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Why are berserkers so bad now?

Discussion in 'Melee' started by Geran, Sep 30, 2023.

  1. Shakara Augur

    Class balance cant be addressed because their are too many core systems that are broken. They need to do some major overhauls to stats, AA, and combat pacing before anything meaningful can be done to class balance.
  2. Tolzol Augur

    The very obvious issues can be easily fixed if they put any amount of time/effort into doing so. If your goal is for absolute balance than sure that would take a ton of work but i doubt anyone cares about absolute balance.
    Skuz, Tucoh and Spacemonkey555 like this.
  3. Slasher Augur

    They could make melee competitive easily with a few AA increases.
  4. Tucoh Augur

    You going to alternate personality to necro or mage now? :D
    Tacoheals likes this.
  5. ShadowMan Augur

    Thats the frustrating part. Few tweaks to certain AA lines and a few classes could be doing way better off but they just don't listen. Spells or discs will never change unless its something that started happening 10 years ago like dot revamps that just slowly trickled in. The only hope was and is changes to AA lines to correct class issues.
  6. Geran New Member

    i think a large part of the issue here is , (AND NO OFFENSE HERE) is that the devs incharge of the class lines dont actually understand how to characters are played, either in a group or a RAID.
    it takes literally a week of playing as a vet to relearn most of this stuff, so either darkpaw needs more devs on they class makeup, or its being delayed like this hopefully for the new .. Alternate Persona.. either way wouldnt take much to set polls back up and just listen to the forums cause if a class is broken, or needs the nerf gun you'll hear about it on these forums..
  7. Moege Augur

    Totally agree, I just want to feel that the buttons I press is actually making a difference.

    I will give AP's a chance see if that is viable, if not then I'm on my way out. Love my guild and the people I raid with but not willing to put up with another year of feeling like a waste of space.
    Ssdar likes this.
  8. fransisco Augur

    honestly, I think class balance is only a thing to players. Look at the history of the game, and its obvious that the devs don't give much thought to it at all. They never have
    Skuz likes this.
  9. Forcallen Augur

    Well it looks like dots are seeing 40% growth on beta. 6% from focus, 20% growth in min focus boost and standard base spell power growth. Not seeing weapons making that jump.
  10. Brickhaus Augur

    Spells at this point in Beta are generally paste and copies (if there at all) with random percentage upgrade applied to all. If you are making conclusions based on first day beta spell data, you're probably doing it wrong.
  11. Forcallen Augur

    Everything there now is copy paste like it is every year. Spells are roughly 16% jump for dots and 22% jump for nukes. Weapons seem to be about 8% increase in base damage. However focus effects from gear have made a 20% min and 10% max jump 140%-170%, which they never factor for because this crits for dots its a flat out 20% min increase to dot focus power on top of base spell tuning + focus AA. I have beta'd for 15 years now and never seen focus effects changed from what they are when added.

    IE dots will see a 40% growth.
  12. Moege Augur

    Reading the beta aa notes. If your class is not in a good position it won't be fixed any time soon. Well guess I will wait until persona's actually do something. Quitting time is looming over the horizon.

    Doubt there is anything done on persona's, so far it is just some UI elements. None of the buttons actually does anything. One hour of work would be my guess for the new persona tab
  13. Forcallen Augur

    The AA dev did post there is time scheduled for 2024 for class tuning and non beta improvements but they have had years and said similar stuff in the past. Lots aren't going to want to hear buy this and wait 6 months and we promise for real this time.
  14. Moege Augur

    When pigs fly then I will believe any promises made.

    Solemn promises were made that as soon as NoS was release the class changes will be implemented (march 2023) then it was soon and then silence. Its going to be the same story once again.

    I bought the stupid expansion and will see the raids, so that will be March before I make a final decision.
  15. Skuz I am become Wrath, the Destroyer of Worlds.

    A lot of player loyalty is already being burned at the stake by Darkpaw by continuing to stagnate classes and not develop them, I think I will like the AP feature a lot but they can't keep giving classes no development & thinking everyone will continue to put up with copy & paste every year forever. I know some of my old EQ friends quit over lack of development for their class already & they probably aren't going to be the only ones throwing the towel in if this continues.
  16. Tolzol Augur

    My advice would be take this conversation to the beta forums tbh. They ain’t reading this thread, they might there.
  17. Riou EQResource

    They have the solution to Class Balance already, you re-roll by using an Alternate Persona
  18. Sancus Augur

    This is definitely the right line of thinking; the cumulative scaling of DoTs (and DDs) remains higher than that of melee. That said, the math is a bit more complex:

    To use Pyre of Va Xakra as an example:

    NoS: 17945 * (100% + 43% + 10% + 10%) * ((120% + 3% + 160% + 6%) / 2) = 42,267

    LS: 20773 * (100% + 49% + 10%) * ((140% + 3% + 170% + 6%) / 2) = 52,681

    52,681 / 42,267 - 1 = 24.6% increase as things currently stand on Beta.

    If you do the same calculation assuming a Luminous Restless Ice upgrade, you get up to a 32% increase. If you again assume a Luminous Restless Ice upgrade but did the same calculation while Hand of Death was running, you'd get a 28% increase in damage (i.e., as you assume more SPA 124 spell modifiers, which haven't been upgraded, the % increase declines).

    They probably should forgo a Luminous Restless Ice upgrade this time around, and stagnating worn foci some may also be prudent. Realistically, though, melee just need significant upgrades.
    TsiawdMS, Ssdar and Zolav like this.
  19. Forcallen Augur

    Always mathing! I forgot that Restless Aug was going away, at least if they don't add replacement once achievements are added.
    Sancus likes this.
  20. Moege Augur

    Optimist. /snigger