Six Months Seems Like A Long Long Time

Discussion in 'Time Locked Progression Servers' started by Phased Sullon Zek, Jun 1, 2015.

  1. asgaard Augur

    I believe they'll conduct a poll in a few months to see how people feel. They said at the beginning that if it turns out the majority of people want an earlier Kunark release they're open to it. The only way they'll know that is if they take a poll or a vote.
  2. Rhiyannon Augur

    this makes sense, goes for both sides. i personally don't care either way, i will go at my own pace.
  3. Banuvan Augur

    Exactly. We have 6 months. There will always be people who rush to the end. That's fine. That's how they want to play the game. I'd be interested to see what the average level is on the server though. I'm willing to bet it's in the 20's and 30's and not the 40s/50 range.

    Those that rush want to keep rushing. I say if you want to put a vote to it then wait till more than half of the server has hit the level cap. This way they can say the majority have experience all the leveling content at the very least.
  4. Zublak Augur

    I like the 6 month. Even if I'm 50 for 5 months of it. Allows time to completely gear up, get epic parts ready from classic areas, max tradeksills, make money and maybe do some exploring. Bored? Make an alt or two.
  5. Glistarian Augur

    The deal was 6 months. You knew that when you started. If you're rushing, it's your own fault.
    Deadshade, Lejaun, Kaneras and 2 others like this.
  6. Doranur_Aleguzzler Filthy Casualâ„¢

    They are rushing for two reasons - they want the server firsts, and they are mad because they didn't get the result they wanted on the vote, so they are going to do what they can to sabotage it for everybody else.
    Deadshade, Lejaun and Kaneras like this.
  7. Darth Augur

    The deal wasn't 6 months.

    The deal was 6 months AT THE MOST, with a possible early release if that's what the playerbase wanted.

    I see you don't want it early, yet. I doubt they'd release it this early anyway. But, time will tell.
    Indrigoth likes this.
  8. Glistarian Augur

    No, it was not. It was 6 months. You knew that when you started your character. You agreed to it. Deal with it.
    Deadshade, Lejaun and Kravitz like this.
  9. Vaclav Augur

    I'd suggest reading Aristo's FAQ.
    Indrigoth likes this.
  10. Hateseeker Augur

    I'm a lot less interested in Kunark now that we have load balancing (pending raiding though), but it might be more accurate to say they knowingly committed personal time knowing that this was what was decided upon "for now".

    If everyone who voted against the winning vote had decided not to play, it could have been enough of a reduction we'd not even have had to have queuing. Especially considering how many of those votes might have come from Live-not-interested-in-TLP players. And yes, just because I don't think we need to open Kunark early anymore, that's still very much a reasonable theory, even though it can never be proven one way or another.
  11. Vaclav Augur

    Yep, with the improved instancing I'm not even sure I'd vote for early Kunark anymore myself. (and almost 100% I wouldn't if they finish instancing everything)

    But definitely in the cards as a possibility regardless of my own, leaning slower now, desires.
  12. bobjones1208 Augur

    I can only speak for myself but I only have a fraction of the amount of time I used to for EQ. I dedicate maybe 1 hour a day during the weekdays and a couple hours on the weekend.

    Right now I have 2 characters at level 9 and I am loving life. 6 months seems like a reasonable amount of time for me, but I totally understand that a large number of people put a lot more time into the game than I do.

    However, based on the vote it seems like an overwhelming majority of people either don't want to rush or don't have as much time to dedicate to the game. I don't think voting again in 3 months is going to change anything. The only people that will please are the minority of people that didn't win the vote in the first place.

    I have nothing against the botters, neckbearders, or hardcore raiders. Mostly because I used to be one. Unfortunately, I just have too many RL commitments to go back to that type of play style.

    I don't think 100% of the population is ever going to be satisfied because there are so many different play styles on the server. That being said, I think DBG is doing the right thing in regards to the vote. The majority wanted 6 months, so that's what we got. I think the majority (same people that voted) are very happy with the progress and I don't think their feelings are going to change 2-3 months down the road.
  13. Giappo Augur

    I have no idea why people cannot understand why the poll was not legitimate, or they do understand but since the results were what they wanted, they do not want a legitimate poll.

    There are probably thousands playing on these two TLP servers that NEVER had a vote. I didn't. But people on Live that knew they would never play there voted.

    There are a lot of low information voters though at this time. After three months of this vanilla, a vote will pass in a huge margin. PLEASE, have a poll where it counts. On the TLP.

    Aristo or someone said somewhere that this poll may be revisited. I don't know if it was in a tweet or what, but I do remember it. And it should be revisited once the servers are three months old. Then everyone will have a better idea what they are getting into.

    We have two great servers now. But I am telling you now, these servers will suffer significantly if they are forced to stay in vanilla six months. It is insane, it is neglectful, it should be a crime.

    Allow TLP players to vote with the stated level requirement guidelines. Not EVERYONE as they did before.
  14. Weebles Augur

    You may be right that the a revote doesn't change anything. In that case, it shouldn't hurt to have one.

    A lot of people feel that the first vote was handled poorly. If we revote, and the majority of players vote to keep the timeline as planned, well then it will shutup those of us clamoring for an early Kunark release. If early Kunark passes, then it would prove that the original vote was flawed and/or that player sentiments have changed as the rose-colored tint wears off their glasses.

    It seems as if everyone adamantly against a revote is concerned that kunark would pass. If not, there would be no reason to speak out against a revote. If you are truly confident that the vote would not pass, why even worry about it?
    Indrigoth likes this.
  15. Glistarian Augur

    You mean a lot of people didn't like the results.

    More people did like them, obviously.
    Deadshade and Lejaun like this.
  16. Ootax Augur

    More people did like it, but not sure if more people on the TLP liked it. The problem with the vote was not only the wording of it, but also making it available to people who wont even be on the server to begin with. I personally don't care how long it is, as I'll just take a break and come back when I feel the desire but what they probably should of done was open it up then have a vote 2 or so months after opening. That way people who are actually on the TLPs can vote and you get a real idea as to who does/doesn't want what.
    Indrigoth likes this.
  17. Hateseeker Augur

    People screamed to wipe the first iteration of Ragefire over 10 minutes exposure to level 50 buffs being thrown around and ruining the "integrity" of the server, and yet some people think there is no chance that opening the vote to all Live players affected the integrity of the voting process as it relates to who will actually be playing on the TLP servers.

    Future server openings should go with a standardized opening procedure: Open up for a planned 3 months, then vote on unlock speed-related issues at that point, and only for people on the server. Naturally, if there are other issues that must be voted on prior to the server opening, do so, but save that one for 3 months in.
    Indrigoth likes this.
  18. Drezzdin New Member

    I did not vote initial vote;however, I did vote with my wallet when I decided to come back and play on a new "classic" server for 6 months and then further expansions released by the voting population. I am sure I am not a unique story...many of us came back with the understanding we would have time to play on the original release zones for 6 months without feeling like we would have to grind as we did when we were younger and had more time.
    Deadshade likes this.
  19. Weverley Augur

    How many threads on that same subject are we gonna have. I feel we have already said everything we can possibly said on that subject.
    Rhiyannon likes this.
  20. Ootax Augur

    About as many as there are on instancing raid zones and as many as there are on TL, and as many as there are about server transfers to LJ. People will just keep whining and making threads until they get what they want.
    liveitup1216 likes this.