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Selo Truebox

Discussion in 'Time Locked Progression Servers' started by Pappasalt, Jun 19, 2020.

  1. Duality Augur

    You have 2 identical rulesets, and one is primarily catered to high krono movers. Rizlona will pick up over time when the content has room for the community that IT caters to. Boxers generally feed bonus accounts with krono. Krono are on aradune in masses. And don't bother saying there are no 6-boxers on aradune since they are all over the place. If a gm wanted to get rid of the big boxers there they would log on and look at the top few plat zones and find them easily. ....Now back on track, as that point is generally not comprehended by the "boxers are low population" crowd..

    The fact is that the pros of removing true box at a designated point, highly outweigh the cons. The only thing that seems to hold them back is that idea where this is what you signed on to play, that is what you're gonna get until our finances tell us it's time to adjust that. I just hope we get something better than a bump warning response to this matter. I've personally stopped 6+ or so play accounts on selo, as it's not even worth keeping buffer accounts and logging something off to log another on to gear just isnt worth the time lost in transition.
  2. Skuz I am become Wrath, the Destroyer of Worlds.

    While that might be true for a few players it certainly doesn't apply to most.
    Phinigel which has Truebox has a lot of players who started out on Ragefire which had no Truebox, myself amongst them.
    I took a break once Ragefire was well & truly into farm-mode on Velious, skipping Classic to PoP on Phinigel as I intended to roll there as a Berserker.

    You make a fairly large assumption here, wrong for the reason's given above, and at least in Phinigel's case I do not recall anyone asking for Truebox removal until quite some time after Seeds of Destruction was in the rear-view mirror, when the idea was floated I too felt SoD would be a good point at which to remove it due to Mercenaries being available then.

    Why were they available in SoD?
    Well they largely addressed declining populations on many live servers back in the day & assisted in helping players behind the curve catch up more easily.

    As time has gone on I think removing Truebox as early as GoD has merit too to help out Berserkers who have to catch up a lot of levels & AA in a far shorter space of time than any other class before Omens of War unlocks.

    Well we were discussing extending the shelf life of the older TLPs by allowing Truebox to be removed on them so this point you raise here is irrelevant to that conversation.
    Aneuren likes this.
  3. Mercanyin Augur

    I suppose I am in the same boat. All I want to do is travel to every zone, see everything at least once, raid every raid mob once and move on to the next expansion. I did play the game back then, but I was 14 years old and had no clue what I was doing. Preferably I would like to do this from Classic all the way to whatever the most recent content is.
    Skuz likes this.
  4. Pappasalt Augur

    At least we know it's being looked at? lol
    Duality likes this.
  5. Aneuren Tempered Steel

    I would actually suggest that many of us posting here are those that have begged for an AoC regular server for years, and can't just up and leave the people depending on us. We stayed and contributed even when it wasn't what we wanted, it would be nice for Darkpaw to give us a little consideration.

    A few of these threads have popped up since Rizlona launched, and none of them have had a ton of push back. You can never tell with these forums but it really appears that the majority of players that want Truebox, just aren't sticking around to push these servers forward.
    Skuz likes this.
  6. Pappasalt Augur

    I'd be content with something along the lines of truebox being lifted at SoD and going free to play even perhaps around CotF.
    Skuz likes this.
  7. Gorg00 Augur

    I honestly don't care about free to play one way or another, but disabling Truebox around SoD would be a really positive change.
    Skuz likes this.
  8. Skuz I am become Wrath, the Destroyer of Worlds.

    I would love to see AoC added to every server that doesn't currently have it, as a Quality of Life feature, even though that wasn't the original design intent. It is a great feature even for the TLP long past the expansions it was needed for.

    This is a great point. Most of those on a Truebox server know that it has it's place & time but that after a certain point it loses that relevance as populations decline.
  9. Tierdal Augur

    Saw Dev commented on this thread. Got hopeful. Found this.

