Twisted Legacy's Raiding Proposal - Rotation

Discussion in 'Time Locked Progression Servers' started by Abracadabra, Jul 24, 2015.

  1. Necro1 Journeyman

    Thing is, they don't have a choice in the matter... The targets are rotated or else
  2. Maltheus Elder

    I'm curious if there was an OFFICIAL DBG POLL put up with two options and they were:

    1 - instance raid content (dbg has to program this)
    2 - forced rotations (the players now have to spend even more time not playing a game, but managing a schedule, politicking between guilds, dealing with breaches)

    Which of these would win? Which of these should win.
    Rhiyannon likes this.
  3. Machen New Member

    It doesn't matter if DBG can't/won't instance raid content.
    Rhiyannon likes this.
  4. Greggorr New Member

    Lol, so basically, you, the guild with a gigantic army of mage bots, who can out dps any guild, are scrambling to keep your advantage knowing full well this rotation would net you twice the loot of any other guild. How about this? Just form a regular rotation... No need to complicate it. If there are five guilds, rotation goes A, B, C, D, E, A, B, C, D, E and so on. If a guild wipes without outside interference (i.e. training), it goes to next guild in rotation. Plain, simple, and most of all... Fair. Just think, if it weren't for your guild's previous selfishness, this wouldn't have to happen! Now count your losses, quit crying that the GMs are being meanyheads and stop trying to manipulate things into an unfair advantage for yourselves.
  5. EQ1999 Elder

    Is it unfair because you can't kill the gatekeeper mob with 1-2 hours of prep time?
    Is it unfair that TL can do it with <6 mages in a raid?
    Is it unfair because the top 3 guilds would have the exact same amount of raid target attempts?
    Is it unfair because you don't get to leave the raid target up for 6 hours and wait for everyone to finish dinner then come kill the target?

    There is literally nothing unfair about that rotation.
    Blame DBG for your inability to kill newly buffed raid targets.
    Blame your guild for being casual.

    Or, stop talking about things you have no clue about (killing contested raid targets with mage armies? you clearly haven't been anywhere near a raid target on Ragefire while it has died)
    Or, play the game and enjoy it for what it is. Classic content is competitive and contested.

    24 hour prep windows for mobs with 24 hour spawn timers makes 0 sense.
  6. Qulas Augur

    Historically to get on a rotation you have to kill the target on a free for all day. That is why free for all days need to be part of the rotation.

    So based on what historically has been accepted for rotations there's only one other guild with a claim for Vox ( Apok ) besides TL. So them even being willing to concede rotation spots to guilds who have not actually killed the targets yet is a serious concession on their part.

    Wanting a rotation to go A B C D E F will not work out in your favor. Nothing at all would be stopping TL, or any other guild, from splitting into 20 other guilds that are capable of killing these mobs. And now you're looking at 25 guilds on the rotation.

    Expecting equal shares in these kills in unreasonable. Even if the general populous of Ragefire only gets 20% of all targets, that's still 19% more than they are getting now.

    The rotation they have proposed is very similar to the one currently working very well on Lockjaw, except with the added stipulation from letting one guild dominate every ffa kill. The terms they have proposed are actually more favorable than what's on Lockjaw.

    I don't really have a horse in this race, but I still want to see Ragefire get a rotation so it can continue to thrive and grow. However the rotation has to be reasonable for all parties, including TL. And asking for equal shares is not being reasonable.
    EQ1999 likes this.
  7. Bufonidae Elder

    Hmm... option one costs DBG dozens of Dev hours setting up, and testing
    option 2 costs DBG maybe 30 min a month to make sure the kids are staying in line...
    Wonder what they'll do?
  8. Ceffener Augur

    [quote="EQ1999, post: 3297576, member: 419794"
    24 hour prep windows for mobs with 24 hour spawn timers makes 0 sense.[/quote]

    Keeping mechanics that create an unhealthy gaming addiction make 0 sense.

    My God, someone may want to eat dinner at some time during a sock. Next there will be bathroom breaks and showers! People might even ask to go outside.

    The horror....the horror.
    Rhiyannon and Sebbun like this.
  9. Machen New Member

    30 minutes a month, haha. You didn't play competitively on the previous progression servers did you?
    Rhiyannon and Mezrah like this.
  10. Aekold Augur

    So play a different game with different mechanics. Play on a Live server with instanced content. How these mobs spawn isn't up for debate here. There are options if you don't like the open world/contested content that Classic -> Ele planes provide, to claim that the system isn't right or that you didn't know what you were signing up for is on you.

    The rotation on Fippy required you to be at the target, in force, within 30 minutes of the window opening. The mob became FFA if you wiped. Read that again, please. The gm enforced rotation on the last round of TLP forced you to sock your target and gave you no window for a wipe and recovery. Please don't make this proposal out to be unfair or punitive, because its really not.
  11. Ceffener Augur

    Best advice ever. Once most the player base has done it then you are competing one.
    Rhiyannon and Sebbun like this.
  12. Maltheus Elder

    I'd think they obviously can. It's gotta be easier to make a mob that spawns an instance than to load balance zones and all of the mechanics that go along with that.

    It's just a shame because the rotation solution puts the time sink onto players who are paying to play a game rather than those who are getting paid to make a game.
    Rhiyannon and Sebbun like this.
  13. Sebbun Augur

    Except it is up for debate. You do realize they already changed the spawn times.

    Please grow up.
    Rhiyannon likes this.
  14. Ceffener Augur

    They can. They have stated they can. 100% can instance raids.

    They won't (probably ever), but they can.
    Rhiyannon likes this.
  15. Machen New Member

    You must know something the EQ Devs don't, then. They've said repeatedly that it is much more time consuming to do instances with lockout timers than what they've done with pickzone.
  16. EQ1999 Elder

    You think we're competing with you now?
  17. Aekold Augur

    Make a thread requesting changed spawn timers or a reversion to the old spawn timers. This is not a debate about when/how mobs spawn.
  18. Sebbun Augur

    Which is why this thread exists.

    Just bouncing off another comment which was wrong. Point taken about staying on topic.
  19. Bufonidae Elder

    Nope, DBG wasn't involved with EQ then either... they obviously aren't following the same playbook SOE did.
  20. Machen New Member

    You do realize it is the same company with the same people, right?