This is annoying

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by Xirtket, Jan 29, 2014.

  1. Koneko Augur

    I might have I figured it would be a toggle for them being click through I am not in a guild and so not sure how banners work these days
  2. Eaiana Augur


    Sinestra likes this.
  3. Rainbowdash Augur

    Dzarn! While you're at it, can you make it so that if a campfire is placed in a location that cannot be campfired to (The Deep, Solteris, etc) attempting to do so, and failing obviously lol, doesn't trigger the 15 minute cooldown?

    I'll love you 5ever.
    Sinestra likes this.
  4. Zakor Elder

    Stupid people need to be removed from game.
  5. Dandin Augur

    My work here is done
    *shadowsteps out*
  6. Ratbo Peep Augur

    Hats off to Dzarn for the quick fix! Woot!
    Am I the only one who noticed that our poor Dev staff is on such a tight budget, that a person need to use his lunch break to implement a "quick fix" to an ongoing annoyance?
    Cod forbid the Coders get even one day a month for "discretionary fixes" for stupid little stuff like this. I mean, given our way, we could likely ruin this man's lunch for the next 2 years, and still have a list of little stuff pending. :)
    I agree - placing a campfire on top of an NPC is just plain greifing.
    We don't need "people like that" playing without some "corrections".
  7. Naugrin Augur

    Cod forbid nothing, they are omnipotent and uncaring fish-lords.
  8. Angahran Augur

    I still think anyone placing a campfire ON an NPC should get a death touch along with a message along the lines of "Oi! stop trying to set me on fire!"
    Sinestra likes this.
  9. Khat_Nip Meow

    With Dzarn's change in the Find window we'll at least be able to know who the immature people that do this are.
  10. Silv Augur

    It's just as bad as the people who AFK on top of the popular Bankers in lobby/PoK/Bazaar. :mad:

    Great change. Glad Dzarn decided to sweep through the forums!
    Sinestra likes this.
  11. Petts Elder

    Especially on mounts ... personally i think when you access the banker ... you are dismounted automatically. Some people are just so inconsiderate ... like the people that do tradeskills inside the Dogle Pitt building on mounts ... at least shrink!
    Sinestra likes this.