  10. Pappasalt Augur

    It's like when my dad said he was going to get milk...
  11. Tweakfour17 Augur

    Truebox is handcuffs, but it's needed on early servers where mobs have low hp, low mechanics, the world is small and most loot is tradeable. Deep into the expansions when all the tlp hoppers or exP99ers who only want to play the very early stuff are all gone it would 100% help sustain falling servers. I currently 2 box, but I'd roll another sub if I could just have it an alt-tab away instead of cluttering up the desk with another laptop. Would be really great if a dev would at least pop in a say "no, it's never ever gonna happen" or "yeah, thats something we can trial". As it is we have now 4 truebox servers at the mid-late expacs with varying levels of declining population. Being able to easily fill holes would help guilds hold together longer vs simply folding because they lost 2 of their 3 warriors or w/e. Recruitment doesn't exist once you get deep enough, you can't just spam general that you're looking for people and expect to get them as pretty much every player is a part of a raiding guild and is only leaving if they have an altercation or their guild suddenly becomes unable to clear content.
    Skuz likes this.
  12. Korea numbah3 Elder

    Well, at least we have the pop in part down . Keke
  13. Pappasalt Augur

    Haven't really seen any arguements against turning it off later in a tlp other than there might be a box army here or there?

    Skuz likes this.
  14. Megazen Elder

    I've been leveling some characters on selo, and once you hit 55-60 it's like hitting a brick wall trying to molo to catch up. 55-75ish is what always kills these servers, it's just too much of a slog to try and catch up, especially once that tank mercs become hot garbage. If the tank merc kept it's relative power in a solo situation, at least it wouldn't be such a monstrous pain in the rear to grind. Having every pull be a life or death affair post 60, when you have about 182938298321987398271983 mobs to kill to reach max level gets really tiring.

    There is a reason these servers always hit a death spiral around the same time. The combination of the tank merc turning to crap, and the gulf of levels you have to do to catch up....who wants to do that? If you can at least 2 box, you can make some reasonable progress. It's still way too slow, but at least it's not such a pain.

    Either that, or let us hire and run 2 mercs at a time.
  15. Tweakfour17 Augur

    I'm hopeful we have a better chance of having truebox eventually removed on mature servers vs getting 2 mercs at once haha
  16. Skuz I am become Wrath, the Destroyer of Worlds.

    Yeah there is a definite "hole" in the capability of mercs between 55 & 74, at 75 you can at least get a carry through the SoD questline to access J5 mercs.

    If the devs ever get a chance/time to retune the mercs a bit then addressing that gap between 55-74 should get some serious attention even just bumping the tank merc survival up some between those levels would go a long way to bridging that gap until you can get the J5.

    I am not sure on two mercs - it's an interesting idea though.
  17. Pikollo Augur

    I'll agree with you. I guess "rampant" is sort of to harsh. I think there would be some but not enough to be really annoying I guess. In my orignal EQ stent I knew a lot of people that use 3P but never really met any malicious players with any of it.

    There are a lot of good points in this post as to why they should take Truebox off. Pretty much all of it I agree with. But the problem is the same as always. Either they don't listen to the individual server communities or they don't have the way/resource to make whatever change they ask for so they ignore it.

    I'm also sure there are people who won't comment on a server change until its changed then they will come here and complain.
  18. Redgnome1 Lorekeeper

  19. Tweakfour17 Augur

    You probably aren't wrong, we as a community will complain about anything and everything, however I still strongly feel like it would make sense and be true to the progression to drop truebox at some point decently deep into a server. By PoR you're at year 2 of a TLP, by SoD you're coming up on year 3 (assuming the 2/3 month unlock model most TLPs follow). By this time there has been a number of new TLPs and a huge loss in population
    Skuz likes this.
  20. Thalliius Augur

    plenty of time to roll on aradune and get to level 50... im already kind of bored with 2 level 50 toons, just waiting for our next raid day... there are 2 more months of this, you could spend 1 catching up and the 3rd one raiding to be all set for Kunark release