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Will you guys ever make a Non-Truebox TLP again?

Discussion in 'Time Locked Progression Servers' started by Nebulos, Apr 4, 2019.

  1. HoodenShuklak Augur

    People vastly underestimate the impact that a few 18 man crews can have on their gameplay.
  2. Noctol New Member

    Well 90% of the bad apple boxers are already on Truebox, using 3rd party software and warping. I see so many complaints of these boxers doing stuff interupting gameplay as it is. So what point are you trying to get across that we dont already know of on Truebox servers?
  3. jeskola pheerie

    Something occured to me today..a primary argument the pro-truebox posters have is that this is a MMORPG and we need to play it like one or log off and play a single-player game.

    Then I realized something. That acronym has a lot of letters, including RPG. I don't see a ton of Role-playing going on in EQ these days (yes I know there is a very small amount).

    Anti-boxers, why aren't you role-playing the entire time in game? You are ruining my immersion and the RPG aspect of this MMORPG!
  4. Faydark New Member

    My impression, from reading about past TLPs to current Mangler, is that the boxers causing all the problems on TLPs will more likely be on the True Box server, in order to have the upper hand on farming the lucrative spots. Why would they go to a server where "anyone" can box, causing more competition for them?
    Kahna likes this.
  5. Kahna Augur

    Someone give this man a cookie. :)
  6. jordune Augur

    i took my box crew and left the tlp servers behind over dbg deciding not to make a new box server. i dont farm krono, dont sell items nor have i been so inclined to.
    i happen to know many a boxer that feels the same way and we are all upset over these new servers not even considering us.
    so im on live playing for free till they make a new server. when they make one for us.. i will resub x12.
  7. FalcoXT New Member

    I agree, no reason to play a truebox server when all you have are botters and hackers who constantly plague the boxing community. Also DBG should be ashamed of themselves promoting the use of tons of computers to be able to box. That is such wastefulness of energy,money and puts a damper on our environment or living situation. The ammount of radiation coming from all the computers is absurd.
  8. ** Dragonslayer ** Journeyman

    I highly doubt they will ever reverse that but I guess you can hope :)
  9. FalcoXT New Member

    Well might as well Sunset EQ then, it has become a cesspool
  10. ** Dragonslayer ** Journeyman

    they been saying that's its dead for years another person that can tell the future :) just sayn
  11. Machentoo Augur

    At some point it will end. Nothing lasts forever. And despite the fact that there have been naysayers for 20 years and it has survived for 20 years, the reality is that the company running Everquest has never been on the ropes as severely as right now.

    I'll go out on a limb and say that the end point is not too far into the future. A year or so barring someone else swooping in and purchasing the Everquest IP.
  12. raylone New Member

    ill take that bet, it will still be around after a year now. maybe when pantheon Camelot unchained crowfall release it may finally break but in till then your post is the same in a sea of " soon " eq will be dead.
  13. jeskola pheerie

    They will open transfers before it dies. Once they merge or open free transfers, you can start the speculation. A year is pretty ridiculous barring legal issues.
    Gyurika Godofwar likes this.
  14. Machentoo Augur

    Not when you consider all their layoffs on other titles.
  15. Accipiter Old Timer

    LOL, mkay.
  16. That0neguy Augur

    Seeing how they stated at GDC the other month that the game and revenues have been growing YoY since '14 I find it highly unlikely the end is anywhere near. They also stated the game is highly profitable and have no intention on stopping development while that is the case.
    Gyurika Godofwar and Thunderkiks like this.
  17. jordune Augur

    again for the 900th time
    made a boxable server
    nice long unlocks
    fv ruleset
    no motm
    and we boxers will do our part and make sure its the Most profitable server you have
    Gyurika Godofwar likes this.
  18. likestobox Lorekeeper

    I agree 100%!!! I had a lot of friends that were boxers leave EQ because ragefire an such are getting to expansions that is no longer fun to box, even had a few leave when the rule sets were announced for mangler and selo. I honestly think if you make a longer unlock server that isn't true box and has AOC, it will be the most populated server ever... it would bring alot of people back that would play multiple account...if you even add FV loot rules it would bring in alot of non boxers to.
  19. likestobox Lorekeeper

    Even forgot to mention how many of these true-box addicts are going to leave once WOW classic comes out in june.
  20. Smellybuttface New Member

    Your realization isn’t quite fully realized. People choose a class, and subsequently, a role in order to play EQ. I play a pally, therefore I am playing that role. Role playing taken on its face means playing a role, not necessarily talking like that role, but “playing.”

    Secondly, boxers and their bitter botter brethren have already ruined the live servers, why should we encourage them to do so on TLP? I play on Mangler, and am constantly grouped with people boxing, and turns out they just then play two roles mediocre. It’s bad enough when casters just go afk in groups, but watching as a boxer does it because they’re on the other character is just bad. Not to mention they’re taking the spot in a group that an actual individual could have, or taking camps en masses that 6 individuals could be enjoying.

    I played this game in 99 and boxers were the exception, not the rule. Now it’s taken over. This IS a MMO, and there ARE far better single player games out there. Go to Project 2002 where people box 24 man armies and can do their epic quests solo as well as raid. There are places for you to go box, so go there and do it.