Update Bugs 03/16/16

Discussion in 'Test Update Notes and Bug Roundup' started by JChan, Mar 16, 2016.

  1. Yinla Ye Ol' Dragon

    Auras are not spawning in the new anniversary raid to cure the debuffs.
    Hiladdar likes this.
  2. Havvoc New Member

    I don't know if it's a bug? when i start the launchpad, since 17th, the whole process gets hung up on, creating dmi.eqg, warning:retrying dmi.eqg, time out socket, is there anything i can do or is this happening to anyone else?
  3. Ranonman Elder

  4. Drakang Augur

    The auras do spawn they are just on a different timer so you are frequently getting hit with call the mist dot when no auras are up and auras are frequently up when no call the mist is running.
  5. Angahran Augur

    Don't think it's this patch, but anyone else noticed paste not working anymore ?
  6. Tevik Augur

    Gaaaah, this. Why has this not happened? Why would any event still being pushed out with lockouts in multiples of 24 hours? I thought everyone figured out how bad this was years ago.
  7. Hiladdar Augur

    Prior to this patch, I was averaging 1 LD zoning about every 1-2 days, after this patch, I am up to 5 LD zoning per day.
  8. Angahran Augur

    It appears that the the support and UI for EQ Players did not actually get removed.

    From EQUI_OptionsWindow.xml
        <Button item="OSP_EnableEQPlayersUpdates">
            <Text>Enable EQPlayers Updates</Text>
            <TooltipReference>Determines whether or not EQPlayers is auto updated for your character.</TooltipReference>
    If you remove these parts you will get an error in the uierrors.txt file and get the in game warning about your xml files not being compatible.

    From UIErrors.txt
    [Mon Mar 21 15:48:11 2016] Error: Could not find child OSP_EnableEQPlayersUpdates in window OptionsSharePage
  9. JChan Developer

    Try rebooting your machine and then deleting dmi.eqg and try starting LaunchPad again.
  10. JChan Developer

    Looks like we missed some UI elements. Thanks for the report. It'll get fixed for the April Update.
  11. Havvoc New Member

  12. Havvoc New Member

    So i deleted a few things from the 15th and 16th, and it changed which files can't be created, now the message is creating anniversary.eqg, warning retrying anniversary.eqg
  13. JChan Developer

    That location that it's trying to point to is a very old location. You might want to re-install the latest LaunchPad over your current installation directory. You can get the latest from https://www.everquest.com/register "Download the Game".
  14. Velken New Member

    I got my new nifty set of chain tipsy armor ornamentations, but the overskirt on the legs is missing. If I go to the character select screen, you can see the edges of where it should be, but it doesn't show the full graphic to match what the ornament's icon looks like.
  15. Yinla Ye Ol' Dragon

    2nd Demi Decay raid.

    Gift of Living Death is doing multi damage instead of only once. Cant get healed quick enough. See below for log!

    Needs fixing or adding to blockable buffs. :p

  16. Bashiok Crownguard Augur

    not sure if this is the right place but in the tutorial if you Hail Arias, give weapon to Absor, then say "bless" to Rytan while clicking his windows afterward, it incorrectly credits the Map part of the tutorial as complete without talking to her or completing her task.
  17. Iila Augur


    Your idea isn't exactly what's happening. It's a mechanic, and (probably) not a bug.
  18. Triconix Augur

    You sure you aren't standing in one of the naughty weed things?
  19. Yinla Ye Ol' Dragon

    I'm sure its not the stupid weed things! I can avoid those.
  20. Yinla Ye Ol' Dragon

    Then it is stupid to have an unavoidable mechanic which kills you outright!

    And Gift of Endless life should override it! lol Hate getting both together.

    Crypt raids are a easy compared to this one.