RoS T1 raids [Seal of Charassis]

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by Blitter, Oct 31, 2017.

  1. Xnao Augur

    Dandy Flan is just mad his tash will debuff by "possibly" 8 less MR. That is the difference between RK I and RK III, Your debuff (that you mentioned earlier) does not even hit for max every time. So at most 10% of the time RK III tash is better than RK I.

    You are not even being locked out. You are being delayed. Delayed for as long as your mediocrity dictates.

    This is why you do not get sympathy from the nobles. You could be delayed for as little as a month if you are higher on the scale of mediocrity. Perhaps three if you are lower on the scale. A period of time where your lack of RK III spells means almost nothing.

    The mediocre spells are not good enough for someone who is "happy" with his mediocrity?
  2. Fian Augur

    I have never argued that I should have everything in game. My argument has been that DBC raised the bar for the entry level into current expansion raiding, and the bottom line effect is it will shut out many existing raid guilds. We have reached Queen (and failed countless times) in current expansion. I have not complained that I haven't seen the other raid encounters. I accept that when you are a part of a mid tier guild, you aren't going to see all the raids, at least while that expansion is current.
    Ratbo Peep likes this.
  3. Fian Augur

    Yes, I imagine the elite guilds are loving the idea of more difficult raids. But to be honest, that is what T3 and achievements are for. T1 raids are for the lower guilds. They get some raid gear and spells, and they will spend the entire time trying to break into T2 and T3. They won't be running out of content no matter how long it takes to bring out the next expansion. But unfortunately, DBC has decided to cater ONLY to elite guilds. If you are a lower tier raider, sorry, this expansion is not for you.
    Ratbo Peep likes this.
  4. Fian Augur

    Do you play an enchanter? I am guessing not. I am not talking about my tash line of spells, I am talking about my mez spells. There is a resist check on a mez spell, either the mob resists it, or the mob doesn't. Rank 3 spells are resisted less. The end result is that instead of a multipull going smooth, it goes really bad because of a mez resist. I like to minimize group failures, so it is important for me to get rank 3 spells as soon as possible.

    And as for how long will be the delay? My expectation is my guild will stop raiding after failing to break into RoS for 6 months.
    Ratbo Peep likes this.
  5. Bobsmith Augur

    I would like my Veyron in a red wine color please.
  6. Reval Augur

    Sounds kinda like Fian is one of those people that's putting in a ton of work to make a guild happen. No, being fair, to make this game happen. Maybe things aren't perfect over there, in fact I'm sure they aren't, but this person is probably indicative of a lot of people's situation, because this person basically is taking responsibility for a lot of people's situation. Take a step back and read Fian's posts not like you're concerned that as a high end guild you are losing something. What you would lose by this person's life being a bit easier and this person's game being a bit more fun I don't really see here. But instead of worrying about all of the non factor "we did it so can you" reasons that you've given, try rereading those posts with the attitude that Fian was your friend.

    If I had a challenging time doing something, and I won, then that's great. But the power level between guilds varies. You can keep the challenges for harder players (as illustrated numerous times previously) while not putting as much of a burden on players that aren't at that tier of the game. A new way to look at it is, maybe don't over burden people in what you might call a feeder guild for literally no reason.

    And you know what's amazing here? You can design the game in a way to give the people that want more challenge more challenge, and maybe ease up a bit on the people that are perhaps overly challenged for their current situation in game.

    Imagine that you have a friend in Fian's situation. This guy has said some people take up to a month to do the flagging. I wonder who's helping with these missions that a lot of people can't do solo during that time. There's no reward for helping with a lot of it in terms of in game currency etc. And then the people just use that flagging to move up the ladder anyways. What is this guy's incentive to play? If this keeps up and enough people just join and use Fian because they have to get flagged somehow ON TOP of getting aa'ed and somewhat geared etc... maybe we could at least give the guy enough that the situation remains fun vs "oh sorry pleb your mez failed git gud". Do you see the irony here? I guess it makes sense that you're looking down on guys like this, because that's the only way you can see them when your guild stands on their shoulders. Let me know what top tier guilds are accepting totally unflagged, inexperienced players. Answer: none.

    So when the lower tier fails to live up to these git gud dreams you've burdened them with, and stops playing, then are you going to plead to daybreak to ease up on the requirements? lol.

    I don't know, that paints a picture that I don't see as sustainable. Adding these requirements is probably overburdening a lot of people like Fian that don't have the same resources as most of the people on the other side of this have. And they'll say "oh well just get the resources it takes effort", but Fian sounds like someone who is the effort that makes that happen. Do you see the irony here?

