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Increase Bazaar Max Price

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by Daniel De Vera, Aug 26, 2019.

  1. Daniel De Vera New Member

    I was told by a Dev to start the discussion here and maybe they will read it if it has merit. I think the Bazaar limit should be increased. The last time this was a discussion from my searching was in 2017 when Sony owned EQ and they never listened. Maybe Daybreak will...
    Yinla and Nennius like this.
  2. Daniel De Vera New Member

    I also think the bazaar window should be upgraded as some options are stupid and do nothing! That window could be sooo much more.
  3. smash Augur

    It is not so simple. Because eq run 32 bit system,if i renember right, and it has a max number and that is massive undertaking to change so will not happen.
  4. Xianzu_Monk_Tunare Augur

    Like smash said, the cap is there because the 32 bit limit, and the amount of time and resources to change it would be prohibitive. Though I think that they are working towards a workaround with the changes they have made to the merchant window over the last couple years.
    Which options don't work?
    Nennius likes this.
  5. Warpeace Augur

    I would be interested to know what Dev told you that? The repeated answer from the Dev staff has been its not happening because the 32 bit limit.

    But, we have heard that several times before that something was not possible because of game limitations to see it implemented.
    Xianzu_Monk_Tunare likes this.
  6. Xianzu_Monk_Tunare Augur

    Yeah, I was fairly sure that have had this discussion a couple of times in the last few months, this is just the first in which the post was actually about it specifically.

    I think that if they implement anything for this it will be just a workaround by allowing different "currencies" to be used to buy things in the bazaar. Specifically something like Krono or Nobles.
  7. Cailen Augur

    increase price limit? how about you decrease greed limit
  8. CatsPaws Just getting rid of the old

    Um Daybreak got EQ in 2015.

    And in Jan 2019 Zanarnar explains "bazaar prices are stored in copper server side, as a 32-bit SIGNED (for whatever reason) integer."
  9. Zanarnar Augur

    Yup.. but the thing is you can also use an int64 in a 32bit program. It would be notably slower* then an int32 but since this is just storing bazaar prices that performance hit might be acceptable to sort this issue out. Not having seen their code, I can only assume that would be harder to do then I'm thinking it would be. In theory it shouldn't be a huge undertaking, but perhaps their toolchain is so old it can't handle int64.

    (the compiler would have to break that up into multiple registers to store the number, 2 for an int64.. this requires multiple calls to look the data up, and multiple writes to update it. So there is a performance hit and memory hit to using a int64, but again I don't believe in this case that would be problematic.)
  10. Verily Tjark Augur

    Could they add a new currency above platinum? Make the conversion rate higher so the currency wouldn't drop in game, except maybe a raid target. Example: 100,000 pp = 1 Mithril coin or whatever
    blinder likes this.
  11. Cragzop Cranky Wizard

    You sure an actual Dev told you to post about this? There have been dozens of threads on the /bazaar cap over the years. There is absolutely nothing that can be said in this thread that hasn't been said a dozen times before.

    Also, your search skills might need some tweaking … just the simple phrase bazaar limit brought up several more threads after 2017. And I wasn't really trying.

    You mean like the noble? I'm not quite sure what a higher currency would do if the game stores everything as coppers anyway...

    I'm also not sure what the raid only tie has to do with your example...what are you trying to accomplish? TBL raid chests are generally around 33k plat from what I've seen.

    Remember, a bazaar price isn't just something stored and only used when interacting. It is also displayed from the /bazaar window and while there are not the huge number of traders online anymore, I'm sure there are far more queries happening (given some traders elastic pricing) than we imagine.

    Pretty sure anything can be changed given enough time and effort and desire. Current way probably helps prices to be a little depressed on Live, which I'm not sure is a bad thing. I know given the choice between /bazaar price cap revision vs actual new aas/spells (or even fixes/rebalances to old ones) … I would choose the aa/spell route every time.
    Diptera and Corwyhn Lionheart like this.
  12. Zanarnar Augur

    While that's true, its not checked as often as say something to do with melee combat. Programmatically there is a cost for sure, but in practice it is likely to be so slight as not to cause issues. That said, adding in another currency option with a fixed plat price could solve this too.

    You'd have to change how item prices are stored, likely in such a manner as you can list it for cash (0cp - 2,147,483,648cp) OR you can list it for 1-2,147,483,648 (INSERT ITEM NAME HERE) that's worth 10,000P each. That would let players charge much higher prices for things that need to be expensive (Kronos and raid armor on FV) and still charge cash for cheaper things.

    However, even that would take more time to code then its worth for now... eventually though the plat inflation is going to get so bad on live servers that they have to do something...
  13. smash Augur

    Who says they have to do something ? Not changing the max price is a way to kep inflation under control!

    It also ensures people can buy some items, because of the max 2 mil pp.

    The only winners of higher prices are the rmt people, so lets not give them anything to help them earn more.
    Corwyhn Lionheart likes this.
  14. Zanarnar Augur

    Go buy a Krono on FV and get back to me.

    People didn't simply decide "ahh well, 2.1mil is the most I'll get for one so thats what I'll charge". They just stop selling them on bazaar traders. It just ensures some items only get sold via the auction channel. Not that its a HUGE issue but it does make it harder to buy/sell those items.
    AcemoneyFV likes this.
  15. Corwyhn Lionheart Guild Leader, Lions of the Heart

    Everquest wants to retain returning players. Even IF you could technically raise bazaar prices I would be against it. Prices will rise and more inflation will ensue. Not a friendly environment for returning players. Things are bad enough as it is with inflation, we don't need to raise baz prices just so some players can add millions more to the hundred of millions they have.

    Having to sell some things in general chat keep the prices down to a range where people can actually sell the things reasonably fast.
  16. roth Augur

    I don’t know how simple this would actually be, but, I think the simplest thing to do would be to change the bazaar to operate on plat instead of copper. Instead of 2 million plat as the limit, 2 billion plat would be the limit. It’s not like there are a lot of things sold for gold silver or copper anyway.
  17. Horyuken Augur

    If this was an easy fix it would have been done along time ago. Nothing about it is simple that's why it is still an issue.
    Corwyhn Lionheart likes this.
  18. Allayna Augur

    So if I'm understanding the issue correctly....you cannot sell your Krono for 2.1 million on a baz trader, only 2 million, BUT, you'll spam general incessantly as a more valuable use of your 100,000 pp?

    Sell your krono for 2 million and get over it....or don't.

    Side note...didn't they figure out a way around the 32 bit limit with raid mob hps?
  19. Verily Tjark Augur

    Ditch the penny!
    Rasper Helpdesk likes this.
  20. Nennius Curmudgeon

    I will accept that it would involve considerable effort to do, but we were told for a long time some similar things about bag sizes. If they, meaning the devs., want it to happen, it will. The suggestion to dump copper has merit, I think.

    The argument about price inflation assumes that players would be willing to pay ever increasing prices. I am not convinced of that. On Bristlebane, for instance, prices of a number of things in the bazaar have been dropping of late. Collectible prices for instance. Krono though continue to sell easily at 2 to 2.1 million plat.

    I would also add that the main barrier to entry to new players in this game doesn't seem to be item prices nearly as much as the very imposing edifice of knowledge that is needed to play this game well. There is quite simply, a great deal to learn in this game if one wants to do well at it.
    Metanis likes this.