Pet aggro

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by Bigstomp, Jan 19, 2013.

  1. MrGPAC Augur

    ...first of all, what about the main question asked here? Why should PETS be able to out agro a tank going all out on agro? That concept in and of itself seems odd. If mage nukes generate so much agro that it requires pets to have more agro to keep up...they should just lower the agro on mage nukes. There is no reason that a pet should be significantly better at gaining agro than a well played character. agro seemed to take a HUGE jump up just before the release of RoF. Keeping agro off pets in a variety of instances just got a lot harder shortly before the expansion release.

    I think the biggest issue here is that when a pet takes agro and messes up the raid, it does NOTHING to the pet messes up 53 other people instead. If a monk over agroes and doesn't FD guess who pays the consequences? The monk. If a Mage doesn't deal with their pet agro guess who pays the consequences? Everyone BUT the Mage. I *hate* mechanics where 1 person being a screws up the fun for 50 other people, and this is just another one.

    So yes, when 1 person can make things easier for 53 other people I think that it is on that 1 person to do so...even if it has minimal cost in DPS totals.
    Elricvonclief and Straahdx like this.
  2. Voragath Augur

    Really? Watched my pet all night last night. Water pet never got above 50% of MT aggro except when I combined FBO and VT (frenzied burnout and virulent talon) on him. With one or the other he got to 80, with both he zerged over 100. Hit summon companion only twice the whole time FBO+VT on pet.

    Wonder how it is our MT's have no problem gaining a huge aggro advantage over the pet?
  3. Falos Augur

    One of the minor issues is a shocking amount of mages never turn pet taunt off even in raid settings, makes it look like pets are more insane about agro generation than they truly are..... most notable when some guilds try to summon tank content.
    roguerunner likes this.
  4. Explicit Augur

    It's a funny combination of taunting off a mage pet, then hitting Blast of Anger or something to stay above the pet...then using Projection of Fury and taunting off -that- pet while hitting -another- disc. Not really the most optimal way to go about things since projection is something like a 10 min re-use, but it does work -- if warriors are taunting off each other to stay second on aggro (like they're supposed to) then it never really becomes an issue. We also don't summon tank so I guess that's another reason why it's not a glaring problem

    Keeping aggro off a pet is never a big deal (on raids) unless you're chain-rezzing and throwing bodies at a mob -or- you're bad at timing your disces, in which it's kind of irrelevant since're throwing bodies and your timing is way off

    The majority of what I posted earlier really only pertains to mobs like Lord Vyemm (which I think he is literally the only perma-rooted mob with a knockback), so while accurate it doesn't describe the average raid situation.
    Voragath and Mintalie like this.
  5. Makavien Augur

    We have been summon tanking since perma rooted mobs were created. It helps you avoid a couple rounds and that's it . We also have abilities to position the npcs the biggest arsenal next to a monk .. There is no reason we shouldn't be able to move away from a mob or pull it around when we are tanks and supposed to be the top of the hatelist period. If you think that is ok then why not just root everything we kill so it turns and kills anyone whenever we get pushed back or the mob gets pushed around ?

    Also unbroken attention /projection of fury/ our breastplate clicks are all on 10 min timers.
    All but the first one takes combinations of things to even out build pets other then when the pet owner has deaggro blades and fades /summons the pet whenever it is high.
  6. Retrievil Elder

    Funny thread lol.
    There is nothing wrong with pets or warrior aggro. Pets are just doing quite a bit more dps this expansion, in relation to previous ones. Both from the pet power being boosted, and mage weapons doubling the proc damage.
    Pet owners need to be aware of this and pull the pets off, or they can even use companions relocaton to help position.
  7. Voragath Augur

    Three assumptions are being made here: 1) Summon tanking is a viable strat or the only one 2) Pets should never be most hated 3) Warriors can't overtake a pet's aggro.

    All 3 are false assumptions. Again, just because you can summon tank doesn't mean it's intended or you should. Stop summon tanking and you won't have an issue.
  8. Makavien Augur

    Obviously summon tanking is viable its been around since perma rooted mobs have been created . If the developers were against it they would stop making perma rooted npcs which they haven't .

    Pets should never be the most hated on a raid if you even try to tank with one you should be dted there are 3x as many tanks as there are mages on every raid .

    If its an older raid invite a tank I have to invite a healer ..

    The last one your just throwing out assumptions that I never said .

    If the developers say hey we don't want you to ever try to avoid damage by backing out till a heal lands sure ..

    I am sorry you all get so defensive about things .Instead of trying to pass the blame onto something else ,try coming up with viable ideas to fix the problem. My last reply to this thread.
  9. Danille Augur

    a few folks have their panties in a bunch, as if aggro mechanics were recently modified. Just because players can now see how aggro has worked for years is no reason to recreate the wheel. Just modify the aggro window to include a toggle to ignore pets and everything will be as it was.
    Mintalie likes this.
  10. Falos Augur

    If the existence of the agro window leads to mage pets getting nerfed I honest to god know for a fact (this isnt an opinion) that every mage account that ends up victimized as a result should have their rof purchase refunded (without rof access being removed from their account) cause yeah as others have said this is nothing new its just something "visible" now because of the addition of the agro window.

    Pets should not be touched at all.
  11. Voragath Augur

    This was said about pet tanking as well. But now it's being changed because of misinformation and bad players.
  12. Elricvonclief Augur

    I honestly don't get it. I would have thought that the pet owners reading this thread would understand the problem.

    Noone wants to nerf you or give you grief. Rather, pets can and do cause problems on raids. Removing the problem is what we want.

    So instead of attacking those speaking the truth, why not ask how to remove/eliminate the problems with pets?
  13. Jalany Elder

    speaking the truth would be working with pet classes to come up with solutions instead of posting trying to get pets nerfed and if that doesn't work then coming up with viable ideas that do not result in nerfs. some of these solutions have been posted so the hard work is done for you now, just need to learn to use them.
  14. Explicit Augur


    ^This thread^

    I think we can all agree that Lord Vyemm sucks. Let's move on to more important issues like...what's for dinner?
  15. Voragath Augur

    No, what we can agree on is that this thread, and others like it, built around a mountain of misinformation and bad play has led to imminent changes to the wrong class. Has nothing to do with one mob; not even close.
  16. Mellifleur Augur

  17. Mellifleur Augur

  18. Uxtalzon Augur

    This is how pet aggro and tanks should be:


    HARMONY! And a sweet beat. <3
    Mellifleur likes this.
  19. Falos Augur

    I'm growing to hate the aggro meter, I never use it and all it is doing is griefing mages now.
    Mintalie and Voragath like this.
  20. Kurayami Augur

    Any tanks that can't out agro a pet are either undergeared or needs to take a closer look at their agroing techniques, there is no reason a tank shouldn't be keeping steady agro, at least for an SK. I can't speak for PAL/WAR as I don't play them, but I better not hear about any SKs having this issue, we've had the ability to keep ridiculous amounts of agro ever since we got clinging darkness, lol.