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Will you guys ever make a Non-Truebox TLP again?

Discussion in 'Time Locked Progression Servers' started by Nebulos, Apr 4, 2019.

  1. jeskola pheerie

    You know as well as I do what Role-playing is in the context of a Fantasy RPG world. Stop ruining my immersion and stay in character!
    Gyurika Godofwar likes this.
  2. Ajjantis Elder

    EQ was at its peak during a time where there werent really any boxers. You would run from time to time into people who had a second char as a buff bot around, but very rarely did they take a spot in a group.
    I have a box that i put in group when we CANT fill all spots and i admit, i cant perform 50 % of what a real player could do on that char cause im focused on my main char.

    6 real people >>>>>>> 3 people each with boxes.
  3. Nessirfiti Augur

    I'm quite happy boxing here, Thanks though :)
    Gyurika Godofwar and Machentoo like this.
  4. Aurastrider Augur

    Boxers on the live servers were the ones helping to keep the lights on all of these years so we all have EQ today. Most of them turned to boxing when the population dwindled and groups became difficult to find. I have yet to encounter a toxic boxer on Tunare in nearly 20 years who has impacted my gameplay negatively. In fact the boxers I have encountered have been helpful and knowledgeable. I have had on rare occasions solo players be complete aholes. Maybe on the TLP servers this is different but on live reputation matters when you aren't changing servers more frequently than your underwear.
    Gyurika Godofwar likes this.
  5. BlueberryWerewolf Augur

    Funny enough with all the vitriol about boxing, my experience on Mangler over the last month has been almost entirely positive with them. Most people will drop a boxed character if a real person is available to group. Even the giant box armies I've actually come across face-to-face have been courteous and will CC and move to different picks just like anyone else would if they want a camp.

    I'm not saying bad actors don't exist, they most certainly do and I've encountered them on occasion as well, but I do have to wonder how much of a real problem it is compared to the volume of complaints here on the boards. My experience on Mangler has been almost entirely unaffected negatively by boxers thus far.

    I did see a group of seemingly AFK mages at the Permafrost ZL giants, and I haven't bothered trying to farm Rathe Mts since that has been a futile endeavor since forever. Other than that, just people enjoying a video game. I honestly think the fuss is overblown, at least in regards to Mangler.
  6. The Hated One Augur

    Ajjanttis said 6 RL people >>>> 3 people who box. In group settings...maybe for speed of kills. But when I ran with my wife and a buddy...3 of us raided anguish 1 expansion behind era with our boxes...without bad program helping things I might add.

    We never harrassed other people. We usually went out of our way to help others and a frequent comment we made which was true many times was "No good deed goes unpunished." But yes...for groups 6 people does speed up kills. But in my box group I never fought about loot. We started killing when shortly after logging in. I never waited on someone to get to camp. If I needed to log I never had to find a replacement. If I needed to AFK...no one got mad.

    There are a thousand reasons to box...and probably a thousand reasons why playing 1 toon is good too. People just need to get over it. They both exist in EQ and always will. Truebox did not get rid of boxing...it just made it so that the most crafty of programmers do it...or people who could afford lots of computers and keypads chose to kill themselves do it. Raging against it is like standing in the surf and trying to stop the ocean tide with your hands.
  7. jeskola pheerie

    I think a lot of people still have trouble separating the concept of boxers vs botters, the concept of krono farming armies vs a person just trying to level up, etc. I guess it is easier for these people to just demonize. Also I think many of the boxer haters actually box themselves, and are upset at hacks/cheats and are confused.
    Gyurika Godofwar and Nessirfiti like this.
  8. Nessirfiti Augur

    I literally couldn't have said this any better myself.
    jeskola likes this.
  9. Fan of Scott Journeyman

    Boxing allowed server for next TLP plz
  10. Elyani Augur

    False. And I won't argue this further because you'll just continue to say otherwise. But, it's not true at all. Boxing became more prevalent once server populations began to die down. They tried to eventually combat the death of server populations with merging then eventually Mercs. In the end, it doesn't matter, because boxers were the only thing keeping this game alive, prior to TLP servers.

    This is stupid. Here's a solution, if you hate it so badly, don't group with boxers. That's your choice. You made it. Deal with it or move on. No one forced you to group with someone who is boxing. If you're having trouble finding a group that doesn't have a boxer in it... sounds like another issue entirely.

    Nah. I will continue to box on TLP servers. I still raid, I still group with friends who do not box. I still socialize. I think I will stick to the place I am at. It's much more cozy here. MMO does not mean you HAVE to group up with whiny snots. It just means there are a lot of people playing at the same time. No one ever said MMO means you HAVE to play with them. :) If there is a law somewhere out there that states otherwise, please, show it to me.
    Nessirfiti likes this.
  11. Smellybuttface New Member

    1. Why do you think Daybreak implemented Truebox on TLP? And no, it wasn’t because boxers were the saving grace of EQ. The game existed before boxers, and boxers are not, nor will they ever, be the reason for its continuance. They implemented it because that’s what people WANTED. They wanted to play on a progression server with other people, in prog era’s. It meant starting over, a slower exp gain, and a mad rush of competition, but the people wanted these changes and Daybreak delivered. Except there are those not following the rules. Those that still use third party programs to undermine the rule set that player’s asked for and expected.

