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Selo Truebox

Discussion in 'Time Locked Progression Servers' started by Pappasalt, Jun 19, 2020.

  1. Dythan Ban Lev in Plane of Fire guy

    I'm against it. Ergo your a liar, and nothing you have posted can be taken seriously.
  2. Pappasalt Augur


    Now can you please explain why so we might get a different viewpoint?
  3. Dythan Ban Lev in Plane of Fire guy

    Sure, I 3 box, using 3 computers. This set up works for me, and the thought of others not doing things like me, is upsettng. Also, I would never of rolled on Phinny if I had known core rulesets would be changed, simply because a minority of whiners are to poor to purchase dirt cheap machines to box.
    jeskola likes this.
  4. Tweakfour17 Augur

    I love the internet. I literally have no idea if this is a serious post or tongue in cheek mocking the people who would say something exactly like this about some other aspect of the game.
    Dythan likes this.
  5. Drampire New Member

    Not sure how wanting to have the option of playing or logging on multiple characters on a single PC relates to us being poor or makes us the whiny minority. I bet if you polled selo and phin it would be an overwhelming result in favor of dropping it. I'd still play on 2 or 3 pc's unless I was boxing more than 9-12. I just find it easier to group certain classes, and yes I've used ISB before and would again in that case. Rulesets have changed in the past when it was financially wise for them to change something, or in the case of the past 4 TLPs when the population spoke out primarily against it. I don't see how strengthening the health of a server that is deep in content should make anyone reason against change.
  6. Pikollo Augur

    The one person opposing is the kid who doesn't like his friends to have better toys lol. I do things this way therefor EVERYONE has to do them my way. You are not allowed to own a shinier hot wheels then me! Basically you left nothing constructive in your argument. The set up works for you and thats cool. But not everyone is like you. And god forbid no one tell this guy that people are already running box armies on truebox without multiple computers!

    First and foremost I'll argue that you are the minority here. Considering you are the ONE person opposing the change. Secondly rules get changed all the time. They are called nerfs. I understand you said "core ruleset" but again changes happen all the time. What do you think will happen when Phini hits live? Calling people names does not support your cause at all. Just because you are super nerd with 3 boxes doesn't mean the rest of us are.

    I have 3 boxes as well. But I would like to see truebox removed. I can run 3 accounts on 3 pc's. But I would prefer to window one of them. I want to play the game like this therefor the rest of you should to!
  7. Pikollo Augur

    Side note. Someone already said they'd activate 4 more accounts if truebox was removed. So in the case it was removed and you quit because of it DPG is still up +1 accounts.
    Rasper Helpdesk and Dythan like this.
  8. Accipiter Old Timer

    Look it up yourself. "Source please" is the weakest form of forum troll.
  9. Pikollo Augur

    So is posting information without a source?

    Brad is also still alive. He's staying with Tupac and Elvis on an island in the Atlantic. I read it from a reliable news source. Don't wanna link it though.
  10. HoodenShuklak Augur

    I also used this excuse in university with consistent success.
  11. Tarvas Redwall of Coirnav, now Drinal

    My desk is too small for another computer monitor :(
  12. Pikollo Augur

    Its because you are to poor to buy a bigger desk. And since you can't buy a bigger desk you obviously can't buy another computer to box on. Ergo you are not allowed to enjoy EQ because you will not be boxing like Dythan does. It's against the rules.
  13. jeskola pheerie

    Ahh, some refreshing honesty around here. I wish a lot of the frequent complainers would take a closer look at their real motives.
    Dythan likes this.
  14. Pappasalt Augur

    Don't lose hope! They'll answer us one day!
  15. HoodenShuklak Augur

    Please stay on topic and attack arguments and posters that don't hit Report like crybabies or they will lock this legitimately useful thread.
    Tarvas likes this.
  16. Tweakfour17 Augur

    If they disabled true box on every TLP post DoN tomorrow, how many more accounts would you sub? I'd roll 1 more right off the bat to have 4, just don't have the desk space for any others at this point.
  17. Scarredevolution New Member

    If they disabled true box i'd be adding in atleast 1 more account maaaaybe 2 accounts extra. 3 to actively play and a 4th to act as a buff account that I PL just to buff anyone that asks for buffs in the lobby :)
  18. Pikollo Augur

    I'd add one as a buff/port account. I can buy heroics for it right? So theres more money.
  19. Drampire New Member

    I think september is when heroics unlock on selo. Let's hope we get an answer before then!
  20. Pappasalt Augur

    You know what would make rof even better??? Removing truebox!