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Why are berserkers so bad now?

Discussion in 'Melee' started by Geran, Sep 30, 2023.

  1. Geran New Member

    so ive been playing a zerker for many many many years..
    and each year it seems like berserkers just get worse and worse and worse, they are to the point where the class is virtually useless..
    did someone along the way forget that berserkers ONLY do DPS and literally NOTHING ELSE..
    berserkers have lower damage mitigation than a cloth class and do less dps than a fkin shaman or almost EVERYSINGLE DPS class in existance.

    is this issue ever going to be adressed or should we all just delete our useless berserkers since they'll never be fixed..

    heres one point as well the "Ecliptic disk" does less damage now than dicho did during EoK this doesnt make any sense whatsoever this character needs to be buffed otherwise just remove the class from the game because it serves no purpose i know MANY MANY folks will agree with me on this
  2. Spacemonkey555 Augur

    DPG is hoping they never have to do any class balance ever again, they’re probably still mad they had to look at silk dps recently. Best thing to do is quit, because they ignore forum complaints. They won’t respond to class balance until expansion sales and subs really plummet, and they’ll probably take that as a sign they need to rush EQ3.

    But really, nothing will change, because all us old people have more money than sense and will keep paying for broken trash.
  3. Windance Augur

    Berserkers are the new Monk! You've only had two or three years of neglect. Get back to me when its 10+
  4. Skuz I am become Wrath, the Destroyer of Worlds.

    As someone else pointed out, EverQuest does not have "Flavour of the Month" Classes as class development in other games is still a thing, EverQuest has "Flavour of the past several years" classes.

    Like early on it was "CasterQuest", Omens of War heralded "MeleeQuest" and we had "NecromancerQuest" and now we have ""CasterQuest 2.0" though Wizards are still sucky.

    On TLP we have "MonkQuest" from Classic to TSS and then "NecromancerQuest" kicks in.

    Of course the fact Berserkers were "balanced" for years inclusive of an apparently broken Dichotomic-line ability which got fixed without any further rebalancing plus the recent move into "CasterQuest 2.0" meant they went from okay to a waste of a raid slot in NoS.

    Also bear in mind that Berserkers capped out Crit a few years back but the other classes have continued to see increases, so they've stagnated more than any other melee capable class for the past few years.
    minimind and bbanz like this.
  5. Spacemonkey555 Augur

    To be fair, didn’t the zerker class weapon boost somewhat offset the dichotomic nerf?

    That’s the real 600 lb gorilla here, dicho nerf, class weapon boost, whatever, it’s all irrelevant when the main vessel of dps growth for the class has been capped off for quite a while.
  6. Zolav Augur

    Get used to it, currently we so NO signs of anything else coming down the pike that can help Zerks and/or pure melee dps classes in general. Personally I remain optimistic in one hand but I hold the facts of what I have seen them say and do the last 20 yrs in the other hand.

    Wanna remain relevant to your guild? Roll a caster.
    Skuz likes this.
  7. Geran New Member

    sounds pretty nutty to me that if i want my toon to stay "relevant" i have to switch to an entirely new toon in order to play the game, the issues need to be addressed and fixed. otherwise what are the devs doing? nothing? thats the same as saying you started building a house and suddenly something didnt work so now ya need to dig a hole and restart completely from scratch... its been many many many years since anything was done with zerkers the only time something is done is because some casty complained that they were out dpsing them , WHEN THEY SHOULD BE.. so the zerker gets the nerf bat and tossed in a box in the back of a closet.. FIX THESE ISSUES THIS IS RIDICULOUS
  8. Tucoh Augur

    EQ meta is main switching to effective classes. This has been true for the entire game. It's true of most online games. Playing a class that's been underpowered for years is a skill issue.

