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Why are berserkers so bad now?

Discussion in 'Melee' started by Geran, Sep 30, 2023.

  1. Tolzol Augur

    Nah just want people complaining where i know they are seeing lol. Doesn’t mean i think they will do a damn thing about it. They like losing money constantly.
    TsiawdMS and Ssdar like this.
  2. Geran New Member

    so lets talk about it.. 1 aa introduced.. helped a little bit.. ive not got my hands on a new raid wep just yet BUT ...

    the new aoe for zerkers is CRAP it needs to be adjusted to 10% of OVERALL dmg not just primary hits. it doesnt do anything..

    for a class that can literally only do one thing, cant track, cant heal, etc etc etc etc

    this needs to be adressed, i think the main problem is not enough folks main zerkers to really give a flying fakaroo
  3. FYAD Augur

    And the new AA doesn't even hit your current target, making it useless in single mob situations.

    They should reduce rampage cooldown to 30 seconds instead of 3 minutes.