All "/" commands (revised)

Discussion in 'Tips, Tricks, and New Player Questions' started by ARCHIVED-Vendolis, Apr 30, 2005.

  1. ARCHIVED-ScottAdams Guest

    Yea that's great news, look forward to seeing it!
  2. ARCHIVED-cejogga Guest

    [p]Great List, very well done.[/p][p] Couple of questions:[/p][p]1. I want to create a macro to use totems that I have placed in a hotbar, preferably activateing them all in order[/p][p]2. Same as above, but for potions instead of totems[/p][p]3. Switch from full screen to windowed or windowed to full screen mode via macro[/p][p] [/p][p]Thanks,[/p][p]Cejogga[/p]
  3. ARCHIVED-Atrix Wolfe Guest

    Having trouble using the /start_trade command I get an error message that reads. [DEVL] Useage: start_trade < target_id > I've tried several things, like player names, %T, I keep getting the same response. How do you make use of this command?

    Anyone know the syntax for it? An example would be fantastic.
  4. ARCHIVED-Ishya Guest

    /pet ranged
    and /pet hide are missing :)
  5. ARCHIVED-Semideus2006 Guest

    Needs Updated:

    %a - Return's the Target's Assist (ex. %t is attacking %a = EQ2Player is attacking EQ2Mob)
    /useabilityonrt - Uses ability on the last person to send you a tell. Great for abilities like Jester's Cap, Shard of Essence, or Darkness Heart.
    /clearabilityqueue - Great for casting a cure. Say you're casting a nuke but your healer just got nailed with an arcane stun. Use that command to cancel whatever you're casting so you can cast what you really want.

    1. Cancel Effect: I think this kind of ties in with the post by CorgarFV. I was wondering if there was a way to cancel a spell / combat art such as a DoT because I wanted to play with throwing a DoT and cancel it after the initial couple ticks. (Don't ask, I read that this upped DPS and wanted to actually see if it was a waste of time). Could I use /CANCEL_Effect Horde of Bats to cancel a spell named Horde of Bats?
    2. Set Chat Channels: I could have sworn a few patches ago there was something implemented where you could set the public channel to whatever number you want associated with it. It drives me nuts bouncing characters and 70_79 is /3 but on another character it's like /17. Anyone know or remember or was I dreaming about EQ2 again? (A sign you play way too freaking much!)
    EDIT: HAHA! I guess I should dork around in the forums more. I kind of answered one question by finding this post. I don't know if it'll work or not but we'll see regarding set chat channels. I'd still like to know if there is a command.
  6. ARCHIVED-Lera Guest

    Great list!

    Relytor wrote:
    Anyone know what the syntax is for characters on the AB and LD servers? I've tried AntoniaBayle, Antonia_Bayle, Antonia.Bayle, and AB, and none of them work. And I can't use just the character name, since I use the same name on several servers.
  7. ARCHIVED-Raurak Guest

    Use /show_account_features to see which expansions are active on the account.
  8. ARCHIVED-Lethe5683 Guest

    Lera wrote: