what vote won?

Discussion in 'Time Locked Progression Servers' started by toxist, Jun 29, 2015.

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  1. Vaclav Augur

    Indeed - but just saying "It's not a vote" isn't a way to calm people down. Saying "Woah guys, the real vote comes after this to determine unlock - no matter the results we can still vote this down later potentially" is far more clear and accurate.

    You didn't see NASA saying "Hey, the rocket didn't blow up!" yesterday after all. You had them immediately being clear and accurate about why it wasn't that big of a deal rather than denying it being anything.

    I'm retired with a wife and no kids (by choice) and I spend on average around an hour a day across all my forums, generally while sitting in bed while she's watching her shows or mid-gaming while she goes to the bathroom or otherwise forcing a break for a few minutes. Very little is convenient to both of those large time sinks. (Or I guess when she's getting made-up as she's doing ATM)

    Nor do I "argue with everyone" - unless you mean trying to deflate hyperbole and other inaccuracies as "arguing" - heck a few people I "argue with" I'm actually RL or in-game/x-server friends with. (I've gained over a dozen friends from here to date - at least two opposing viewpoint folks I'm now regularly having fun chats with in game)

    I come across as aggressive for some reason because of my attempts to make clear responses that cover all points - but trust me, I'm not aggressive - I just try to be clear and accurate. I could honestly care less 90% of the time (closer to 99.9% of the time recently since Lockjaw is in a pretty good place that increased spawn speed should rectify the last of our stress) the results don't matter to me, just that people are keeping their opinions formed based upon fact and not gut feeling.

    [If I went for gut feeling over my brain - I'd be on a completely different page - I prefer stuff to be authentic from a non-intellectual standpoint - but tweaks make more sense from a commercial/larger playerbase standpoint]
  2. Indigo Augur

    6:22 pm in Europe, 1:22 pm est, and 10:22 am in California, and no word on the poll. These guys must be on a 3 day work week. Not impressed.
    Xanadas likes this.
  3. Tintaglia Augur

    Honestly I only came back because I was not aware of how things would turn out - the same old EQ, just a new car smell. I had left EQ for good. Still, I am paid up through the end of the year, I may as well make something of it. Maybe things will change for the better by then. Either way, in regards to this POLL and the upcoming VOTE, I responded to the poll as three months. Yeah I originally wanted six, but Kunark opens up a lot of zones i am very comfortable with, since they were zones I learned to play in back in 2001. I will not be all heartbroken if the poll comes back with differing results. I will accept it and move on, and when the time to VOTE for unlock comes, I will decide accordingly.
    Rhiyannon and Fallfyres like this.
  4. Tintaglia Augur

    It's a holiday week. Though that shouldn't be starting til 5pm Pacific Thursday...
    Fallfyres likes this.
  5. Indigo Augur

    Just realized that, they are all probably on vacation. Good grief...
    Sinzz likes this.
  6. Fallfyres Augur


    1. Watch Twitter feed for the update.
    2. We will be lucky if they address before the patch Wednesday.
  7. gander Augur

    This is one sad operation. They don't even respect us enough to post the results. :mad:
  8. Tarrin Augur

    The word "poll" is a lot fewer words than "Woah guys, the real vote comes after this to determine unlock - no matter the results we can still vote this down later potentially".

    The word "vote" also is strongly associated with unlocking an expansion on the TLP server.

    I am not sure your analogy is accurate. Its like if there was a word that could mean "blow up" but was more strongly associated with "shot down by terrorists", so they decided to use the word that was not already strongly associated with another meaning.
    Protocol likes this.
  9. Tarrin Augur

    I hope they never post the results. Just for you. Cause if we don't have the voting results IMMEDIATELY, therefor they are never releasing them. Ever.
  10. nipper Lorekeeper

    A DBG fanboy. Congrats.
  11. Tintaglia Augur

    I don't recall anyone saying they would be announcing the POLL results as soon as they got into the office today. I too am anxious to know, but let's give them a chance to gather the data and review the results.
  12. nipper Lorekeeper

    It's almost lunch time in California, they've had time.
  13. Steampunk Augur

    Not a bad idea, depending on the composition of the half that remains.
  14. Vaclav Augur

    I understand the associations - but much like many cases - being terse in this case only lends either an air of inaccuracy (since "it's not a vote" seems to imply it means nothing to some people or just complete balderdash to be ignored as ludicrous).

    If it's something worth posting on something, it's likely worth a full minute of typing versus the 15 sec version.

    Getting it done, versus doing it right, blah-blah-blah.
    oldkracow likes this.
  15. Xanadas Augur

    I would have said that, but posts like that are considered non-constructive, so I have to masquerade my opinions otherwise...
  16. vardune Augur

    Yes i would love to see those fellas that rush and push leave the server. Bye.
  17. Korillo Augur

    Should I be planning for Kunark or what? DBG I wanna know!!
  18. Tarrin Augur

    So you feel its impossible for 6 months to *not* have the 50% or greater vote?
  19. nipper Lorekeeper

    Not a chance in hell (6 months has 50% of the vote).
  20. Vaclav Augur

    Yep, because a polling site with a clear bias listed previously (and still implied with the "day timer") that only really is necessary for 11 of 14 classes (and many of those less seriously) that becomes useless for max-leveled characters apparently should be taken as carte blanche for accuracy.

    Especially since even his poll WITH those biases came in at under 50% for six months unless you fiddle with the results with rounding 49.63% doesn't hit 50% even.
    Tarrin likes this.
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