    Let me know: Did you start the game in a guild that was already at the top of the game? How did you get there if you are there? How do you currently expect future players to get there? Who's shoulders do you see them standing on?
  7. Xnao Augur

    So a rank 2 mez spell that can mez up to 113 is not better than a rank 3 that can mez to 108?

    Seems like the 113 would help you more in prior content.

    As to resist mods, have your necros cast their aa scent of decay. It will make up the difference.
  8. Rashod Lorekeeper

    From my prospective the confusion comes from changing the way "expansions" have been for so long now. As a member of what I have learned recently is a group of peasants/low tier/scum of Norrath guild the idea of not having a T1 to raid in the new expansion is going to be a change. For the most part we have recently been about a half expansion behind the hardcore/high tier folks. We would have 3-4 raids of a new expansion worth of content and we would be working on and finishing the last expansion as we go. For reference we are farming Droga, Lc, and Prince and are still trying to down Damsel to finish out TBM. In the past we have needed the first tier raids from new expansions gear/power level increase whether it be levels or AA to finish out the previous expansion by brute force. Not to mention to keep moral up/bring back some members who took a break after doing the same raid for 30 weeks straight.

    We probably have 6-8 people that would fit in with a high tier guild, 10-15 others that could be trained once they were there and 30 others in the raid that would be laughed off the block. We progress slowly and have members that need to see a raid 20 times before it finally clicks. And on top of that have many people with less than desired raid attendance. This typically means we need to do at least twice as many flags as the "high tier" folks do before we can even try the next tier of an expansion.

    I am a little concerned about not having new raids to try and a little confused as to why we think T1 of the new expansion should be harder at 110 than T1 of EOK was at 105. More than likely we will just plow on as we always have, but if we get stuck behind some mechanics we can't seem to master I am afraid it may spell the end or at least the beginning of withering away good members to the "better" guilds knocking us back into the stone age again.
  9. Millianna Augur

    What’s the point of new levels and AAs if I am going to spend my entire time in old expansion? You when purchase a NEW expansion you expect to consume NEW content. If this is going to be the trend, then expect the expansion sales to drop year to year even more than now.
    Yinla likes this.
  10. menown Augur

    Why spend your entire time in old expansion when there will be new group content to do? Or are you the type that only logs in to raid?
  11. Xyroff-cazic. Director of Sarcasm

    What does DBC mean? Didn't you quit the game a few pages ago?
  12. Reval Augur

    Xyroff making a strong case for something. I don't think he realizes what it is though.
  13. Fian Augur

    If I know the mobs I am facing are 108 or less, I am better off with the 108 rank 3 spell. Don't know anything about necro spell, but having to always have a necro in my group in lieu of a rank 3 spell seems like a bad deal.
  14. Fian Augur

    Yes, and I will keep posting until expansion comes out. I love the game, and I hate what DBC did to it with this expansion. So I will continue to vent here so long as I care.
  15. Xnao Augur

    1. What classes are in your group other than necros? That is part of your problem.
    2. Necro does not need to be in group to cast the spell. Ask your best necro to cast it.
    3. Necro in group and rank 3 spell are not mutually exclusive?

    You sir, are another part of your guild's problem.
  16. Fian Augur

    I am not seeing scent of decay in any AA listing. I did find a spell scent of terris, but that is a targeted spell on mobs. This once again shows that you don't understand how enchanter mezzing works. Frankly, it isn't worth educating you.

    As for being a part of the problem, yeah I am sure I have issues, and not as golden as you elite raiders. You stick to your guild, and I will stick to mine. It doesn't change any of the arguments I made in this thread.

    Actually, for fun I think I will educate you.
    Mezz tells raid, "Necro please cast scent of Terris on mob xyz"
    10 seconds go by while necro finds the correct target
    Mob now starts to attack the necro
    Mezz starts to cast a mezz spell on mob xyz
    Mezz tells raid, "Mob xyz is mezzed!"
    Mezz notices the dead necro on the ground.
    Mezz tells raid, "Ok first necro is dead, who is next up for casting scent of Terris?"
    Mezz tells raid, "Oh yeah can a necro follow me around when I run a group later too?"
  17. Ratbo Peep Augur

    Nothing being discussed here presents a "challenge" of any kind to the top tier guilds. They have no dog in this fight - and yet they blather on and on about things that do not impact them in the least bit. Why?
    Zhaunil_AB and Fnyanea like this.
  18. Ratbo Peep Augur

    That whole "handed to you" BS has long been debunked. Red Herring.
    I was referring to group gear passing raid gear @ two expansion back now, as oppose to three.
    But I doubt you even know what group gear is - or have a clue of the running stats - or of the recent changes.
  19. Ratbo Peep Augur

    Red herring.
    NOTHING being discussed here, even closely represents a challenge to the "better half".
  20. Ratbo Peep Augur

    Sounds like CTA - LOL