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The amount of botting in this game is out of control.

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by Tunks, May 19, 2017.

  1. MrMajestykx Augur

    asinine is continually bemoaning something that isnt going away or thinking there is going to be mitigation to it. The health of the game is based on its people and just playing the thing instead of whining, your mistake is thinking there is a proposition or that I m even alluding to one.
  2. Apricots Lorekeeper

    Your logic is horribly flawed. It's like saying there's no need to wear seat belts because people will still die in car accidents. There's no reason for police because crime will still occur. Nevermind trying your best to make a functional community, simply bury your head in the sand and "adapt and overcome". I'm "adapting" by pushing back against it. Sorry your myopic world view does not have room for mitigating underhanded practices.
    Aurastrider and svann like this.
  3. MrMajestykx Augur

    you amuse me. thank you, its been a hard week and seriously needed your entertainment and assessment of the world according to you. I believe you still have your head in the sand and need to remove your rose colored glasses, get more cheese for that whine and move on. To believe pushing against it, as you so valiantly believe you are, will go no where in the world of gaming. Perhaps make a sign and head to DC and join the rest of the protesters there, at least there is some real life value there, something which you cannot comprehend in the gaming world. Camp stealing is against the play fair rules too.....you gonna march on against that too?? playing long are you?? does THAT still occur?? but please by all means continue your crusade, I am overjoyed here from the entertainment value its brings.
  4. Bamboompow Augur

    Yup. Time to shut this one down if the best people can come up with are ad hominem responses.

    There are valid complaints concerning many of the things DBG turns a blind eye to in order to maintain their revenue stream. Basically it is a case of "Your silence implies your consent" on the part of DBG in regarding botting and all the other bullcrap players perpetrate.Still, money tends to override EVERYTHING else and that is probably quite true here.

    Still, admonishing members of the player community who are not willing to just turn a blind eye to player practices that are technically wrong as well as ethically questionable doesn't do much for the credibility of your argument, MrMajestkx. Unless you have a vested interest in maintaining the blind eye, that is. Hey, people get it. Most every guild has a botter and they want to keep their AI advantage as opposed to burdening themselves by actually playing. Most botters don't tend to draw attention to themselves though, since botting is still presented in writing to be explicitly a EULA violation.....so maybe you are just a troll?

    Anyway, some people rack up all kinds of achievements with bots and people always give them "grats" in /gu or whatever. Yah, grats on coding something the rest of us have to actually do. I guess that makes people who actually play the chumps now.
    Apricots and Ghubuk like this.
  5. Onwards Apprentice

    Speaking of someone not knowing what they are looking at. The old world hunter achievements recently implemented..
  6. Phrovo1 Augur

    people who slacked doing their Artisan's Prize are camping gods and you use something as pointless as old world hunters as a counter? well played
  7. Onwards Apprentice

    All I know is in my original post old world hunter was what I was thinking..