    Feel free to make balancing recommendations, especially during beta, but if you stick with an underpowered class, just know that you're sending a message to the developers that the class isn't broken enough for you to move.
  9. Spacemonkey555 Augur

    Rerolling to classes and playstyles you aren't interested in to continue to play a video game is kinda like accepting an open marriage to save your marriage. Sure some people couldn't care less what class they're playing, but many do care.
    Ssdar, Termination321, Skuz and 2 others like this.
  10. Tucoh Augur

    It's more like dutifully eating the tuna casserole your old lady has been making for decades and then whining about it.

    You still eat it, why would she stop making it?

    People who play underpowered classes are just Boxer from animal farm, enabling the man to maintain inequality!
  11. Spacemonkey555 Augur

    I wasn't advocating for continuing to play underpowered classes, I was advocating for divorce. If the devs shortchange you, shortchange them back.
  12. Tolzol Augur

    No not at all,

    To the point of the original post, melee as a whole are bad due to terrible handling of class development. Let’s not make the mistake of thinking some classes are powerful on purpose. Those situations were created solely due to the copy/paste of aa’s/spells/discs every year without any thought put into it. It’s very clear they do not give a damn about class balance or class development in the slightest. I’d say sure make suggestions during beta but they literally do not care what players think in regards to class development and just assume everyone is out to make their class OP. Pretty much anything player facing is poorly handled really. The “we don’t have time for it” excuse is beyond played out at this point. Especially given we are all able to see the amount of money the game pulls in now every time EG7 does their investor meetings. They could easily hire/bring someone back for the sole purpose of class development without putting a dent into their profits. (Hell it would probably increase their profits in the long run.)

    To the point about main changing, it has nothing to do with lack of skill. Many people don’t want to put that much time into main changing when you’ve spent years getting all the bells and whistles on a class. I’ve been a zerker since GoD for example, I hate the fact I’m actually about to be main changing. If i didn’t enjoy the people I raid with and wasn’t part of guild leadership I’d 100% just quit and not even entertain main changing. The only silver lining to it is once I do main change I’ll actually be able to solo effectively outside of raids so I can drop the rest of my accounts lol.
    Ssdar, Skuz, Marton and 6 others like this.
  13. Geran New Member

    i find it hilarious that you keep mentioning its a SKILL ISSUE

    well i helped create the SAME GUIDE thats been used for the last 5 years for berserkers, i also was top 3 zerks in the ENTIRE GAME so im really confused about this so called "skill issue"

    the class is broken it would take a few simple adjustments to bring it back. i cant name another class that has taken a hit as hard as a berserker.. every other class has at least one other thing it can do besides dps or heal, or both for that matter. i should have to reroll to a new toon because developers dont have "time" to fix the class or listen to players who have spent countless hours, and thousands upon thousands of dollars on the game

    im sure this forum isnt going to change anything but i guess thats just a sign of what to expect with the rest of eq moving forward, may even be better to just start a public of eq and a go fund me and just take it over.
  14. Tolzol Augur

    That’s interesting, i don’t remember ever getting help with the berserker guides.
    Ssdar, Tacoheals, Skuz and 2 others like this.
  15. Findictive Augur

    Bro you're not even top 3 on Magelo. Know your place!
    Belexes, Zolav and Tolzol like this.
  16. Belexes ForumQuester

    What I want to know is what Tolzol is changing to!! I see playing with dead things in your future. :D

    Magelo, the measuring stick of ForumQuest. :p
  17. Tucoh Augur

    What main are you changing to? If it's mage there's a lot of good resources out there on how to blindly spam the one or two buttons you need to press to get 95% of the way to skillcapped play.
    code-zero likes this.
  18. Zolav Augur

    He isn't changing, he's trolling!
    Belexes likes this.
  19. Belexes ForumQuester

    Oh, he has a resource...with colored Excel spreadsheets as a backup. :D :p
  20. Tolzol Augur

    No class is getting to 95% of the skill cap blindly mash one or two buttons lol. With that said I have not decided what I’m changing to yet it’s a toss up between a few classes I’m working on atm and need to mess with them once they are ready raid to see which i like better.