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Will you guys ever make a Non-Truebox TLP again?

Discussion in 'Time Locked Progression Servers' started by Nebulos, Apr 4, 2019.

  1. Jezzie Augur

    Most of the complaints on these forums seem to be about those krono farmers but once somebody complains then the boxing crowd become super defensive.
    The complaints are about the use of automation / 3rd party software. There seems to be some confusion over botting v boxing.

    Some people (like me) consider botting to be the use of software / hardware that gives you an advantage over regular players that are playing without software / hardware including boxers.
    Some people seem to think that botting is just afk automation and anything else is fine.
    If that were the case then we would have the (legal boxing software that can't be named) on Truebox which was deemed approved off software years ago. I have no idea why it gets filtered out but it's legal, I guess Daybreak got tired of the posts about it.
    Most players are happy to just plod along on the servers and all group with each other. Boxing is not the issue, botting is.
    The players that are botting will claim they are boxing and that's the problem. It's those people giving boxers a bad name. It's those people drawing attention to 3rd party software users and they will claim they are straight up boxing right up until the moment their accounts get banned and I believe that everybody would be much happier if that was done sooner rather than later.
  2. Smellybuttface New Member

    Wrong, I specifically mentioned third party programs. “Those that still use third party programs to undermine the rule set that player’s asked for and expected.” If someone wants to pay for a second account, I have no problem generally with that. It’s not a violation, as you say, but I’d personally prefer not to group with them because A. I can’t tell if it’s someone doing it legit or through software. And B. I’d rather offer a group spot to an individual. Many don’t have that same mindset, and as such, I group with boxers regularly. Yes, I complain about it, but since I’m not “The One” and can’t change the EQ Matrix source code, I’m limited in what I can do about it.

    I understand botters are another matter, and they perhaps are truly the ones taking enjoyment from people trying to play the game. I don’t know how prevalent they are on live, or whether they go to TLP’s to try and capitalize on the large influx of people and fledgling market, but in some zones they’re ubiquitous. I made the mistake of trying to go to Rathe mountains, and was met with pick after pick of 6 man bot armies farming without end. Back in the day I used to see GM’s actually in game going around to different zones in order to community police, but have yet to see one now.

    As the previous poster said, if you’re legitimately playing than you’re not within the realm of my complaint. The brunt of it involves boxers who just leave an afk character in group leeching exp, but can somehow justify it by buffing every 10-20 minutes or so. Otherwise, they’re essentially a non-entity during fights. Plus, Everquest, I believe, is about the journey, not simply the destination of max level. With the multitude of OOG druids, clerics, Enchanter’s, it’s eased the fights to almost WoW status. The fun of EQ, even in the true classic days when we had corpse runs and hell levels, was the danger involved. If dying carried no penalty, then the fun would be sucked out of the experience. That’s what the consortium of OOG boxers in essence does is remove any danger posed by the environment around you. Yes, it’s better for exp grinding, but if it’s just about the grind why bother with any other aspect of the game at all. Just add mercs and people can grind away to their hearts content. I think they don’t do this because they want to encourage group play, which I am fully onboard with.
    Yes, I could go to P1999, and have actually. I like the TLP’s and the community, and instanced zones, server chat, targeting rings, compass, and all the other nitty gritty quality of life enhancements the true EQ servers bring. Just as anyone else could go to any other and box, they chose the TLP’s for a reason. If you’re playing by the rules, more power to you. But I know that many aren’t. If you don’t believe that then you haven’t played on them to see. Next time I dare to venture to Rathe I’ll happily send you as many pics as you like, or don’t let me do all the heavy lifting, go check it out for yourself If you don’t believe us.
    DB can go ahead and release a non-true box server. I doubt it’d have anywhere near the population Mangler does, as I also doubt boxers would flock to it from other TLP’s where they’re already established. And as to this silly “whining” nonsense, boxers are whining just as much as anti-boxers are whining against them. They beget each other, so let’s stop with the pot and kettle business already.
  3. Gana Augur

    I'm stubborn. I am the adult that you will see giving an answer to the little kid that keeps asking "But why?" I am not going to give in. My wife just gets tired of the whining and lets the kids do what they whined about just so she doesn't have to hear it any more. DBG is like my wife.
  4. Volts Elder

    There are servers out there that do not allow boxing. DGB does not have a server like this. So, go there and do it.
  5. Machentoo Augur

    This. The "places for you to go box" include every Daybreak server. That Smellybuttface wishes it were otherwise does not make it so.
  6. Accipiter Old Timer

    I'm sure they look for an already-running eqgame.exe (or whatever) before launching. So I doubt it.
  7. LittleBrumski Augur

    On Mangler I've seen a couple of "oops" moments when peoples automated commands were accidentally spammed in a chat channel.
    Isn't this something that they could just automatically filter for to catch these people quickly? No one using standard hotkeys and macros would be using the text commands the automators use.
  8. Elyani Augur

    Hahahaha. I remember back on live servers seeing people oopsie with their commands. Fun stuff. I have to say, yet to see it on a recent TLP, however.

    As for a filter to catch them... meh? I mean, they could be sending any random number of "oops, misstell!".. they'd need an array of various commands, and, I am sure people can create their own tailored to them, so it wouldn't be worth the hassle.

    Just report it and be on your way. There is (was?? still exist??) a way to report a player that included the last x amount of lines of chat in any specific chat window. It is/was used to report player harassment, but I am sure it's totally usable to report these silly little commands they use for 3rd party programs, too.
  9. a_librarian Augur

    (continues for 3 hours)
  10. Nessirfiti Augur

    Hell, that still happens? Used to see that quite a bit on Phinny, but it seemed to stop after PoP.
  11. Xanadas Augur

    Doing nothing is the same as deciding to do nothing. They've made server after server after server - all truebox, while non-truebox preferring players are stuck with the same old servers that are way past their prime. They could so easily merge the Lockjaw and Ragefire and start a new boxable server, but no -- they dislike box-crews and so we get treated like second class citizens -- back of the bus for us. We have literally nothing to look forward to with this franchise right now since there are no new servers even on the horizon let alone the hope of a *boxable* new server. So, you can understand the frustration.

    They make these decisions to make repeated truebox servers then wonder why they're packed to the gills with people try to box 6-12 toons - of course they're going to be! Hardly anyone wants to play post-omens on a progression server, so they're going to play on the young servers regardless of the rules.

    Wake up DBG... good grief...
  12. Kurage_of_Luclin Augur

    Hey for you guys who are plagued buy the Krono farmers, you can do something to cut them out of circle of life. Transfer back to live servers, and join one of the numerous high end raiding guilds who are looking for talented players. I personally, am in one, and have been in high end raiding guilds since about 2004. I don't worry about the yahoo farming Krono's because I have a guild full of friends willing to help if I need them. All the gear I will ever need, I can earn by supporting raids. I go out of my way to support my fellow guild members and they also help me out if needed. On both Xegony and Luclin, those grief/hackers aren't that noticeable. And believe it or not , there are tons of guilds advertising for talented folks, bring your skills and class knowledge and apply. Gear can be upgraded, but skilled players are highly valued. Not every guild is a good fit for every player, but many are. I suspect you will be much happier in a well established guild, with good gear and friends to help.

    Take a moment to look on the recruiting forums, check out the guild pages, check out magelo's etc. and find a couple good guilds that would fit your schedule. Make contact , see what class needs are , and if they would have openings in the future. Always there is attrition in guilds. Getting into a good guild, in my opinion would probably make your gaming experience that much more enjoyable. Please shoot me a tell in game [t xegony.kurage if you have questions. I know lots of good people game wide and may be able help you find a place that suits you.