Auto Attack Breaks Stealth

Discussion in 'General TLE Discussion' started by Jupiter, Dec 21, 2019.

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  1. MightyMeaghan Well-Known Member

    Did you just download this game for the first time a couple weeks ago?

    You're playing on the set-it-and-forget-it server.

    And you don't have to like Adon, but he usually understands the mechanics of the game better than the actual devs.
  2. Jupiter Member

    no, should i?
  3. Adoninilol Well-Known Member

    You must be new here, anyways. As I stated earlier. There isn't a single stealth attack in game sans maybe assassination that interrupting auto attack would be more efficient, but you put that in concealment and you were autoing through concelaments before so I fail to see the problem.

    Before you timed stealth attacks between auto attacks, I still don't understand the issue in auto's interrupting stealth unless you're just not timing autos. Nothing has changed, except every other button in game you can now mindlessly smash, I guess if you're an assassin you have to still try as hard as you're masked/ambushing every like six seconds, but even then that class is worthless so who really gives a ****.

    Soloing? I guess now you can't open with like sniper shot unless you type /autoattack 0, and add /autoattack 2 to like your first ranged ability, but there isn't a single instance you're not parsing higher on a ranger now because you can mindlessly maximize quick shot procs and ranged abilities without pausing for autos.

    If you have any other questions about eq2, please feel free to let me know. I may be an *******, but i'm incredibly knowledgable and will typically help anyone who asks me a question about how to play the game.

    Anyways, our current combat dev thinks that an uncontested dodge can be strikethroughed(hyperlul). To say he understands the game is laughable at best. I would love to quiz him on a few topics and see what answers are provided.
  4. Somedude Active Member

    To be fair, some of us have been playing this game much longer than our mechanics dev has been working on this game. There are a number of things that we know that I doubt he has complete understanding on. However, stating such things will only guarantee he will never listen to your feedback.

    Adon of course is right in this post, you should never delay auto attacks to cast a stealth ability, there is time to work them in between autos.

    I would recommend different than what adon posted.

    On your stealth ability add a macro line;
    /setautoattackmode 3 (Disables all autoattack)

    then on whatever CA you want to push after your stealth attack, or if you like you can put on EVERY other ability:
    /setautoattackmode 0 (Sets autoattackmode to automatic, will toggle between ranged and melee automatically)

    And in case anyone cares...
    Forced Melee:
    /setautoattackmode 1
    Forced Ranged
    /setautoattackmode 2
    Carynn likes this.
  5. Jupiter Member

    Macro workarounds are fine if you play a swash and have one stealth attack.

    When half your attacks are from stealth it means you can't queue attacks because macros are not queue-able. This game is way less fun to play when you can't queue abilities. Unless you're going to claim that you never queue? Which would be weird because queuing is more consistent DPS than button mashing.

    Class goes from fun to "playable". I play games because they're fun. I recommend different from what you and adon posted and that the devs fix it so we don't need workarounds. :)

    However, I appreciate that we're getting into the area of discussion instead of trolling. That being said, I have yet to see anyone explain how my math from earlier is wrong.
  6. Adoninilol Well-Known Member

    If half your attacks are from stealth that means you're an assassin, and you're casting every single one of your stealth attacks in concealment, or stalking and pressing stealth assault. Which once again, you can time between autos.

    I'm still failing to understand the problem here.

    This is even funnier because there isn't a single button in game for assassin that you can't easily time between autos, and it's not like you shouldn't be timing between autos.

    As far as your math, if you delay an auto by like 1-2 seconds to cast stealth assault you've lost dps. Every. Single. Time. The only button you can arguably say is a higher dps net gain to interrupt auto attack is assassinate. You delay 2-3 auto attacks in a minute long fight, 0.5-1 second here and there and you've lost more damage than two death mark casts. I can probably pull up special attacks and do all this effort to post math, but you can't even grasp casting stealth attacks between auto's so it's pointless.
  7. Jupiter Member

    You didn't read my post, mechanics genius. I said a 0.1/0.2s delay here and there, not 1-2s. If you're delaying an auto by that long, we can all agree that you're doing it wrong. The general scenario for most stealth attacks that end up delaying an attack is that they are started slightly too late and just barely delay the next auto. Sometimes it's just due to lag. You make it seem like people should be so deathly afraid of delaying an autoattack by even an instant when it's really meaningless if you do it a couple times a minute because you won't actually miss a swing in practice. The math here is simple enough that even you can handle it. The fact of the matter is that if you don't macro your stealth attacks, at some point you will be off by a split second and your attack will waste time casting but not get used. And then you have to try to use it again instead of using the next one, which is a DPS loss no matter how you spin it. So you have no choice but to macro if you want to deal with the broken mechanic.