    2. Not a solution. I’m not going to let boxers ruin me being able to play completely. I personally won’t invite a boxer into my group, but I can’t help when other group leaders do. If that would entail me leaving a group because of it, then I’m sacrificing my enjoyment playing for someone else “just wanting to level.”

    3. You contradict yourself. You say boxers were a response to declining population, then why are they so prevalent on one of the servers with such a high population? Mangler hasn’t even had a chance to lose people yet to whatever the next TLP will be, and yet boxers flourish. You and your fellow whiny snots that seek to undermine what Daybreak, and the players, asked for are violating one of the central tenets of the TLP because it makes you feel more “cozy.” You really think if they allowed boxing on a new TLP that boxers would actually go there? No, because you want to have your cake and eat it too. You want to take spots from individuals, and clog instances with so many “OOG Chanter!,” all because you have chosen not to play the game the way it was designed to be played. EqEmu’s allow boxers all day, so why don’t boxers go there?
    Oh, and I don’t remember “wanting to exp” involving anything other than simply playing a character. If you’re having that much trouble finding groups that you need to play multiple roles to exp.....that’s another matter entirely.
  12. Nessirfiti Augur

    It's because you and people like you are extremely good at stomping your feet whining and making a ton of "I hate boxers" posts on the forums.

    Why do people box on Mangler? It's fun. Boxers enjoy boxing, or they wouldn't do it
    That an anti-boxer would call another person whiny is hilarious when there's been a veritable flood the last 3 months whining about people who dare to play the game differently than you.
    Yep! I'm sure of it.
    P99 doesn't allow boxing at all, why don't the anti-boxers go there?
    Gyurika Godofwar and Elyani like this.
  13. Elyani Augur

    Because people whined and cried about what happened on a previous TLP (Ragefire and Lockjaw specifically), not on a live server. All previous TLPs were NOT truebox, and there were plenty of random servers prior to truebox TLPs. if boxing on live servers was the issue, the first true box server would ahve hit after Mayong. But, nice try!

    Not a solution? So you're just going to complain about it but not do anything about it? Gotcha. Typical.

    Because, as people began boxing, they realized it was fun and continue to do so. Yes, boxing has been around for a long while, but it also became more popular since the decline of server population. Sorry you can't handle facts. Now, people that began boxing to get groups on live servers have moved to play TLPs, they don't give up boxing because boxing is actually quite fun. It's not for you, I get that.

    Seems to me, that we can all agree, plenty of people enjoy boxing. Again, sorry it's not your play style. But, considering there are a LOT of people boxing... it speaks volumes about it.

    I am violating nothing. They asked for "true-box", meaning one box per PC. They got it. I just happen to be able to afford to run multiple PCs. I violate absolutely nothing by doing so. I am playing by Daybreak's rules. And I never said that boxing on a TLP makes me feel "cozy". Reading comprehension ftw? I said I am cozy on the server. And I will stay here. And I will play on the next TLP. And the next, and the next. And I will continue to pay Daybreak for bags, and XP potions, and to run 3-6 accounts and... I don't think they are complaining, darling. See you at GEBs.

    Yes, plenty, if not most of us would. You'll be stuck with the REAL problem (krono farmers) and we'll be happily playing on a non-truebox server with less whiny snots complaining about us boxing.

    I honestly hate this saying. I mean, if I am gonna buy a cake, I am gonna eat it. What else is the point of having cake if not to eat it? I mean, who goes out and buys cake and DOES NOT EAT IT?

    Please, tell me, all knowing being... how was this game designed to be played? Please, again, point me into the direction of someone with actual authority on this game or any other MMO, where it clearly and definitively states how the game should be played. You can't. You want me to play the game how YOU want me to play it. Tough luck, buttercup. I will play it how I want to play it. I pay to play it, I violate no actual rules.

    Also, I don't take camps from anyone. I'd love for you to show proof I ever have, too. Pix or it didn't happen. Keep accusing people of doing stuff without proof. That'll make the world believe you!

    Also, no one has ever complained about me being in their group. In fact, I have people actively seeking me to be in their groups because of what I bring to the table. You seem bitter to be having the opposite response from groups. Sad.

    P99 does not allow any boxing, not even true boxing. I welcome you to join their community at any time, yourself.
  14. Febb Augur

    It's called Truebox because they allow boxing on the server using one computer per account. It's not called No boxing server. So your stance Smellybuttface on boxers doesn't make any sense when you play on a server that allows boxing.
  15. Arkonik New Member

    Here is the thing that every boxer is posting and not really reading.

