This is annoying

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by Xirtket, Jan 29, 2014.

  1. Gladare Augur

    It's not really an effort or workaround thing for me. That's how I always target.
  2. Sinestra Augur

    Nope, doesn't take that much more time. Certainly less time than it takes to take three steps towards an NPC though. There is no defense for griefing and it is griefing. Is it worth getting rid of campfires? No one thinks they would do that. Changing the look would certainly hurt no one, and changing it to be able to hide them would hurt no one. Not sure why not allowing this to happen is even something someone would think to defend.
  3. Xirtket Augur

    No matter how you look at it, it's unnecessary, nobody needs to put a campfire right on an npc, or within say 10' of it either, not only does it cause targeting issues, it causes graphical lag. Bottom line is that they are annoying in their current state.

    There should be an option to toggle campfires on and off, just like there's options on the display tab for particles and that has tabs to display what you want.

    Why can't there be a tab for campfires:
    Near clip:
    on for:

    Just like the other options we have...
    Sinestra likes this.
  4. Blink New Member

    How about a click through option like we have for pets and mercs?
  5. Axxius Augur

    An option? Meaning that there should be an option to click on the campfire, as well as an option to click through it? Who would ever need to click on the campfire, and for what purpose?
  6. Blink New Member

    The purpose of clicking the campfire...I have no idea. Could someday be used for something since it was designed to be targeted and they have yet to put that feature in.
    Making the click through an option keeps that potential benefit for clicking a campfire an open possibility while addressing the current problem of people placing campfire on top of NPCs.

    Edit to add that it also seems a better solution to the problem than having everyone else adjust just because a few people are rude and putting the campfires on the NPCs to begin with.
    Sinestra likes this.
  7. Dzarn Developer

    Reasonable lunchtime project, the following changes should go in with the next full patch:
    Fellowship campfires will be click-through and non-targetable like guild banners currently are.
    Additionally they will be listed in the find window as "Soandso's Fellowship" - "Fellowship Campfire" instead of "" - "FSP-General-NoEffect".
    Brohg, Perplexed, Eaiana and 18 others like this.
  8. Qest T. Silverclaw Augur

    Damn, we need to buy you dinner, and maybe you can get the chat server working? Set up PayPal!
    Perplexed, Sinestra and Fanra like this.
  9. Putrify Elder

    Nice. Thanks!

    Now...can you fix the pathing in Crushbone already! =P <ducks>
  10. Edrick Augur

    I picture Dzarn as a superhero who sweeps into the forum, reads a thread, fixes an annoyance people have had for years, and disappears back into the night. What logo do you have on your cape?
    Sinestra and Fanra like this.
  11. Noirfu Augur

    Maybe next he'll fix it so accidentally hitting "escape" won't close the death pop-up window, resulting in having to wait 5 minutes for it to time-out. :)
  12. Makavien Augur

    You can right click it and set it so you can not esc to close or if that doesnt work you can set it up within the ui not to close on esc
  13. Falos Augur

    Any chance campfire re-use timers could get changed to 5 or 10 minutes and/or made so fellowships can be placed with 2 characters? The 3 character limitation doesn't impact me personally but I suspect it's a big change that would aid a lot of other players.
  14. Falos Augur


    He's the Dark Elf Batman.
  15. Angahran Augur

    I've asked for this a number of times.
    I can't think of a single time where you would need to target a campfire.
    Same with Guild Standards (maybe to pull it up?)

    Also, filter would be great, like the /hidecorpse one.
    Have My Fellowship (show my fellowship campfire only), Groups Fellowship (show campfires for anyone in your group), Guild (show campfires for anyone in guild) and All.
    Sinestra likes this.
  16. Angahran Augur

    Make the NPC attack the idiot for trying to set fire to them!
    I know I wouldn't be happy with someone trying to set fire to my feet.
    Sinestra and Yinla like this.
  17. Xirtket Augur

    Very nice, thank you.

    Could we also possibly get it so that we can toggle them on and off? as in toggle the ability to see others fires?
    Sinestra and Fanra like this.
  18. Koneko Augur

    any way to add a buff to the fire themselves that will be a life timer or something to the /c message ^^
  19. Petts Elder

    Thank you Dzarn for helping resolve this issue!
    Sinestra likes this.
  20. sojuu Augur

    I may have misunderstood this post but if the fires become nontargetable why have the buff to show the timer?