This is annoying

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by Xirtket, Jan 29, 2014.

  1. Xirtket Augur


    Can't we get it so only the people who are in the fellowship can see the fire they lay? I see no reason for everyone else to have to deal with it.

    This happens all the time, and it's gotten pretty damn old. remove campfires from the game and make it a tiny friggin yule log you lay down. Such an annoying graphic.
  2. CaRnon Augur

    haha nice placement of that fire.. think I might start doing that 8) j/k

    Also on some raids guilds use campfires to mark things.. like I like to drop a campfire at the south tunnel entrance on the chapterhouse raid so if/when I get summoned by the named and spun around I can just see the campfire and run towards it without having to look up at my compass.. I also see it to make the area to kite the bad clouds in the DH 1 raid put up 2 and have the folks run back and forth between then so they don't run over the raid or run out of range and warp the cloud back on the raid...

    So yes. they can be an annoyance sometimes... but they can also be used to help folks on raids or such. /shrug

  3. Bigstomp Augur

    Making them only visible to people in the fellowship would cause issues for other people who do want to see other peoples campfires. You can turn off the fire effect and just see the ring.
  4. Dandin Augur

    Just make them not targetable. Problem solved
    Angahran, Draego, Goth and 3 others like this.
  5. Fanra

    The correct fix is to enable you to toggle other's fires on and off. This would allow you to toggle off the fires of other fellowships while being able to toggle them back on for raids and other needs.

    And yes, being able to see other fellowship's fires is very important on some raids and should not be removed. Just put in the toggle please.
  6. Axxius Augur

    I don't think there is a situation where you need to click on the campfire, ever. Why are they clickable with mouse? Even when not placed on top of an NPC (which is clearly a way of griefing other players), looting mobs near a campfire is very annoying as you right-click on the damn thing all the time. They really should not be clickable.
    Sinestra, Fenthen and Draego like this.
  7. Yinla Ye Ol' Dragon

    Put a radius around all NPCs to prevent campfires being places so close to them, there is no need for them to be on top of the NPCs. Though players with brains not to do this would be nicer.
  8. Sinestra Augur

    Better yet, suspend people for three days who place campfires on NPCs.
  9. Xirtket Augur

    It's gotten worse! when does the madness stop!

  10. gcubed Augur

    I like the general thought of this, but why do you want SOE to be so lenient as to suspend them for only three days?
  11. Sinestra Augur

    I should clarify, three days for the first offense, up to and including permanent bans for repeat offenders as it is absolutely griefing.
    gcubed likes this.
  12. Gladare Augur

    Why do you need to be able to click on the npc? I'm sure I'll be attacked so I'll go ahead and add that I box 2 toons so I don't use fellowship fires.
  13. Sinestra Augur

    Well depending on the NPC you may need to click on them, or hail them. Regardless, it is griefing to put the campfires on top of an NPC. There is no excuse for that type of behavior except to bother others. If you can put it on the mob you can put it a few feet from the mob.
  14. Gladare Augur

    What quest step says click on an npc?
  15. Axxius Augur

    Some NPC's want you to turn in items. And even when you only need to target them, forcing people to type /tar NPC is minor griefing. The major form of it is dropping a campfire on a vendor or banker. And the medium form is dropping your campfire in another group's static camp, making looting their kills harder.

    There is no reason why campfires should be clickable. I think it's just an oversight.
  16. Gladare Augur

    I use either cycle nearest or target nearest npc. I do agree campfires shouldn't be targetable, but I don't see how dropping them on an npc does anything detrimental.
  17. Sinestra Augur

    Yes you can cycle through NPCs and guess what? People could also stop placing them on NPCs as they are doing it for no other reason than to bother others. There is no excuse to put a campfire on top of an NPC.
  18. Ammeren Augur

    Look guys, whether you think it's alright or not doesn't matter, that's your opinion, like the people placing the fires think they need them ON the NPC.

    There are ways to take the graphic off for the fires where you just see the ring, as well as you can always just /target <name>. EQ has various abilities and / commands you can do to get around most of the player caused annoyances. ( Most!!)

    I don't get why you're so annoyed by the fire though, does it really take THAT much more time to type out the command to target? Or is it the fact they lag you( assuming they do lag you ) ?

    Campfires are really handy in certain raids, I'd hate to see them get a graphic nerf because a few players didn't want to hassle with a few extra letters typed, all I'm saying.
  19. Sinestra Augur

    Does it really take that much more time to put your campfire a few feet in a different direction? If campfires were to get nerfed, which we know they won't, it would be because people put them in stupid places and then blame others.
  20. Ammeren Augur

    Honestly Sinestra I have no idea why they place the fires where they do, I'm not one of those people. More than likely it's probably someone boxing so wants it as close as possible do avoid extra running /shrug.

    Does it really take that much more time to /tar <name> ? I'm not defending the idiots who place fires in annoying spots, I'm just saying they aren't as big of a deal as you guys are making them out to be =/.