Update Bugs 03/16/16

Discussion in 'Test Update Notes and Bug Roundup' started by JChan, Mar 16, 2016.

  1. Daktarr Lorekeeper

    Changing the show=0 and relogging fixed my issue with options window popping up when zoning. However, I also noticed an update for my custom UI which changed the options window xml file, so I am guessing that it was a UI issue since it has not reoccurred.

  2. Prathun Developer

    The incorrect icon problem should be fixed. In addition, all ornaments should now change the icon of whatever they've transformed - this was a request from last month. I'll look into the achievement issue. Thanks for letting us know.
  3. Sheex Goodnight, Springton. There will be no encores.

    Really? Who requested that? It's pretty subjective of course, but I like being able to inspect someone and roughly see their visibles based on the item's actual icons, and not whatever purely aesthetic thing they've used to cover the item up with.
    Yinla and Sirene_Fippy like this.
  4. Prathun Developer

    The Gifts of Anashti Sul spell is a targeted AE. It won't target the same person twice, but if you're standing next to someone that was targeted by it...
    Iila likes this.
  5. Kaliko Augur

    It makes melee's lives miserable on this event :p
    PrathunEQ likes this.
  6. Warpeace Augur

    Know your friends better if they got cooties don't stand next to them:D
  7. Yinla Ye Ol' Dragon

    That explains a lot!

    Only really notice the extra damage when we are all down stairs bunched up trying to avoid getting roots where we cannot get back upstairs....need to go back to being unsociable and not standing by anyone!

    Any chance of getting emote as to who has the dot, or illusions the dotted players?
  8. Prathun Developer

    We're looking into this. Thanks!
  9. Angahran Augur

    Mosswood Shield of Mourning Ornament still not changing the icon of my Dresovir Shard, Ro's Fiery Defender.
  10. Prathun Developer

    The drag icon override for Mosswood Shield of Mourning Ornament was set to 7269 internally on 3/23. This change will not show up on your server until the next full update.
  11. Benito EQ player since 2001.

    Visage of the Embattled Minotaur and Gnomework Survival Suit (tinkered item) are casting the wrong Illusion Benefit Spell. Minotaur should provide 50 attack (currently provides Haste) and Gnomework Survival Suit should provide 1% damage mitigation (currently provides Polymorph AC buff).
  12. Savager Augur

    I don't think you understood what I was trying to say about the icons. If I insert the golden hero helm into my helm, it changes the icon of the helm into a robe instead of the golden hero helm icon. Inserting feet into a feet item changes the icon to legs, legs turn into hand icon, wrist turns into arm icon, arm turns into bp icon, bp turns into helm icon, hands turns into wrist icon. That may also be the issue with the achievement. Nothing turns into the feet icon so it may think I'm missing a full set. That's just speculation though.
  13. Prathun Developer

    I understood you. :) The data in the DRAG_ICON_OVERRIDE field for the Golden Hero ornament items was incorrect. The icons were shifted/shuffled around so that they were not the same as the icon on the items. This was fixed. In addition, all ornaments now apply the icon of their respective item to the item they're transforming.
    Gyurika Godofwar likes this.
  14. Iila Augur

    Did that fix get pushed?

    Since I've complained about them a lot, I wanted to say thanks for a patch that did not have any class nerfs, and did not break any existing raids. Plus the out of cycle bug/exploit fix patch. More good patches like those, please! :)
    Ssdar and Gyurika Godofwar like this.
  15. Prathun Developer

    Code believes they have a fix in place for this.
    I think this question was in reference to the midnight warnings about the tipsy gnome race that were wrong? A hotfix for that went out this afternoon.
    Iila likes this.