Paladin future needs

Discussion in 'Tanks' started by Redemption, Jul 18, 2018.

  1. Wulfhere Augur

    Without any ADPS buffs, my slays have been capped at the 750k level for a the past couple of expansions, using knight raid 2H weapons (up to and including Chopper). I think paladins should be included in this fix along with rangers, rogues, and berserkers. It appears that paladins have been overlooked.
    Allayna likes this.
  2. Szilent Augur

    It's my understanding that Slay & berserker Decapitate procs are spell damage, and so unaffected by the patch.
  3. Stephen51 Augur

    I'd like to see more group-centric abilities. Sometime ago, about the time epics came our, it was felt the other tanks didn't have enough group abilities, and so they were give some. But at the same time, we became a bit of a one trick pony (heals, maybe cures once in a while), just look at the tank epic effects for an example of that. Existing abilities to get group treatment could be Sanctification, Gift of Marr, shield flash or shield of brilliance (but only if they extended it to all/more spells it would reflect).

    I'd like to see our cleric type buffs rolled into one like Clerics and Shaman - casting our Ashbound Keeper, symbol and re-introducing an AC buff that was dropped some expansions ago. I'd like to see the duration of Ashbound doubled - making it about 2 hours - that would still only be about 40% of the duration of the cleric equivalent.

    I'd still like to see our hand of piety become MGB-able. Would it be game breaking if it was castable every 20 mins (recast of hand of piety is in fact 10 mins, but for it to be MGB is 20 mins. Tranquil blessings can be used but only out of combat.

    I'd like to see some AA's to extend some or all of our discs again. Not necessarily to the duration they were before the nerfs but longer than they are now.

    I like the idea of an updated flash of light- it could be a stun, or it could be a accuracy reducer, or maybe a 1 tick mez?
    Seldom likes this.
  4. Liljit Augur

    Oh....and slay didn't see an increase for RoS.

    Slay Undead (14) 105 EoK
  5. Redemption Lorekeeper

    it seems this was moved from the refrigerator to the junk drawer.

    since we already have an aura as a way to interact with our group maybe we could update it.
    nothing crazy but i kinda picture having 3 different ones to choose from. 1) a mechanic that helps us tank 2) a mechanic that helps group dps and 3) a mechanic that focuses our healing abilities.
    i left the how part vague because there are lots of ways to make any of these things happen and i would like to see some different ideas on that. maybe we can keep this thread going a bit longer
    Outlander Engine likes this.
  6. Warpeace Augur

    Add a timer to Aura's. Its permanent only due to the fact it cant be dispelled. The timer would allow for better management like every other buff.
  7. Allayna Augur

    Slay definitely needs a boost, since it hasn't been upgraded since EoK.

    Insta-cast crush, I'd be fine if the damage component was removed and instead reflected a heal on target's target + hate override that it currently holds. Reduce the reuse from 24s to 6s and the mana cost to reflect their knight counterpart's mana cost.

    Is there a reason that Force of Timorous Deep and Crush of Timorous Deep are on the same timer? 1 is a stun, 1 is a hate override, such as terror.
    Because they share a timer, Force of TD never gets loaded.

    Add 1 PBAE Stun Line Spell.

    AoV: There is no good reason to kill yourself for a heal. MAYBE if it capped your health super low, like 15% for 18s, likely you'll die like that anyway, but at least gives you a fighting chance. OR It could reflect a HME AE to the raid if I'm gonna insta-die.

    An AA to toggle whether paladin splash has a cure or doesn't.

    Add our aura into Divine Protector's Unity AA.

    Splash, even when twin-splashing has lagged behind damage output of raid targets. Twin splashing with maxed eyes of life and decay and aura etc, 36k x2.

    For the love of the game, make it so clerics and paladins finally get a fixed invis, even if it was a set duration one, like 30 min.

    Protective Devotion was a cool concept, but doesn't get used often because cleric Vie line is overwritten by it.

    Marr's Gift that either is an HME bump like it's knight counterpart and/or reduce the reuse timer. blind's.
  8. Szilent Augur

    isn't that exactly Valiant Defense?
  9. Seldom Augur

    It was changed years back to no longer overwrite Cleric Vie line luckily, I forget when exactly. The spell with the highest Vie % takes priority until fade without overwriting the other buff.

    I think all of those are good ideas and would succeed in making our Dichotomic a much more practical use type of spell. The +hate mode on the Healing Force portion seems like it would probably be the most Paladin like as long as the witness check stuff is corrected

    Group DPS aura wise, I think it’d be pretty interesting to see +Undead damage in some form. Would definitely fit into our lore. Maybe grant a baby slay ability if that’s even possible while amplifying ours
  10. Stephen51 Augur

    I so hoped I'd missed the change (fix) to Protective Devotion and Vie, but no, sadly Protective Devotion still over-writes Vie. I would use it more if the two buffs could co-exist, and the higher one (Protective Devotion) absorbs until its used up or wears off.
    Seldom likes this.
  11. Allayna Augur

