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The amount of botting in this game is out of control.

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by Tunks, May 19, 2017.

  1. Ghubuk Augur

    Something that crossed my mind, and yes, it's probably really stupid.

    Maybe instead of fightng the stupid amount of em q users, add in a bunch of the features of said unnamed program (then people can box multiple accounts as long as they are at their keyboard manually playing at least one of the toons). Then get rid of free to play altogether so that people have to buy the expansions and subscriptions. Might put the em q people right out of business.

    Like I said, no doubt a really stupid idea.
    VZRetro likes this.
  2. Jetboy Lorekeeper

    How exactly is the black-market via the use of bot hacking software to easily acquire chase-loot NOT killing the game too? This is more than just a question of zone disruption, this supports the development/distribution and use of hacking software plus the whole ugly gaming underworld that's involved. The truth is that if anything in ANY mmorpg etc...comes out with anything of high value to this element, they'll arrive like roaches and take (read $$$) advantage of the situation. The other solution which will perturb many as well is to simply remove chase-loot and keep that level of gear obtainable only via legitimate raids. Pick your poison!
  3. FurySoul Augur

    Doesn't sound like a stupid idea at all. In fact I think its a great idea. To add to the idea, maybe hire the developers of said programs, and form a team specific to adding the features into EQ legitimately. Make a monthly sub requirement to utilize the new improved EQ on top of the normal game sub or ftp model.

    The problem I see immediately, is that there will still be a vocal number of players that are purists. The same people that get mad at the auto combat skills and the advanced loot and the pick zones , etc etc.

    I agree with you, but I would like to point out that simply expanding the market place would curb the 3rd party sales and trades of items, it would not do anything to people that use programs just for game play style. Many people pay for these programs just for the features.

    I think adding both these ideas would go a long way in curbing the underground / black market issues.
  4. gnomeboss Augur

    Put the chase loot in the marketplace. Add "of Shame" to the end of each item. Give it pink particles. It would sell like hot cakes.
    Quiverr likes this.
  5. Smokezz The Bane Crew

    If people wanted pay to win, we'd be playing phone/tablet games. People have always RMT'd items, it's a rather small amount of the game. You add it to the marketplace though? It would grow quickly and the game would suck.
  6. Jumbur Improved Familiar

    Another (maybe controversial) solution could be to simply delete every character involved in cheating, Cheaters would get the hint after awhile, they don't get banned and still have the option of starting over with a fresh character, if they feel like playing EQ the legit way...
    It might cost some resources to track down the cheaters, and maybe cost them a few subs, but the gaming community surely don't need those kind of subs...:cool:
    I think it would be healthy for the game in the long run...:)
    Khat_Nip likes this.
  7. Ghubuk Augur

    A second tier of subs is a bad idea. Most people would be totally against paying even more to play eq at the age it is.
  8. FurySoul Augur

    while i agree, it won't be mandatory to play, just for the features. Users of the programs are already mostly paying for that service anyways, so there is a market for the features. At least in this case EQ wins and everyone gets equal opportunity.
  9. FurySoul Augur

    Can you explain how this extremist belief in favor of strict adherence to rules will result in a net benefit to the company and increase revenue?

    1. I see a high cost in time and resources to monitor as diligently as would be needed.
    2. How do you deal with false positives?
    3. If you remove all rule violators, how much of a population would be left?
    4. How do you encourage banned players to return as legit players?
  10. Jumbur Improved Familiar

    1. Yep, that would be the biggest hurdle with my suggestion, A hard stance against cheating seems to work (somewhat) in other mmo's and the money would have to come from returnees, who were originally fed up with botters(there are probably some). The improved reputation would most likely be in DBGs favour, and in the mmo-world good reputation matters(especially if you want to stay in the market), it is DBG's decision how much it means to them though...
    2. Most of this thread has been about how easy it is to spot a botter, but you are right, they will have to find a way to sort out false positives, sending a tell and keeping an actual conversation with the suspect(before the deletion), would probably reveal if it was a bot or not...
    3. I don't have any statistics to answer that question, but I don't think a large percentage of paying players are cheating, there are the professional RMT-farmers who don't engage in actual gameplay and are only in it to make money, they are probably the majority of the botters. The community won't miss them, since they don't play with the rest of us. My guess is that 80-90% of the playing population would remain after all the cheaters are gone, thats just guess-work though.
    4. I doubt the banned real players(not the RMT botters) only played for the joy of cheating, they probably love EQ as much as the rest of us, and I bet they also love to play EQ without cheating...thats why they got here in the first place...:) and I was not suggesting to ban them, just delete the character that was involved in cheating, they are allowed to start over(TLP-servers are filled with players who loves to start over, starting over is not that bad unless you are really attached to your original character, and if you are, then don't cheat...:p ), only time will tell if they rage-quit forever or give cheat-free EQ a chance with a new character...its called "ever-crack" for a reason...:cool:
  11. FurySoul Augur

    I would like to believe that the percentage of players that may fit the category of "cheating" is a small percentage, but it could be larger than people wish to believe.

