Why not just have a no box and a regular box TLP?

Discussion in 'Time Locked Progression Servers' started by iceyx, Mar 12, 2024.

  1. Zalphos Lorekeeper

    Aradune's early days were rougher than they should have been because the company had already been steering us away from "play nice" for a while. It's their own fault that they had so many players ignoring the rules to begin with, and it was their own decision to stop enforcement. Daybreak could have been fostering an environment of fairness, kindness, and community, but they chose another path. It was neither the reporter nor the cheater that ruined Aradune but the company itself.
  2. Intercept Augur

    idc about people playing 2-6 toons.

    It's when you are playing 12-40 that I strongly doubt that you have 12-40 PC's all playing eq in front of you, these people need to be banned immediately and without a second thought if you wish to keep having actual people play this game because once those players go so do the people playing 12-40 toons as they can no longer make money from it
  3. Bobbybick Only Banned Twice

    I got a suspension warning for being suspected of boxing on Aradune launch day.

    They thought I was boxing 6 halfling druids in Misty Thicket, on stream.

    It's not only that they don't want to enforce it, you are asking people that don't really understand the game to enforce it and that will never go well.

    Lol, if you search "boxing 6 druids" on the EQ Discord it still comes up because it's a complete joke.
    Appren likes this.
  4. Waring_McMarrin Augur

    You can't expect how things get enforced on a free private server to be the same as on the paid official servers. Not sure why people think that the boxing enforcement on a server will suddenly be better then it has been in the past. They can set up all the no box servers they want but it doesn't matter in the end because people will ignore it.
  5. Kahna Augur

    Most of the rules have been hard coded into the game. FTE as an example. Infact FTE is the perfect example. DPG continues to refine the TLPs to make them require LESS hands on enforcement. DZs to stop raiders from squabbling, Picks to keep exp groups from squabbling, FTE reduces CS tickets. Even Mischief's random loot was also geared towards reducing playing conflicts, because it prevented spawn monopolization. Basically every major change they have made to TLPs has made them more automated and less CS heavy. They aren't going backwards. A No Box server would require heavy CS enforcement. WoW has significantly deeper pockets that DPG and can throw money at the problem. P99 can utilize volunteers, both things DPG can't do.

    You also assume people actually want No Boxing. I am doubtful. Most people are just fine with 2-3 boxing. You could point to P99 as an example of people who want no boxing but I would bet a big chunk of their population doesn't really care about boxing, or plays their despite, and not because of, the no boxing rules (and then there is a subsection that boxes despite the rules). It's free, and it is closer to the original in terms of playstyle and appearance than the TLPs. Too many variables to attribute the population to the no boxing rules. Also. the P99 population is not something that DPGs is going to win over. Why would the people who are already enjoying P99 for free pay $15 a month to play a version of the game they don't like? Most of the Pro No Box TLPers are going to play on whatever server they kick out this year anyway so it's not like there is really some great untapped population they are missing out on.

    Only DPG knows what a CS headache Aradune was or wasn't. Only they know if it was worth the effort. Considering we haven't seen it repeated, and they have had ample opportunities, and limited boxing was eventually removed from the only server it was ever on, we can assume it wasn't massively profitable compared to the cost to enforce, even half heartedly. You want to massively increase the enforcement needed. So it will cost more and probably generate the same amount of money.
    Cfuson, Appren, Ddezul and 1 other person like this.
  6. Muramx Augur

    Lol...groups on live servers.... Hahaha that made me day. There are no "groups." It's people boxing and now and then it's a couple friends that have been playing forever boxing a group together. I haven't seen a LFG or LFM on live in at least a decade.
  7. Tsuaruanni Elder

    They're called guilds. Every guild I've been in on Live groups.

    If someone is toxic and no one wants to 1) have them in their guild or 2) group with them despite being guildies...