    Regardless, you're obsessed with the auto attack timing thing and I don't want to take that away from you, but we clearly agree that the mechanic is broken. There's no logical scenario where a combat art designed to be used from stealth will immediately break stealth when used. Then you create a macro to work around the issue and can no longer queue that ability, making playing the class less smooth and less fun. It just shouldn't work that way and no amount of bellyaching from you about timing autos and no one should care about this etc. is going to change that. :)
  8. Somedude Active Member

    I *only* queue when its 2-3 hits I'm going to get between an auto swing anyway. You shouldn't be queuing near or over auto swings.

    Amuse me, look at your zone wide auto hits from pre and post change. Do you see a significant increase? I bet you do, which means you were doing it wrong before the change.

    I agree, I found I had to macro for soloing reasons so I could initiate with stealth, but actual game play, I'm still just timing my attacks when I need to use stealth attacks, doing it exactly the same way as before.

    But, the way they are catering to casuals, I wont be surprised if they also make auto's not break stealth which would be a really dumb thing to do. A better fix would be for auto to disable while in stealth, but even then it will be a tad odd.
  9. Jupiter Member

    It doesn't matter when you want to queue, not being able to do it much or at all is dumb. It seems like we agree there.
  10. Adoninilol Well-Known Member

    Oh I read your post about implying you're delaying auto's by 0.1/0.2 here and there. I just fail to actually believe that you are delaying autos by such a minimal amount of time, if you've made a thread complaining about auto attack breaking stealth and continue to attempt to argue it's difficult to time autos.

    I look at the large picture in all honesty, I look at what 90% of the assassin's on TLE were parsing prior to the changes and what they parse now, which is an increase. This means they're delaying their auto attacks on a myriad of different abilities.

    I played an assassin back on FG, I used to use the spell timer on my auto swings to see if I was delaying them and typically it was by 0.1 seconds on an entire zonewide, which was an hour long. Not a big deal, the stealth attacks I was using on a zone wide equated cumulatively (sans masked/ambush) around 7% of my zonewide.

    I really don't get what's so difficult about timing autos.
  11. Testa23 New Member

    I want you to go sneak up on someone and hit them as hard as you can and then see if they notice you. When you've done that experiment then come back here and tell us if you still think auto attack shouldnt break stealth.
  12. Jupiter Member

    I made a thread because it doesn't make sense, it's clearly broken, and I don't want to have to change half of my combat arts into macros just to make them work correctly in the off-chance it goes off barely after an auotattack swing. I think this is a very reasonable opinion and if you'd like to believe something different or be argumentative just because it's fun, that's your prerogative. :)
  13. Jupiter Member

    This is a bad post and you should feel bad about making it.
  14. Testa23 New Member

    I mean if we're talking about things that are bad that would be your skill at timing autos. Your understanding of mechanics, and by your post in here I assume your dps numbers.
  15. Jupiter Member

    also has to edit his bad trolls

  16. Testa23 New Member

    I can't imagine the level of shallow responses you have when your only come back is a post had a edit. I mean you've used so many paragraphs to say absolutely nothing worth anything is this thread so I guess I should be happy you didn't launch into some tirade again.
  17. Jupiter Member

    no seriously, you're doing a great job of trolling me, u must have decades of experience
  18. Testa23 New Member

    About 10 I'll get up there one day, I can tell you what won't happen one day. You getting a Dev response. You getting this "bug" fixed. You gaining any kind of self awareness.
  19. Adoninilol Well-Known Member

    It makes sense to me, and nearly everyone in this thread. I'm still confused what the issue is.

    I don't argue for fun, i'm arguing to try and help you realize why this change is helping people who parse poorly.

    That guy Reptoid who made the thread in general is actually parsing more now and has gotten hundreds of more swings in a zonewide because of this change. A parse increase. I can guarantee you have the same luck.
  20. Jupiter Member

    Parsing is easy. I play the game because it's fun, and the class is less fun to physically play right now.
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