Two Mercs At Once

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by Rumblerum, May 14, 2016.

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  1. Enigma Maitreya Augur

    Well, yes it is a scare tactic, you throw in "probability" with no supporting factual data. That specific concern was addressed by several posters that no it will not increase it nor will it make it any simpler. I have observed this afk camping. I see absolutely no reason to believe they would change their tactics for gaining plat.

    No you never answer his question directly you rebutted his question. Rebutting a question is not answering it. The tactic of rebutting a question, is part a) I wont answer the question because I am afraid it will damage my agenda b) I can possibly deflect the questioner to some other thing.

    At the end of the day, my assessment is this could have been a useful and constructive debate but ego's and agenda's lead to posturing and throwing out the possibility of understanding the issues.

    As I said, Rumblerum is not providing a compelling reason to change anything. Leaving DB with the view point of why provide what is already provided and assume a risk I do not need to assume (subscription compression). Rumblerum may reply with not doing it will lead to subscription cancellation and I will treat that as scare tactics as well.

    As EQ and UO often love to end things with is, it is always about the rewards vs risk. And in my opinion no one is offering any verifiable case of increasing the rewards while asking DB to increase the risk. So why should they grant this request?
  2. Rumblerum Augur

    Yeah, I know forums can be devisive, where everyone knows everything and people are always right and/or if you don't agree with them you are wrong. Even worse are people passive-aggressively and narcissitically assuming or implying that "I can do this or that easily, something must be wrong with you."

    Give me a break and grow up. We don't care how uber you think you are. We are not interested in that nor does it apply to most of the questions or requests asked here. People are hypocrites of the tenth order.

    But you are right, they aren't answering the question; they are rebutting it.

    Don't get offended that I believe that you didn't answer my question, because no one has.
  3. Rumblerum Augur

    Again, this does not answer the question.

    Thank you, though, for repeating for I shall repeat too.
  4. Kaliko Augur

    I've seen people use botting software long before mercs. And the reason why we are asking for 2 mercs per person is very simple, some people are not maxed xp or have progression finished. Lets say i'm a group geared rogue, I can't find people to help me with Partisans/Mercenary tasks in TBM, having a Tank and Healer merc would make a huge difference instead of attempting to solo these and dying. And realistically all the missions except for Enslaver and Damsel of Decay are more than doable with mercs for the most part.
  5. Dre. Altoholic

    You want us to say yes, but choose to ignore that this answer comes with the condition that they are playing two accounts. It takes effort to do that - effort you don't want to deal with, hence the request.
    Sheex likes this.
  6. Kaliko Augur

    Some people are less fortunate and still play on old computers because sometimes a $600+ gaming computer is out of their range to 6 box.
  7. adetia Monkess Wonder, Ruler of All

    I don't want to have two mercs. I think it would be completely unhealthy for the game. What I would like however, is for my merc to count for campfire requirements! :p
    Sheex and Dre. like this.
  8. Dre. Altoholic

    I was running 8 accounts on an Athlon 64 system I used from 2004-2012. My current rig is a very modest build that's over 4 years old. I've run 8 accounts on it as well.

    Though for the scope of this thread (2 mercs) we're talking much lower requirements. My smartphone probably has enough horsepower to run 2 EQ instances.
  9. Kaliko Augur

    Afk killing with mercs is against the EULA, this has been stated in the rules and throughout many threads for years.
  10. Dre. Altoholic

    Let's not bring specific class shortcomings into this debate. Some do well with just a healer merc. Most don't. The missions aren't tuned according to what can be done with 1 character plus a merc, they're tuned for groups.
  11. strongbus Augur

    We have answered you questions. Its the fact that you don't like the answers. But lets see if I can try and do it again for you.

    Yes the dervs could code it so 1 account could have more then 1 merc out at once. Will they? I would say no way.

    The big question asked was what is the difference between 1 person having say 3 accounts and running round with 3 char and 3 mercs and 1 person having 1 account and being able to run round with 1 char and 3 mecs.

    tech issues aside that it would cause on their end(ya they could code it to work but I would guess it be an nightmare to do and get to working fine all the time).

    Its all bout money. Those of us who box and have the extra mercs pay a extra 15 a month for each account.

    They are not going give something like this away for free or a one time fee.

    The only way this would happen is if they did some sort of new month fees. such as on top of the normal 15 a month you could pay say $5 more a month and have a extra merc out. And that would cause even more issues as after mercs what else would people want them to offer.
  12. Kaliko Augur

    So it seems to be alot of you guys are not even up to date on whats ok and whats not in EQ.
    [EverQuest] AFK or Unattended Gameplay

    April 26, 2016 17:24

    It is not ok for an account to be played unattended or AFK.
    If you need to go away for longer than a few seconds please move your character to an empty part of the zone or log out completely.
    If a character, including any pets or mercs, is found performing actions while the user is away disciplinary action will be taken against the account.
    Disciplinary action for unattended or AFK gameplay can include, but is not limited to; account warning, account suspension, and account termination (ban).
  13. Kaliko Augur

    No one is asking for 2 mercs specifically to do missions, it is very hard to even find people for open zone grinding to progress your character further in AA/Levels......
  14. Sheex Goodnight, Springton. There will be no encores.

    You do realize they updated this rule very recently and almost completely because of BAM Runnyeye afk Mage perma farming on TLP servers, right?
  15. Kaliko Augur

    That rule has been around for a long time, its just people needed clarification that it included mercs too, you can look at posts way older than TLP and find responses about it too.....
  16. Gortar Augur

    Has a developer answered his question in this thread? Then random rabble answering does not count.
  17. Kaliko Augur

    This was not allowed for years, it wasn't until shortly after the release people started abusing it and they changed the rules.
  18. Dre. Altoholic

    In current content perhaps. But you don't need to go to the latest expansion to get experience. Any class can molo certain older experience-providing mobs. Maybe not the best idea, or even efficient, but you will get there eventually with enough effort. Is there a huge disparity in what can be accomplished given the class and resources of player? Absolutely. But that's not what this thread is about.
  19. Kaliko Augur

    Re: afk kill?

    Postby Wyntyr » Tue Aug 04, 2009 10:46 am
    While I can't point to any post by a Sony dev that specifically states that afk killing is illegal, I can share what happened to a mage in our guild. He was working on his BiC aug and needed faction, parked himself and pet in the appropriate zone and went afk for the evening. By the time he got back he had maxxed the faction needed, he got no XP from the kills, only faction. Not long thereafter he found he couldn't log into his mage account, contacting Sony support showed his account had a 2 week suspension on it. They didn't tell him why specifically the suspension took place but only referenced "violations of the EULA".

    So while this doesn't prove anything one way or the other it sure leans toward afk killing is an exploit argument. Take it for what it's worth and do whatever you want, just be prepared to suffer any consequences.

    Also be aware that players may see you no matter where you set up your afk camp and take matters into their own hands. At worst you'd end up with 1 unrezzable death.
  20. Kaliko Augur

    Have you tried soloing DH HA's as a wizard, rogue , or zerker? They're pretty rough after the boosts.....
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