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Increase Bazaar Max Price

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by Daniel De Vera, Aug 26, 2019.

  1. Narlee Scholar

    Daniel De Vera, Thank you for posting and following up as per my previous suggestion!

    Well done in achieving a level of wealth where this is a problem for you. I only hope to some day have this much money in game.

    I would like to clear the air that this is not simply adjusting a number or a few numbers that control the maximum value somewhere in code.

    Others have pointed out there are multiple methods for transferring wealth in larger denominations such as Krono, Nobles, or high value rare items. Also pointed out by Waring_McMarrin this is a very large undertaking from a technical aspect and touches many systems. At this time there are other priorities that will have to take precedence. We may revisit this in the future once we have solved some of the code problems involved. This is the kind of thing that once we implement the technical capability the feature request will likely come along for free with the upgrades to the code architecture. This is definitely not a soon to be thing and is a very long poll type feature.
  2. Dythan Ban Lev in Plane of Fire guy

    And Scene.
  3. Bamboompow Augur

    Buy more kronos, people. Increase the supply and the plat/krono exchange should get in under 2 mil.
  4. kizant Augur

    Do you know how much it costs to create an item in EQ? It's virtually free! But we end up paying 1000s of times the cost simply out of greed. What we need are strong regulations and to crack down on price fixing and monopolies. And we need to take back some of the wealth that's been stolen from the working class. It's time to start making the rich pay their fair share!
  5. Nennius Curmudgeon

    Sigh. "stolen"?? Big sigh. And do provide examples of something being priced at 1000s of times the cost. I could use a laugh.

    P.S. If this is some sort of attempt at EQ sarcasm you missed the mark I think.
  6. Nennius Curmudgeon

    I do dearly wish I had thought to buy out every krono back when they sold for less than 1/10th of the current price on Bristlebane. I truly never saw the krono price inflation coming. /em slaps self

    Having said that, I have bought krono for a bit under 2 million on Bristlebane recently. I just had to be patient.
  7. Verily Tjark Augur


    Pretty sure it was sarcasm, idk
    kizant likes this.
  8. Diptera Augur

    Impossible to achieve in practice, because people will simply stop using plat completely, and start trading in other items, such as diamonds, or any other expensive vendor-sold item, such as some of the other tradeskill items.

    The problem is that plat is an infinite resource - both in terms of loot from mobs, and how much vendors have to buy your loot. There are limited plat sinks in the game, so there is a continuous net increase in the amount of plat in the game, hence mudflation. =/
    Xianzu_Monk_Tunare and kizant like this.
  9. Laronk Augur

    Players are also for some reason really against platinum sinks so the platinum never goes anywhere
  10. Laronk Augur

    Instead of increasing the 2 million plat cap then, how about allowing us to sell items for nobels and krono also? For example let me sell this bottle of milk for 150 nobles in bazaar mode and add a nobles merchant in the bazaar or make an item literally called bag of a million platinum that costs 1 million and sells for 1 million.
    Caell likes this.
  11. Corwyhn Lionheart Guild Leader, Lions of the Heart

    Just cause more price inflation.
  12. Laronk Augur

    I think its better than some stuff staying around 2 million just because its too hard to sell otherwise. People having to spam general chat to sell their stuff.
  13. Corwyhn Lionheart Guild Leader, Lions of the Heart

    I think it is better that stuff over 2 mill has to be sold in general chat. That way people price it to sell relatively quickly in most cases.

    I get a lot of returning players in my guild and they aren't plat millionaires. Anything that keeps price inflation down is good in my book.
  14. Warpeace Augur

    Just say no to Nobles. The so called Tax on using them was dumb in the first place.
    Caell and Yinla like this.
  15. Laronk Augur

    Well that's why I also suggested the bag of 1 million plat that sells for 100%

    The bazaar was put in to facilitate trade though instead of doing everything the east commons tunnel method once you get to a certain price. When the bazaar was originally implemented there was only a handful of players with millions of plat. I do think it's more of a Firiona Vie problem where I live.

    I think that Firiona vie has the best market of any server (except maybe TLP) you have way more options to make plat. It's rough for people below level 75 because no one wants to really farm / sell that gear because it's not worth the time to farm it. Since there's no competition the prices are high and it has nothing to do with the 2 million cap. Once you get above 75/80 some farming options really do open up for individual players (on FV) for example the LDON raid shield AC aug that is a type 5 that is a pain to farm because it's rare but sells really well.
  16. Xianzu_Monk_Tunare Augur

    The price of Krono has been above 2 million on most servers for several years now. I rarely see anyone ever actually selling it at 2 mil in the bazaar. The cap limit doesn't stop people from regularly selling things over the cap, it just makes it harder. What Krono sell for is determined by the people who buy them, not the people selling them. If anything, increasing the plat cap could potentially reduce the cost of Krono because people would not feel the need to use Krono in place of plat for high end item transactions. Remember the price of Krono only skyrocketed once people started using them to trade for Ultra-rare/chase items.
    No, someone claimed that was the reason they were banned, and Corwyhn bought it. The Devs are the ones who told us we could edit the BZR files to the cap. There is nothing at all against any rules or policy there. Anyone claiming to have been banned for that either should have appealed it immediately and got it fixed the same day, or is lying about why they were banned.

    You and the "Others" you referenced completely missed the issue being brought up here, this is about using /trade in the bazaar for selling items. You cannot sell items for anything other than PGSC (Platinum, Gold, Silver, Copper) based currency. You can attempt to use /buyer to barter for different items, but that would mean you could only sell item for alternate currencies or items, and the listings in the /barter window does not offer any kind reasonable search for what is being offered other than in regards to PGSC based currency.
  17. Corwyhn Lionheart Guild Leader, Lions of the Heart

    Which traders of yours have edited baz files, items listed for over 2 mil and what server are they on? I am also going to suggest people get Customer Service info from CS reps not game devs. But each to their own.
  18. Xianzu_Monk_Tunare Augur

    As I stated before, any CS rep who says that editing the ini files will get you banned is 100% wrong, period. Those files are intended to be edited by the players. Also, the Game Devs are higher on the pole than the CS reps, not the other way around.
  19. Corwyhn Lionheart Guild Leader, Lions of the Heart

    No where have I seen it said that all files are intended to be edited by players. I am just saying before telling others to do something show some proof you are currently doing it without getting suspended or banned.

    And I am not sure the devs make the game rules. Maybe a game dev can comment on that. Never really seen anyone comment on who handles making game rules. Anyone else seen a post about that?
  20. Warpeace Augur

    You have an intense desire to argure this for what reason?

    Its a file thats on the player side and not locked. There are other things on player side files Daybreak has told people in the past to just go in and change from 1 to -1 and other potential examples remember CPU affinity we had to go in and manually edit to work properly with multi core CPU's?

    Now if Daybreak wants to come back and say editing these things is against the rules they better lock those files before taking punitive action against players.