VP key ground spawns remind me why I quit this game for half a decade.

Discussion in 'Time Locked Progression Servers' started by Montag, Sep 13, 2017.

  1. OliverQ Elder

    Go back and look at the pictures of the swamp camp. That's not working as intended. 20 people piled into a ball with druids turning into trees and shaman putting their polar bear pets on top of everyone, forcing everyone to use stick figures and autoclickers is a broken process.
    Montag likes this.
  2. Zefirus Journeyman

    5 minute spawn timers on ground spawns. moving along... there is no good reason to force they players to stare at a pixel for days at a time. It is counter to what the game was meant to be... which was fun. We have 5 weeks of Kunark left. There were 44 people stacked last night in swamp.
    Montag likes this.
  3. Uija New Member

    I am with you, that this process isn't the coolest thing to have, but it works, like it did during Kunark. Sure, we have more people around in need of faster progression due to timelocking, but we all new this (or could have) before. Because it is how it was back than, and it was the same on other Progression Servers. It is like ordering a black car and than calling the seller everyday to turn it red on warranty...
  4. Zefirus Journeyman

    Wait, it works? based on what?... if people are spending days on a pixel in a game, its not working... I think you are missing the nostalgia people were looking for on here. It was not to experience what is shown in the picture, it was to experience the game in era such as the dungeons, classes, and zones. Cannot really do that if you are blocked access.

    We are on a 12 week timer with increased experience gain rates. I just don't subscribe to the comparisons between this and other progression servers or classic.
    Jaxarale01 likes this.
  5. Zefirus Journeyman

    Podiatryst likes this.
  6. Barraind Grumpy Old Bastage

    Agnarr was marketed at me and people like me (I would have preferred going through DoN because it gives a much better 'end-game' for raiding AND grouping if you want to time lock something) as a 'Remember when you played this game and it didnt have 150000 aa points to grind, you didnt need to use multiple boxes to keep up with content, and people werent giant asshats because RMT'ing wasnt just heavily frowned on, but got a lot of people banned.

    It then proceeded to be kind of a shithole where you need to run boxes to keep up with the people who are even BIGGER asshats than they are on live, because bannable RMT'ing got replaced by the encouraging whisper of "PLEASE COME TO THIS SERVER AND BUY KRONO. KRONO IS SHINY, USE KRONO TO 'add play time to your account', KROOOOONOOOOOO".

    Raced for, and got world firsts on this content when this content was new. Did VP when VP was new. Were keys a bottleneck to doing VP? Hahaha, no. The bottleneck for doing VP was every single mechanic they 'fixed'. TLP experience isnt even the same game Live was at this point.

    People are playing here because Agnaar was horribly marketed to people it was never actually intended to be for.
    Podiatryst likes this.
  7. Sursha New Member

    Totally agree with this thread, what is the sense of having a 3 month progression server when the content is not accessible. I personally don't plan on going there, but people should be able to experience this content that they are paying for if they choose to do the quest and not experience bottle necks.

    Extremely bad customer experience for paying customers.

    This needs fixed!
  8. OliverQ Elder

    40 people at the swamp ground spawn right now. Autoclicking, under ground warping, etc. It is 10 times worse than it was before the change. If DBGs goal with the patch change was to improve this, they just made it way worse.
  9. Montag Augur

    But it isn't the same person over and over who has become an expert at it. That was my point. I know of a person who got 15 of them to .
  10. OliverQ Elder

    Maybe, but I think a lot of people would rather buy the piece at this point than sit there for 12 days spamming click every 1.5 hours.
  11. Montag Augur

    Can't argue with that.
  12. OliverQ Elder

    Current state of the Swamp of No Hope ground spawn (it's in the middle of that pile) with 30 people all trying to get the piece at the same time:


    Can a Dev please tell me how this is working as intended? Drop it to a 5 minute spawn time ASAP please. This is unhealthy, unfair, and entirely absurd for a 20 year old quest.
  13. jeskola pheerie

    you kind of just proved why the devs are not likely to devote resources to this at the end of your post :(
  14. OliverQ Elder

    They devoted enough resources to end MQing the key pieces.
  15. xakanrn Augur

    I personally have made it clear to my guild i will not be trying for the key simply put i be too busy in 5 weeks with next expansion to bother to do it .I will spent the next 5 weeks working on alt and his epic and in 5 weeks with velious which i love
    However reason to fix this is really for future TLP
  16. OliverQ Elder

    For added fun, someone trust trained Black Ravengers on everyone at the spawn point, then FDed. After everyone was dead, he grabbed the piece.
    Thash likes this.
  17. Seliris New Member

    Makes me so frustrated that theres 5 weeks left of Kunark and so many great people are unable to raid VP in era. Why cant DBG address the problems were facing with this bad design?

    It makes so so thankful for Devs on games like LoL @ riot games that listen to the community and love their game and react quickly when theres a problem affecting thier playerbase.
  18. Zefirus Journeyman

    just keep posting on the issuetracker... Open issues are the devil Bobby.
  19. Progression12345 New Member

    How about someone at Daybreak just make a decision and fix the 96min spawn timer to instant and lets be done of this crap. I am been at the Spawn time over 100hours and you know what, most of the time, I don't even see the bag appear in the world. HOW DOES THIS MAKE ANY SENSE. Lets just go on and make meaningless adjustment and do not really solve the issue.
  20. HoodenShuklak Augur

    Timesink Progression Server