    That's a them problem.
    Roxas MM, Appren and Yinla like this.
  8. pipo Lorekeeper

    So, we will only have truebox servers because, if there is a nontruebox server, we can't fill the truebox ones (the nontruebox usually have enougth playerbase).
    I have my accounts canceled for a while and they will be untill I have a nontruebox server (a nontruebox not a relaxed one). I know it's a "if you don't do what I want I don't breath" but I won't pay for a server I don't really want and when I hear that there won't be a nontruebox because of the playerbase I'm more sure it's what I have to do.
  9. Kahna Augur

    The one time they did a Truebox and Non-truebox server together the truebox server had probably 3-4 times the population of the boxing server. Rizlona was rough those first few months, Everyone off on their own with their boxes, the economy was basically non-existent because everyone was self sufficient, I played on it as a solo non-boxer for a few weeks just to see what it was like. It is a different playstyle, and not one that should be mixed with the solo/duo crowd. I wouldn't recommend they ever do just a non-truebox server without an accompanying truebox server, and the Truebox will be more populated, you can take that to the bank.
    ExecutionDbl9 likes this.
  10. Yinla Ye Ol' Dragon

    They should not have a rule if they cannot enforce it.

    If they want a truebox server they need to enforce that rule, if they can't is shouldn't have truebox on it.
    Dominate and theonepercent like this.
  11. NuffanTuit Nuffan Tuit on Innoruuk Server

    All true box means is one character per machine....it is not you can not box....it is you have to have a machine for each character.

    people are playing multiple characters on Oakwynd....problem is you can not know for sure are they using multiple PC's or they using a single machine spawning lots of virtual machines to get around the true box mechanism.

    But too many seem to think true box means no boxing and that is just not the case.

    True box should go away because the problem group can get around it...people are going to box on Daybreak Servers it is just a part of reality that is not going to change.
  12. pipo Lorekeeper

    That's exactly what some of us are asking in the forums. One truebox and one nontruebox. What we don't understand is why people want two truebox servers.
  13. NuffanTuit Nuffan Tuit on Innoruuk Server

    I did not attribute anything about population to true box...

    I do not think in 2024 we have enough people for two servers....maybe because Oakwynd will lose a lot of the remaining players a new server due to the economy.

    but I truly think if they do two at once they will both be low population..

    FTR I think TRUE BOX should be a thing of the past, I am okay with relaxed box or just dropping the limitation all together...
  14. Zalphos Lorekeeper

    That sounds right, but then they should make a server targeting a different type of customer from the usual.
    Yinla likes this.
  15. NuffanTuit Nuffan Tuit on Innoruuk Server

    The no box crowd is not near as large as you think....and DBG has no incentive to create a server that does not allow individuals to use multiple accounts....it goes against the goal of make money. And they simply can not enforce a no boxing server...How would you handle a man a wife that play EQ together, is it one person boxing or is it two people at the same IP Address?
  16. Zalphos Lorekeeper

    Daybreak is continually putting more effort into putting in less effort. The game is less friendly with less enforcement. At this point, it's hard to imagine them successfully running a no-box server. However, if P99 can do it for free, Daybreak can do it for money. And they can and have recruited volunteers, though I don't think they need to. It's possible to do a decent level of policing efficiently.

    Also, to most people, boxing is weird, unintuitive, and unfair. The game isn't even built for it. It only looks common and commonly accepted because that's the current state of EQ. Most people would rather have 1 person 1 character (trueperson?), and catering to the majority is generally good business.
  17. theonepercent Augur

    No. Stop thinking you're in the majority.
    Roxas MM, Yinla, Dominate and 2 others like this.
  18. Zalphos Lorekeeper

    If Daybreak wants to make more money, I say they should try to attract a more casual audience, one that is different from the norm.

    Sufficient boxing enforcement is very possible. The important thing is to get the bigger, obvious cases. These require less investigation and have more impact on user experience. CS can worry about the more ambiguous, smaller cases later.
  19. Zalphos Lorekeeper

    The whole world is not like the little bubble JHam and JChan have created.
  20. NuffanTuit Nuffan Tuit on Innoruuk Server

    How do you enforce a no boxing server?