Is corpse banking allowed?

Discussion in 'Time Locked Progression Servers' started by R2D Hugs, Jan 28, 2017.

  1. arwilly Lorekeeper

    Wow. Just wow.
  2. mattey New Member

    there is already level 65 with 500 AA.
  3. Tudadar Augur

    Welcome back! Missed you!
  4. TarewMarrForever Augur

    One hour in an un-named guild has at least 3 full groups of 65. ;-)


    To be fair, DBG probably did the right thing here. It should have been announced DAYS, if not weeks, ago, for sure, but didn't. It would have been wrong of them to announce it just YESTERDAY after everybody already spent the time doing something they LITERALLY have been able to do on other TLP's as well as this very server when Kunark launched.

    I think it's lame, but overall, it was probably the best move given the snafu of not telling people not to do this weeks ago.
  5. Foop New Member

    I'm not upset, just disappointed. DBG failed the server with the exception of a hand full of people in an unnamed guild that will receive no punishment (as usual) for using this unintended mechanic to gain an advantage. Shame on you DBG, you're better then this.
  6. Hamshire Augur

    All the level65s are Infinity Stones and Satoshi is Thanos!
  7. Gromph Elder

    Exploiters will exploit. Its easy to get max experience in 3 hours with exploits. Its easy to do everything with exploits. Just because you are the banker in monopoly and keep stealing from the bank to win doesn't mean you are good at the game.
  8. AgentofChange Augur

    Would appear he is not limiting his statement to only PoP
  9. Stoobid Aggro New Member

    A huge number of people play this game every day and put in ungodly amounts of time, money and effort to entertain themselves and the people who share with them this, their favorite hobby. And despite natural disasters like congested servers, bad pathing and sometimes bugged content, they generally accept the game as it is and enjoy it.

    The only thing that is really detrimental to the continued popularity of a game like this not that there are some idiots playing it who train, KS, scam and exploit game features, we all know that those people will always be around, no, the only thing that makes people give up on a game like this is when the game company itself is, or seems to be, in bed with the offenders, protecting them and aiding wherever they can.

    I have spent a lot of the last 18 years working as a senior game designer for various game companies making MMORPG's. And this is a lesson all of them have had to learn the hard way; That it is not good business practice having your employees aiding, or seem to be aiding scammers, exploiters and cheaters.

    At Funcom, employees like that were lead out in handcuffs. At CCP games, from when the first case of this sort came up back in 2007, there has been a dedicated 2 man team doing nothing but making sure that employees who get tempted for any reason to behave this way are fired. And why? Because this kind of behavior is the only thing that really can kill a good game in the long run.

    And here in this fictional world, we have AoS who set the standard for this behavior. Seemingly in cahoots with a developer at this firm, who this time, in a very public display is aiding them in taking a benign feature in the game and exploiting it at a crucial moment, to gain a huge advantage over a everyone else on the server. The hour after the most popular expansion on this most popular server is released, this guild has their KS squad ready with multiple lvl 65 wizards and rogues, ready to pee in everyone's porridge.

    Now.. I run a large guild on this server and since its inception, this same group of people have again and again been allowed to spoil the game for us and the population in general, using cheats and exploits, seemingly without any will of the people running the game to stop them. On the contrary. We have had instance exploits in Luclin that screwed up everyone's raiding for a couple of weeks, we have had "claimgate" acrewing the economy, we have just recently had their showeq usage demonstrated in a painfully obvious way and now we have this here corpse banking. Always the same people harassing and cheating your customers, seemingly without any real repercussions.

    This is unprofessional and quite frankly, pathetic.

    Now, it may well be that your initial reaction will be to ban me for pointing at the elephant in the room. Shooting the messenger usually gives some relief, but this elephant will still be there. Everyone can see it. Smell it.

