<Mendacium> Semi-casual raiding on Phinigel!

Discussion in 'Guild Recruitment' started by Ladysoth, Jan 10, 2016.

  1. Fibgirl Lorekeeper

    Winter is coming and we have a few class slots to fill, look us up. Don't be left out in the cold!
  2. Ladysoth Augur

    Bump, about to head into VP and add Phara Dar and others to our list of kills! Maybe I'll even be motivated to post a damn picture this time!
  3. Ladysoth Augur

    Our first official raid of VP with 35 people saw this happen:




    ...and this!


    Oneshots of Phara Dar and Nexona, our first ever pulls of them! Silverwing took two because we stupidly let her gate at 3%. Lesson learned!

    Come join us! We're making friends and killing dragons over here, and we are having an absolute blast!
  4. Ladysoth Augur

    As always our latest exploits can be found on our front page, mendaciumeq.enjin.com, where I write updates that I have way too much fun with.

    Preparation for Velious is going well! We are growing and are ready to hit raiding hard as soon as the expansion drops. We have all sorts of big important sekrit plans that I scribbled on the back of a cocktail napkin while drunk. If you'd like to make some friends before Velious, clear Veeshan's Peak and be ready for some new raids as soon as Velious launches, look us up!
  5. Ladysoth Augur

    Our second VP raid saw us kill Silverwing and Phara Dar again, along with Druushk and Xygoz. Last pull of the night with folks nodding off a bit was Hoshkar, whom we got to 7% on our first pull before the gated. I blame the fact that our bashers were dead by then. Definitely dying next week and we will have cleared all of Kunark in era! :D

    Come join the fun today!
  6. Ladysoth Augur

    Bump! Still looking for any and all to add to our raiding team for Velious. Come join a fun bunch of people who have cleared all of Kunark in era!
  7. Ladysoth Augur

    Oh muh guh early Velious release! Come join now to have some raiding fun! First Velious targets being killed wiping us because there's no way they're not bugged as tomorrow evening!
  8. Ladysoth Augur

    Ok, so I was wrong! Velketor, Vindi, Statue, King Tormax down. Not bad for a fair amount of laughing and screwing around since most of us haven't set foot in Velious in over ten years!

    Come join the fun today, we have a great time every raid!
  9. Ladysoth Augur

    Klandi, Zlandi, too many WW dragons to count and Dain down for our SECOND raid in Velious!

    As always, looking for mature, skilled players of all classes to come along on our journey with us!
  10. Punchis-themonk Elder

    Time to wipe out some tov come join us :) we'd love to have you!
  11. Punchis-themonk Elder

    Many dragons down. More kills to come could use some more skilled dps. Having fun check us out!
  12. Ladysoth Augur

    Our first ToV run was a lot of fun for everybody! Well, not for Lendiniara.


    Or Gozzrem,


    Or Ikatiar the Venom.


    A full SS was required of that since he just looked like a regular wyvern stuck in the ground.

    Come talk to someone about Menda today! We're fun, sassy, lighthearted, and only occasionally raid when we're too drunk to tell Aaryonar and Wuoshi apart!
  13. Punchis-themonk Elder

    Yelinak added to the list 1 shot boys. Picking up steam!
  14. Ladysoth Augur

    Sontalak down! We're growing and having a great time making friends and killing dragons over here.

    Look us up if you want to be part of a great group of people :)
  15. Ladysoth Augur

    Peeked our heads into open-world NToV tonight with 38 people (off night raid) and....

    ....this happened....

    Not bad with under 40, our first ever pull of Aaryonar, in real world, having to deal with repops through the fight! Nice job Mendacium.

    If you want to be a part of a fun and skilled group of people, come check us out today!
  16. Bromm Lorekeeper

  17. Ladysoth Augur

    Bump, come check us out. Looking pretty good on most classes, but I'd love some more DPS, melee especially. Come be a rogue or a monk in our guild. You will be our rare, delicate flower. <3
  18. Izzabela New Member

    It's one thing to read recruiting messages from the guild leaders and officers of the guild. We all know what they're going to say: The guild is great! We are obliterating the expansion! Epics everywhere!

    It's quite another thing to hear from an actual guild member. I've been in the guild for a couple of weeks now, and in that time I have seen a couple wipes, a couple of people leaving here and there, a petty argument here and there. But what I have also seen are guildies who have waited with another guildie for over 7 hours waiting on an epic spawn with absolutely no complaints, guildies who run across an entire continent sans port to rez a guildie so that they can get that smidge of a percent back into their level before the next raid, guildies who will drop what they are doing in a heart beat to come and help a guildie keep a camp they've been at for hours when someone walks in and tries to take it from them. In the entire time I've played EQ (which has been since 2001), it has been rare that I have seen a guild full of such unselfish, stubborn, passionate, friendly, helpful, and loyal people.

    I joined this guild when the last guild I was in fell apart. I can honestly say that it was a blessing that that happened. This game is fun, but I'm sure we can all attest that it's the people that you play with that truly make the game what it is. If you want to beat each expansion in the first day and sit around watching paint dry for the next 4 months and listen to everyone complain about how bored they are...well yeah then this guild isn't for you. But if you're really looking to experience EQ how it was years and years ago, raid zones you never got to experience back then because you didn't know what in the world you were doing, and have the constant companionship of some pretty awesome peeps, this guild IS for you.

    Just wanted to share my experience. Have fun guys!
  19. CantStopWontStop New Member

    Hi I just rolled here a couple days ago. Currently L15 monk who hasn't played since SoL released. Are you level restricted as far as accepting members? I typically have about 4-6 hours of playtime available each day so I'm hoping to bang out a few each night. Having some social aspect would be swell. I would like to eventually raid.
  20. Ladysoth Augur

    Thank you Izabella for the kind words! We strive to make this a fun and happy welcoming place for everyone and I believe we succeed quite well in doing that.

    Hi there! We're not level restricted, we have a Junior rank for people who are not yet able to raid and need a good home while they level up. Feel free to check out our site and put in an application if you think we sound like we'd be for you.

    For our part, just a little update on what Mendacium has been doing:


    Tunare down, our first pull, first time in PoG as a guild! Great job to everyone involved and THANKS FOR MY ESSENCE OF NATURE <3

    We're making friends and killing dragons (and gods) over here, what're YOU doin?