TDS Off Raid 1 Tita's Ghost

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by Raynrace, Nov 15, 2014.

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  1. Hatsee Augur

    Stop being like this it's petty and annoying. I meant that I want them to drop the lockout on a failure to something like 1 day because if they really do start making a lot of these the potential to fail is huge and the punishment severe.
  2. Kreacher Augur

  3. Fenudir Augur

    I don't know how many guilds have beaten it the way it is but gratz to Final Empire on Povar for beating it tonight pre-fix/nerf/whatever.
  4. Drakang Augur

    Not worth our time (considering 2-3 hours for a win for some) or the loss of XP (know somebody that lost a levels worth) just to say we won. Not going to farm something in this condition.

    Grats to those that put in the work and suffering to post a win. I can wait till its fixed so that it can be done without zerging.

    Xorbb 1 a lot used a similar tactic but you didn't have to. And even if you did through pets and bodies at Xorbb 1 the time and carnage was on a much smaller scale than this monstrosity of a raid.

    Tune down the adds please.
  5. Ravengloome Augur

    Yeh these adds roll through you so fast it is a bit silly.
  6. Naugrin Augur

    Add Phoenix Rises to the win list. We stayed late Sunday and got it done. Expedient Recovery is very helpful lol.
  7. Marshall Maathers Augur

    How long did it take you from engage?
  8. Naugrin Augur

    Not sure but very very long....we had some hiccups lol.
  9. Axxius Augur

    Downed by Triton, 100% legit. No DA/Preinc tanking, no DA kiting, no DA anything. Tanked everything, used all possible discs on the last wave, it finally all worked this week. Hence no need for Expedient or 125 million rezzes. 21 min from start to finish.

    But seriously, when is it going to be tuned down to 'reasonably hard'?
    Fenudir, Naugrin and Kiillz like this.
  10. Axxius Augur

    Waaaaaaait a minute... was ours the first legit win of this event? I always thought ROI did it straight up too. But now I'm being told... :eek:

    Can somebody from ROI confirm that they farm it without the use of DA?
  11. Kiillz Augur

    Dont forget to update the guild page Axx or it didnt happen....just saying
  12. Axxius Augur

    Alrighty then... Looks like we really did it! :)
  13. Shang Augur

  14. Qulas Augur

    I'm going to need to see full logs of the event from 5 different people, as well as a 3 videos, all from different angles of the entire event if you want me to comment on this.
  15. Stonereq Journeyman

    Lol too funny.
  16. Raynrace Augur

    We just won the raid in 19 minutes. Was very intense and still very overtuned imho.

    Legit win! Was very awesome to beat though
  17. Pwnography Augur

    1107 Seconds from my initial engage to death. Thanks to Raynrace for leading us to a 'legit' victory. The raid leaders deserve all the credit for keeping everything tight and organized - couldn't have done it without you buddy. I'm calling you out to make a retraction, though, from your original post. It isn't as impossible as you thought a month ago, now is it!?

    And, congratulations to Triton for doing it first. You guys deserve it.
    FawnTemplar and Elricvonclief like this.
  18. Axxius Augur

    Grats RoV! :cool:

    Who will complete the top 3 for the hardest raid in TDS? ;)
    Silentchaos and Elricvonclief like this.
  19. Kellaer Augur

    It's already been beaten by more than three guilds. Congrats to them.

    If you want to move the goalposts and redefine what a "win" is, please place your trollbait elsewhere.
    Jonah_Hill and Scrible like this.
  20. Pwnography Augur

    I have a hard time believing that RoI hasn't done it legitimately yet. It doesn't feel their style (i.e., we do what no one else can.) Also, ignore the troll. Please, dear lord, do not feed them. I.e., see above.
    FawnTemplar, Shang and Elricvonclief like this.
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