    One thing I feel that you should factor in is; the synergistic effect of lost players to the game. ie. if you punish players to the degree that they get banned/delete characters which drives them to quit the game all together, then how many other players will slowly drop off from the lost connections?

    I say this because I personally believe the game being as old as it is, cannot afford to lose players. I believe the priority must only be on blatant rule violators and very disruptive players, not simply because someone doesn't like the way they play (especially in a non-disruptive way). This applies to everything, not only alt-program users, since you can merc afk with adv loot which is a violation.

    All in all, I don't completely disagree with your views, but I would caution in taking such a strong handed approach to rule adherence.
  12. Millianna Augur

    There are more people who don't cheat than do. Most cheaters don't add anything of value to the game, so who cares if they are perma ban
    Bigstomp likes this.
  13. FurySoul Augur

    If what you say is a fact, how come it has not happened? I am 100% positive that EQ can do a ban wave like they have done in the past. But seems like EQ is a bit apprehensive about going to the lengths you want.
  14. Jumbur Improved Familiar

    That works both ways, if you got caught cheating, but all your friends kept playing, wouldn't you consider starting over, just to keep in touch with them? :)

    The worst thing that can happen to an mmo, is getting the reputation of being filled with cheaters, that can break the game down completely, DBG can't afford to just ignore the problem. Luckily it is not too late, EQ is still in an ok shape, it has been better, but its not bad right now(I think EoK helped alot, its a fine expansion).

    A less severe punishment, could be a de-level back to level 1(and loose all their spent AAs, they keep their achievement/quested/progression AAs and items), that way, players who are very attached to their character can still recoup their loss...with some effort. The character keeps the "sentimental value" so to speak. For a rmt botter it wouldn't make a difference at all, but it would make a lot of difference to a true EQ player... :)
  15. Aurastrider Augur

    Lets face it cheating has been around since the dawn of online games and to a lesser extent before hand (insert game genie and in game bugs that people figured out on some very old games). I remember playing diablo back in the day which was fun until everyone was running around with god mode enabled and killing anyone who was not cheating. Factor in 18 years of fine tuning programs to cheat at a game and there is little chance you are even going to slow these people down even if a couple do get caught and banned. Not saying we should not try to remove them and rules should not be enforced but its almost like trying to keep a toilet clean in a Walmart bathroom. You flush one turd down the toilet and someone leaves a floater ten minutes later. We should still flush but they will just keep popping back up.
  16. FurySoul Augur

    I agree it does work both ways. As far as a person that is punished for using a program. That depends on how they use. If said player is using it because they enjoy the features, you have to assume they wont continue playing without the features. Also, you have to assume if the player lost a very old character with hundreds and hundreds of hours logged into that toon, there may be less incentive to start over on an old game. I know personally I would go explore other new games.
    (PS my opinions are based on being a raid player and not a casual group content player)

    DBG should never ignore the problem, the question is how aggressively they should apprehend violators. Also, we should think about whether or not the current reputation is better, worse or somewhere in between compared to times in the past.

    Interesting thought. Overall seems just like a time punishment of regaining levels/AA .... I could get behind this degree of punishment.
  17. Drcoracle Journeyman

    May not be as stupid as you would think. Be interesting to see what the next expansion has in it.
  18. Corwyhn Lionheart Guild Leader, Lions of the Heart

    It would definitely kill botting but in my case I have gotten 4 chase drops since expansion started sold three of them for krono and bought 4 so I would lose out if they started selling chase loot in the marketplace instead of as drops. I almost broke even on them selling ones I didnt want for ones I did.

    Still an interesting discussion. If there was a way to deny drops to bots then a lot of the botting would dry up.

    Or daybreak could just add built in botting tools for EQ for an extra 5 bucks a month and everyone would bot everyone would get all sorts of chase drops and no one would ever have to buy things in the bazaar anymore because everyone would farm their own items.

    Now that would probably kill the game too but the reason botting is profitable is because it is against the game rules so most people don't do it. If everyone did it there would be no money in it for botters.
    FurySoul likes this.
  19. Millianna Augur

    I so believe it. At this point in the game, it's easier and probably cheeper to ignore the issues besides TLP concerns
  20. Corwyhn Lionheart Guild Leader, Lions of the Heart

    Yeah to be fair the botters farming chase loot probably help drive krono sales.
    Aurastrider likes this.