    Valiant Defense:
    Not instant.
    Not a hate override like crush/terror iirc.
    Still 15 times more mana usage than SK counterpart.
  12. Seldom Augur

    Ohh, I see now. Thanks for correcting me on that Stephen. Sorry about that Allayna, I think I was mixing up Cleric Shining and Vie line in my mind. I’m pretty sure Protective use to overwrite Shining also and that was what was fixed years ago unless I’m just recalling things wrong completely still. Seems like it would be easy for them to fix Protective and Vie line as well in a similar way
  13. Allayna Augur

    Aye, Devotion goes to the song window and yet still overwrites cleric Vie line.
  14. Silverstone Journeyman

    1. Slay undead: Needs an upgrade badly
    2. Cast time on almost all spells: Need to be reduced by half. To long of a cast with such high burst dps being done to us. After this, might want to slightly increase delve/healing of target through target heals. These also have a horrible resist rate even magic debuffed versus our counterpart knight the Shadowknights lifetaps. These are the bread and butter to stay alive.
    3. Damage in general. There is no point to cast damage spells as a Paladin, you might as well raise our melee damage 5-10 percent, we would still be far behind the rest. Example: Disruptive persecution crits for just under 145k, 30k'ish no crit. 90k crit on melee attack with a 2 hander.
    4. Reverse damage shield spells: Never used them takes a valuable spell slot.
    5. Stuns: I have 1 stun spell loaded for the Heal over time component only. Others are pointless.
    6. Counters on abilities, still needs to be increased on all of them. Some last one round. Yaulp--longer duration please, we need the added effects from it in general melee just to keep up with other classes.
    7. Rune, have it absorb melee damage even with shield out.

    New spell ideas:

    Holy Aura: Standing within so far of the Paladin, you get the added effects of courage/comfort and hit your opponents easier.

    Killing blow proc AA: Added damage and AC, could make this a permanent buff. >>unique ability: Renamed to Defenders Faith. (If this one was done, the only other change needed would be to lower cast time and resists on spells)

    Sharing weapons is cool, but I would love to see Paladin weapons only in the next expansion, or Race/diety/Paladin only weapons with special procs for each diety/race. Quellious--group heal proc for 3,000. Tunare--group rune for 3,000 etc.
  15. Ofearl Slayer of all things Stupid

    Slay Undead Aura: +25% chance to inflict critical damage to undead npcs (spells and melee), does not stack with abilities like decap/assassinate/slay undead/headshot/turn undead.
    Daedly and Lubianx like this.
  16. Outlander Engine Elder

    Do you really want it to be only against undead? Do you? Are you sure? Paladin's are already dps limited everywhere else due to SU. A holy champion can be so much more.

    How about "Beacon of XXXX" aura that either;
    AC and resist debuff to allow your groupmates to hit harder.
    Manna / endurance regen aura similar to enchanters, to allow them to last longer in the fight.

    And make it stack. o_O
  17. Derka Power Ranger

    Fanaticism aura, conviction aura, defiance aura......oh wait that's a Diablo 2 paladin.
  18. Szilent Augur

    I don't think a pet would be wholly out of flavor for Paladins. Instead of a minion, it'd be a squire! A tough mini-me that instead of having jerk SKs cast "lol go explode yourself" on them gets to carry a banner that encourages/empowers allies with Steadfast Servant-type stuff. Or carry a banner that raises the ire of enemies, +agroing mobs on the hatelist for the paladin. Would fight, too, obviously. Maybe a way could be found to have him automatically get healed for whatever heals land on the paladin, so as to be a more effective off-tank than most "secondary" pets (enc/shm/sk)

    Paladins could have a swarm AA - Call The Cavalry! Race-matched unicorn riders spawn at the zone's succor point and gallop through the zone to land one massive lance hit each on the paladin's target :)

    Paladins could have Call of the Heroes spell. Seriously, could just have that spell. I think that'd be pretty good.

    An appropriately named version of Grappling Strike would be good. SKs have their version of Press the Attack, so it would mirror that.
    Stephen51 likes this.
  19. Stephen51 Augur

    I like the idea of a squire, it fits in with what people think of for Knights. Perhaps they could give off an aura helping the Paladin and his/her group mates with reduced metabolism, or randomly distributing temporary stat food and drink, do some range damage to mobs, and/or increase damage/accuracy of the paladin by keeping his weapons clean and in order :)

    Another use for the Squire could be defence, you could have a related AA - Loyal Squire, when activated, he attacks your target, taking a % of damage destined for the Paladin. The Squire could be healed, but also killed. Once dead would have to be recast out of combat.

    Another pet/familiar/aura idea, would be a Hawk, that increases damage/accuracy. As we can only cast one aura it would not increase our power as much, as it would be either have extra healing or put out more damage, but not both.
  20. Wulfhere Augur

    Aura effects are implemented as NPC that have no visible model and that follow the caster, or not in the case of bard Echo. A squire could simply be an Aura with a character model i.e. like priest totems.

    Projection of Piety is a swarm pet that builds hate that transfers to the paladin with it's doom effect (forfeited if killed early). It fits the squire theme and more flavors would be great.