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The amount of botting in this game is out of control.

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by Tunks, May 19, 2017.

  1. Ghubuk Augur

    Probably because they are hoping DBG will do something about it.
  2. Reht The Dude abides...

    You would think they would have learned by now then.......
  3. Bashiok Crownguard Augur

    maybe if they left headshotting swarming and beaming stuff in these people wouldn't have to resort to botting
  4. Chaosflux Augur

    Not quite sure I follow your logic here
  5. dwish Augur

    Botting has always been around, but I have noticed the amount of botters in this expansion has skyrocketed, which I'm sure can only be contributed to current raid gear items dropping from group trash. If they insist on having the best raid gear in the game also drop from group trash, the botters are going to be out in full force, otherwise there is little incentive to bot 24/7.
  6. Kanuvan Elder

    First mistake was playing on a EQ1 live server

    Second mistake was not joining a truebox TLP server like Agnarr in a fresh start where people actually care about the game or else they wouldnt be droping a sub for it

    Friends dont let friends play eq1 live servers
  7. Drcoracle Journeyman

    The only time I have really run into an issue with AFK camping, was just the other day. I was taking one of my free Heroic 85's that is now 105 into Feerott the Dream to do the merc quest. An AFK grp was killing the Crazed mercenaries as soon as they popped. They were set up at each spot they pop except for the place right in front of Investigator Spelner. So was really not a problem though it takes a few more minutes waiting for the pops in front of the investigator. It was fun to watch the efficiency of the unnamed program do it's thing. Got to say one thing for the programmers, it ain't your grandpa's unnamed program. o_O
  8. 22wplkj Lorekeeper

    So long as I don't have to buy things from botters in the Bazaar or in general I guess I can live with it. I wonder what the motivation is for them though. On FV there are some pretty outrageous prices for items that I would never pay. If the day comes where I feel I have to buy items to reasonably progress then there is a problem with game design rather than botters.

    That is also the day my accounts will be cancelled. There were botters in a mmo I used to play but there was never any need to sell Kronos or buy gold. You could gear up very well just doing quests and group/raid finder.
  9. High Voltage Augur

    Proffessionals generate plat to buy krono from players and/or farm items to sell for krono, then sell krono on 3rd party site for RL cash to make EQ pay 'em for "playing" it. While farming, can also level toons to max and sell those, too.
    Casuals use it as a huge QoL improvement - auto AA distribution, auto vendor, auto follow, auto move and alike are nice to have.
  10. gnomeboss Augur

    My heterosexual EverQuest life partner always said you weren't a good boxer until someone accused you of being a botter. #goals
  11. Smokezz The Bane Crew

    Reht, Poppinfresh and Koryu like this.
  12. Wandid Journeyman

    The answer is simple guys.
    Move your characters to zek.
    When you see someone running a bot group kill them. Kill them all and kill them multiple times. They leave. Probably just go back to BB or FV. But, the camp is clear and the botter is gone.
    Easy fix.
  13. FurySoul Augur

    The net result of a decision to firmly adhere to rules would not leave the game in a more healthy situation.

    The same can be said about the opposite end of the spectrum. Complete and strict adherence to rules will leave the game with fewer players, and complete lack of rules will lead to fewer players.

    Be happy with the way things are, or come up with positive solutions to increase net gains for the game. We need more players and the company needs more revenue/resources.
  14. Millianna Augur

    It doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out what group is botting. Most people accidentally train them, and then offer a REVIVE afterwards. Rinse and repeat
  15. Corwyhn Lionheart Guild Leader, Lions of the Heart

    Yeah because you want to be fighting guys using cheat software.
    code-zero likes this.
  16. Jetboy Lorekeeper

    I thought this drama was far worse several years ago. Back when I would get constant robot tells and see General chat spam trying to sell me plat or a character that was obviously made and leveled via a hacking tech. This died out when SOE (at the time it was SOE) added Heroic Characters and Kronos' that were sellable. Both additions stopped this black-market in its tracks. Maybe they'll add chase-loot to the Marketplace...everyone will scream about it, but that'll end botting!
  17. baider Elder

    was doing honed wurmslayer quest yesterday and a botter stole the named that pops after you kill denmother. The botter was a necro and it immediately looted the no drop quest piece. Glad I wasted time killing 50 bears to spawn denmother, killed denmother, chased the guy down only for a botter to kill steal and loot a piece it doesnt even need/can sell.
  18. Coronay Augur

    Who bots a necro wtf
  19. Corwyhn Lionheart Guild Leader, Lions of the Heart

    Interesting idea. Though toons being sold still happens and many other items get sold by botters. Chase loot definitely increases krono sales. Selling chase items in the marketplace would allow some willing to spend the RL cash the opportunity to buy them but it misses an important point. The ones buying kronos are not necessarily the ones buying the chase items. And then there is the blatant pay to play issue that many would object to.

    Interesting idea though that could be played around with. What if Daybreak accepted krono for purchasing chase loot directly from them? Not saying I am in favor of the idea but interesting idea either way. I would worry that such blatant pay to play would be the last straw for many and cause them to stop playing. And if chase loots became too common they lose a lot of their value and become the new basic gear.
  20. Smokezz The Bane Crew

    It would be an interesting way to completely kill the game.
    code-zero likes this.