    The post was when will DBG make a server where true box is off so everyone can box. The poster is apparently a boxer them selves and really doesn't have a issue boxing them selves all but one point.

    People are cutting corners and boxing x amount of accounts on a few pc's example 6 accounts per pc.
    This is a unfair act that DBG will not police. So what do we do? We have to complain about it.

    Or do we all start VMing x Amount of accounts and let it get so bad they start banning everyone. Cause this is where it's going. I my self have been setting on a bench about using X software to bypass it. I want to follow the rules but if a lot of people can do it then why not me?

    I don't care how you look at it, I've walked on many TLP servers only to run into 6+ boxing and witnessing being used by a good bit of them. How do I know there using it? Well in 2000 I was a GM on Tarrew Marr who policed this. In 2007 I retired as a GM. After so I played other mmos but when I came back I used my self cause I was no longer a police for SOE. So yes I know what is I know how it works and how to set up my bot macros. So yes when I see a guy using it I do know what there using from my own personal exp with that program and a few others back in the day.

    These TLP servers even mangler are flooded with x software helping a lot of boxers not all of them cause I've grouped with some doing it the fair way. So people who box don't get your pannies in a wad because someone is talking about boxers if you are boxing lagit then it's not about you!!! It's about those killing the TLP servers.

    Just for your info back when SOE ran it the only time we warned and did bans for people using and few other software was when they where interrupting others game play with it.

    Yes is said not to support TLP servers but most hack programs use the same systems and do support it but I will not list them for you'll.

    So lagit boxers most of all these post screaming about boxing are not about you it's about the cheaters using x software to bypass the system and also cheat.
  16. Elyani Augur

    Yes, and no. Some people legitimately just hate boxers, period. It doesn't matter if they are using a program or not. It doesn't matter if they are nice or not. It doesn't matter if they are boxing 2 or 20. Some people hate them. Take a look at the dude I was responding to. He said absolutely nothing about using illegal programs. Just a guy boxing 2 characters that he hated because he was taking up an extra spot in the group. Even went on to complain the guy wasn't very good, which, while not all multiboxers are bad, does sort of point to the fact this guy was not using a program to help him.

    And if you think this is "rare", you haven't been reading these forums. Half the people that hate all boxers believe ALL boxers are using software of some kind (VM, Keystrokes, TheProgramThatShallNotBeNamed, etc.) And the other half just straight HATE people boxing.

    Honestly, I think all the people that complain the most about the boxers must have gone to Mangler. Because while I received a lot of crap on Agnarr about being a boxer (hate tells, being trained, threatened to be reported lolz good luck) on a daily basis, on Selo I've not received any. I have seen a couple of people complain in general chat early on, but have never personally been insulted or attacked by an anti-box person. But, the funnier thing is, Mangler also seems to have a higher population of Krono farmers than Selo does. But, there are a LOT of boxers on Selo.

    So anyone with any sort of common sense would start to realize that it's not that boxers are an issue (unless you have some crazy Box Derangement Syndrome), but it's the krono farmers, who are more likely to use programs in order to maintain their online presence to farm kronos endlessly. Yet, all boxers, across these forums, get lumped into this group of evil beings. Nah, they aren't just hating on people using VM or [X] programs.

    Also, if you want to use VMWare or some other program to aid you, that's on you. I wouldn't recommend it. The only person that can stop you is you and DBG. Anyone using a program or a VM, if you get banned, lol... Honestly, are VMs even that good for this game? Granted I don't exactly know how they work, but it seems like they'd be crap. I've had to use Windows Remote Assistant programs before at work, I just picture a VM being sort of similar to this in terms of controlling them... laggy, slow, clunky, and weird. I couldn't imagine loading up a game and trying to control it from another PC using an assistance software and for some reason that is what I picture a VM being like.

    Also, I still have yet to see anyone boxing more than 6 characters lol.
  17. Captain Video Augur

    Using VMWare by itself isn't much different than running three clients in windows and mouse-clicking between them, or three clients full-screen and alt-tabbing between them. It's actually very efficient and very fast, as long as your host PC has plenty of memory for it. What makes VMWare an issue with a game like EQ is how it provides the various hooks for inter-process communication between each client window, i.e. it makes programming the automation scripts the cheaters use a whole lot easier. The precision timing these scripts require simply isn't possible if each client is running on a separate PC and network messages need to be sent between each and every combination of machines to do anything.
  18. BlueberryWerewolf Augur

    Having just launched Mangler a little over a month ago, it's entirely possible they actually don't have current plans for the next TLP or any details about what it would be.
  19. Kurage_of_Luclin Augur

    Is it possible to set up multiple virtual sandbox hard drives on a stout computer and run multiple instances of EQ on the same computer any way?
  20. Machentoo Augur

    Err, this is just not the case.