. The mid-tier zones were perfectly fine as is, but now we've cleared them with a scout as a tank. I don't consider that good design regardless of what Fireflyte thinks. I'm a big fan of what Kander and Gninja have done to the content recently, but I completely disagree with this unnecessary change. May as well change all the raid content too because casual raiders won't get to clear it all due to their lack of concern for gear, mechanics, adorning, timing, ACT timers, etc.
    Mizgamer62 likes this.
  15. Gaealiege Active Member

    Oh, well I can agree with your disappointment. I don't think making the entire game trivial in difficulty is the best methodology toward gaining a larger population.
    Mizgamer62 and Kiry like this.
  16. Gaealiege Active Member

    I understand what you're aiming at here, but we're tanking them with a scout. Doesn't that seem a little over the top on the "smooth and intuitive" to you? It certainly does to me.
    Mizgamer62 likes this.
  17. Sinai New Member

    I'm all for making zones SLIGHTLY easier for those lower geared/skilled people, but I feel this nerf has changed a lot of things that just didn't need to be changed.

    For example:

    I ran HH in a group last night with a picked up tank and DPS (beastlord). On the final name in the fight people apparently couldn't follow directions and click on the name to stop his self heal. Solution? We simply kept burning him till all the banners were down and just kept fighting through his heals. Fight took forever. I was sitting around the 5m/6m mark most of the time while the second DPS was at 1m. The tank couldn't hold aggro and I ended up tanking 80% of the fight ON A NECRO! If that just doesn't scream wrong then I don't know what is.
    Mizgamer62 and Gaealiege like this.
  18. Dethdlr Active Member

    This game is just too hard. This 6 person raid scripting is too much. Here's how the game should go:

    Lost Caverns: Tank and spank.
    The Hidden Caldera: Tank and spank.
    Bilgewater Falls: Tank and spank.
    Hoist the Yellow Jack: Tank and spank.
    Castle Highhold: Need gear from T1 zones, Tank and Spank.
    Ssraesha Temple: Need gear from T1 zones, Tank and Spank.
    Thresinet's Den: Need gear from T1 zones, Tank and Spank.
    Resonance of Malice: Need gear from T1 zones, Tank and Spank.
    Inner Sanctum: Need gear from T2 zones, minor scripting on last named.
    Sanguine Fountains: Need gear from T2 zones, hard zone, major scripting.

    If this expansion were coded like this, I could just log on, go auto-follow, click my dps buttons, and watch tv, check email, check facebook, twitter, etc. all while still getting upgraded gear. That's much better than having to pay attention to the game I'm playing. I don't have to pay very close attention to my facebook games and look how popular they are!

    All but the last zone or two need to be easy. That way I can do a zone, get gear, do another zone, get gear, all without being challenged. Challenges are hard. This is a game! I don't want it to be a challenge. Think of all the great video games throughout history. They've all been easy. Think of Mario Brothers, Pac Man, Donkey Kong, the list goes on and on. Nobody ever died in those games. You start off and go all the way through it first try. No challenge. That's how it should be. You shouldn't have to try a couple of times to figure things out before it gets easy. It should be easy the first try. Why would I want to play a game in my spare time that I PAY TO PLAY that is a challenge? And to those that say without challenge, how can you have a sense of accomplishment, I say that's what the achievement system was put in for. When you finish doing the tank and spank on the zone, you can try and tank and spank it faster to see if you can get a better sense of urgency achievement. Remember the first 4 years of this 10 year old game, back before the zones started getting harder? That's what we need to go back to. The past six years where you actually had to try a couple of times before you could clear a zone have been dreadful.

    Mizgamer62, Spira, Coriel and 3 others like this.
  19. Thwump Member

    This isn't a personal attack at all. I'm just saying that a lot of people out there shell out $15 a month or otherwise for a little "good ol' fashioned" mindless fun. I'm also saying that life, work, relationships, etc. should give you more than enough challenges without getting in the way of your "fun" video game time. I understand that you believe challenges are fun so Sony offers a few zones that offer a good challenge for people that casual folks will probably never see or become a bloodstain the second they walk into them. But seeing as the core base of their subscribers are these casual folks they need to make some of the zones more suited for them. If these zones bore you then you can also create challenges (like try doing one of these easy zones with only three people).

    I'm glad that you have done well in life but just because people want a little less challenge and a little more fun in a video game doesn't make them part of the "everyone gets a trophy" entitled crowd. That's all I was trying to point out.

    As far as the real life card and not being in the same class as you, I'd say the only real difference is that I'm not retired and only 34....but as far as both active and passive incomes go.....let's just say I do "alright". ;)
  20. SOE-MOD-04 Active Member

    Just a head's up, guys...
    Please make sure your posts are constructive (on topic), polite and courteous as per the Forum Guidelines.
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