What's the current highest level on Phinny?

Discussion in 'Time Locked Progression Servers' started by AlmarsGuides, Dec 10, 2015.

  1. Frenzic Augur

    He doesn't box 70 to my knowledge. I'm the only one that does that.
    Steampunk likes this.
  2. DreamTheory Lorekeeper

    Now that we're about 40 hours in I'm interested to see where the top /who all is (unless some of the anons want to chime in which would be great) most of those who haven't slept have a perms group with good composition so they are getting the most of what is possible.

    Interested in this thread because it is helping me decide what to do. 40 hours of hardcore leveling is similar to 60-80 hours of casual player leveling considering LFG.

    If anyone is personally reporting please mention it using exp potion
  3. Moranis Augur

    Last night the highest I saw was 27...i'm sure there are higher levels anon.
  4. AlmarsGuides Augur

    54 is the most I have ever done since that's the maximum raid size for all later X-pacs.

    I have honestly used twitch once in like 07 I tried out streaming and hated it. They've redesigned since then and I don't understand a thing on there. I never understood why people watch other play a game instead of playing it themselves. If I wanted to play, I wouldn't watch someone I'd play.

    This reminds me of a joke people tell of me (one of many anymore). One year during the superbowl I was trying to fit in and asked "What inning is it?" and history was made about my ignorance of football and how all sports work.
    Machen likes this.
  5. Syrup Augur

    'Little brother syndrome' is the only explanation.
    Bignheavy likes this.
  6. Ishkur Elder

    • They're curious about how other people approach the game
    • They want to watch someone better than them so they can learn and improve
    • They're on break at work/school/etc and can't play but can watch someone who is on their phone/tablet
    • They don't have a subscription / haven't bought the game yet and want to see if it's something worth spending money on
    • They appreciate the dedication others have to the game (hardcore playtime, speedrunning, etc), but are unable put in the time to get to that level
    • After watching for one of the above reasons, they like the person they were watching and came back to socialize with them
    Pirlo likes this.
  7. Banai Augur

    I watch streams when I'm at work and can't play
  8. Machen New Member

    My kids would spend all day watching let's play videos on youtube if we let them. They'd rather do that than play the games themselves. I don't get it either.
    kraggnar and Bignheavy like this.
  9. Silvara Elder

    30+ right now. Those stating that there's no way anybody is higher than 30 with how slow leveling is are very incorrect.
    Mwapo likes this.
  10. AlmarsGuides Augur

    4 I get and have done before on youtube. 5 I get and have done before on youtube. The rest i don't.

    Though admittedly I can't learn from watching others, I learn through trial and error, asking questions and researching things myself usually text based information as video guides I always find sloppy (which is why I stopped making them years ago).

    Twitch is so big for a reason, I am most definitely the minority in this.
  11. DreamTheory Lorekeeper

    Anyone able to do a /who all and let me know to appease while at work?
  12. Tinytinker Augur

    From time to time I'll watch streams if I'm curious about a new game or the streamer's really skilled...but those instances tend to be few and far between. Usually I find myself watching a raid standing around to form up or someone leaving their stream running while they afk for respawns...so it's not really fun or worth it to me.
  13. Sagnid Augur

    29 on who all.
  14. Silvara Elder

    If you think /who all is representative of the highest level, I have a bridge to sell you.
    Banai and Silv like this.
  15. Banai Augur

    There are 2 36s I saw in Frenzic's stream. So prolly closer to 40 by now. Must be nice to not have a job
    Friday likes this.
  16. Lemuelbaruch Elder

    or a life at all for that matter.
    Banai likes this.
  17. baakss Journeyman

    RMT'ing Kronos isn't a job?
    Friday, Pirlo and Banai like this.
  18. Rhodz Augur

  19. Banai Augur

    Pretty much my feelings about your constant crying over the xp as well. Least we share that
  20. MBear Augur

    How many hours to 50 on RF and LJ?
    Curious how this compares as we are just now crossing 48 hours.