    I however want to suggest that the developers at Daybreak use this chance to clean house. Get rid of the scourge this guild is across servers and get on with the times. People have had enough.
    oldkracow and Foop like this.
  10. Spooky Augur


    Please explain why you and your devs continue to make ludicrous decisions. Why is the single bottleneck for PoP progression level 65 groupable mobs? Why do you allow some guilds to receive ridiculous compensation when their instances crash, but ignore others requests? Why are you silent when your server crashes 5 times in one night?
  11. Storytimebros Elder

    The same reason they do not disable the active hacks. It is good for business to sell more kronos with these gatekeepers in control of the content. These people would not be playing without these programs and that would be bad for business. There would be no reason to purchase them if some group of people were not in control to give them a reason to be bought. Why was the Plane of Storms content not instanced, but everything else was? They had to leave something available to be able to sell for kronos. If everything was instanced what purpose would they spend all that time locking down content for besides rushing server firsts. DBG gets its cut and is corruptly fine with it. The ones who loose are those that pay double sub and purchase the kronos for items/plat. Is it some coincidence that a new server is marketed for summer just before gates release? I think not as they want to keep the market of quitters that end up giving up after pop and start over anyways. And then the cycle completes itself all over again. These same people will rush to control the content/gear on this new server to control those sales again. Corruption at its finest trying to sell content that is freely available on the test server with all access benefits. If the purpose to play on this sever is to socialize that's a pretty expensive price to pay for a casual.
  12. MaxTheLion Augur

    TLDR: Another upset person who eats pee porridge.
  13. Aekold Augur

    So, what part of 'we disagree with this, but we never stated it was against the rules, and its been legal on past TLP's' doesn't calculate for you? Did you not real Holly's post?

    You're here calling for people to be banned for the guild tag they wear and for DBG employees to be arrested. Your rationale (thus far) seems to be you're upset that you aren't winning.

    Seriously, friend, unplug the game and seek professional help.
  14. Stoobid Aggro New Member

    Not calling for anyone's arrest, I am simply pointing out how MMO companies take collusion between staff and players, or the appearance of it, seriously.

    And as to banning. Didn't say that either really, even though that's clearly an option. It is a choice people make to stay in a guild that builds it's "success" on cheating, whether they are directly a part of it or not.
  15. MaxTheLion Augur

    Things aren't cheating just because they're different from how you would perform them. It might be an ethical dilemma on which path you choose but until it's specifically deemed against terms of service, it's grey ground.
  16. PathToEternity

    Thank you for showing up and communicating with the playerbase. I don't really have a horse in this race either way, but appreciate the communication.
  17. Foop New Member

    You're half correct. This is all fine unless DBG does any form of punishment for primarily a single unnamed guild that made a "combined effort" to "use an unintended game mechanic to gain an unfair advantage" AFTER it was "posted that this was method is unintended" and would be corrected. I don't see any gray area but it's not my decision either, I'm just paying customer.
  18. MaxTheLion Augur

    EDIT: In case it's not clear what our position is going forward, we will not tolerate disruption of game play with the creation of stockpiles of corpses under any circumstance and corpse banking definitely falls into the category of unintended gameplay. In Phinigel's case, we made no statement on the issue far enough in advance to be considered fair warning...even though we don't endorse corpse banking. - THIS statement, put out after people already initiated their process is what will dictate the future actions of breaking the terms. There is no other debate to be had.
  19. Ryak Augur

    Damn it. I was about to make a negative post but you just reminded me that they actually did post clear communication which is better than their usual total silence.

    Now i would feel guilty about complaining :(
  20. Illusory Augur

    The idea is that you shouldn't need to give 'fair warning' when people are exploiting a game mechanic solely designed to soften the experience loss penalty from death. The tactic is NOT fair and for Holly to excuse RadarX's clear message as miscommunication is unacceptable. And, to use 'fair warning' as an excuse is ridicious at best, because I remember on Ragefire, someone (and, we all know who) was using a bone chip quest at Kunark launch to rapidly gain levels. There were automated scripts involved, but even so, do we remember how fast they 'killed' the quest NPC without 'fair warning?' I bet if this exploit had a negative impact on revenue for February they wouldn't give fair warning.

    I'm an advocate of fair, honest, and most importantly ethical game-play.... And, the decision to do nothing last minute is a direct slap in the face to the honorable gamer.

    P.S. - RadarX, I have a feeling that you were overruled on this and thanks for trying. If you read this, please keep fighting.