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Increase Bazaar Max Price

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by Daniel De Vera, Aug 26, 2019.

  1. Corwyhn Lionheart Guild Leader, Lions of the Heart

    Assuming you are responding to me my intense desire is someone doesn't get banned or suspended by advice from someone not willing to put their money where there mouth is.

    The best thing would be for a game dev or Dreamweaver to confirm that CS will not suspend or ban accounts for this. Until then I am going with the answer I got from CS and not from players who won't share the name of the traders they have with items for sale or purchase over 2 million. *shrugs*

    If we get an answer from the Devs, CS or Community relations that it is totally fine to edit files to increase selling prices over the maximum 2 million I would be more then happy to drop things.

    The info I have is that it will get someone in trouble. So yeah, I will keep stating that until I learn otherwise.
  2. Xianzu_Monk_Tunare Augur

    You should read for comprehension rather than for speed. I specifically stated the INI files, which are configuration files. Those are 100% universally intended to be edited by the end users of all programs and applications. The is the entire purpose of that kind of file, so that the end user can change the configurations as they like. People cannot just put anything in the file and expect it to work, for example with regard to the bazaar files, if you put in a value higher than 2^31 copper then that entry will be ignored as it cannot be displayed.

    The Devs have always made the final decisions on what is or is not an exploit or ban-able offense.
  3. Corwyhn Lionheart Guild Leader, Lions of the Heart

    And you should read for comprehension. No where have I seen it said that all files should be modified by player and I have been told by CS that such modifications are not allowed. Don't knwo what else to say

    And if DBG wants prices to max at that slightly over 2 million mark they would simply make the change to everyone's files and not require an edit for it.

    And lets be clear I am not arguing to be a pain in the *** I have received different information then you have regarding this and I don't want to see anyone else have a problem.

    Ideally on Tuesday a game dev can confirm no one will get in trouble by CS for making this edit to increase the max price items can be listed at.

    and again... who are your traders listing things for over 2 million?
  4. Xianzu_Monk_Tunare Augur

    In both of your previous posts you said, ALL files. In my previous posts, I specified INI files. But even then the vast majority of the files in your EQ folder by design are intended for you to be able to edit or change them.

    I'm stating that the CS person who you spoke with was misinformed and/or misunderstood what exactly you were asking about. The CS people (GMs) only tend to have a vague understanding of the game and typically lack the knowledge to make anything other than general statements. Statements like modifications to INI files being not allowed is the perfect example of that. You have to go up the chain to a Senior or Head GM before you tend to find one who has been around long enough to grasp the difference in meaning of players modifying the game and players modifying files in the game directory.

    You could change almost all of the files on your computer and it would have no impact on the game other than what you personally see. It would not give you any bonuses or let you do anything you could not already do. The server is where the things which they do not want the players to change happen. The reasons for using the 2 million soft cap instead of the 2^31 hard cap are most likely simplicity and appearance. Players are not going to want to calculate the cap and a flat 2 million is more visually appealing than the actual cap amount.

    The GM who gave you the information you likely confused what you were asking with manipulating the game.

    The Devs are the ones who told us about changing the INI files to get to the max value. It was post about by them long ago when the Bazaar was much younger and people were just starting to try setting prices above 2 million. That was when we were told about the cap as well.
  5. Corwyhn Lionheart Guild Leader, Lions of the Heart

    You don't want to list the traders of yours that are using this edit to sell over 2 million. Can you state any traders, and their server, who are actively using this?
  6. Laronk Augur

    I don't have a list of names (because it's wrong to name and shame specially over something like this) but you see it on FV sometimes. You don't see it often because it's a bunch of hassle for 147k extra over the two million mark. You don't even see people running a bazaar bot bother with it.
    Xianzu_Monk_Tunare likes this.
  7. Micker Augur

    How about adding the ability to pay traders with kronos also? Should be fairly easy to add an item you buy and can be sold for 2m pp and accepted by traders.
  8. Corwyhn Lionheart Guild Leader, Lions of the Heart

    Hmmm it's not shaming if they are doing something legit. Still haven't heard back about that.
  9. Midnitewolf Augur

    Actually this kind of makes sense. You create a coin, lets call it a Mithril Coin that you can trade that has vendor buy and sell value of say 10,000 plat. You can buy or sell as many of these to a vendor for 10,000 plat as you want. Then make it so you can buy and sell items with this coin. You could then put an item up for sale for 3 Mithril Coins. If you want to buy this item, you have to go to a vendor, spend 30,000 plat to buy 3 Mithril Coins and trade these to the seller. Seller can then take these coins back to the Vendor, sell them for 30,000 plat. This would avoid the 32-bit value limit because the Mithril Coin would always be only worth 10,000 plat.

    This would solve the problem with very little coding. The only coding is creating the item, Mithril Coin, assign a buy/sell value of 10,000 plat, place an infinite amount of these coins on every vendor in the game (or on a special vendor inside the Bazaar), code the bazaar interface to allow for items to be traded for Mithril Coins. Problem solved.
  10. Beimeith Lord of the Game

    This is literally what the Noble currency was created for.
    Xianzu_Monk_Tunare and Nennius like this.
  11. Corwyhn Lionheart Guild Leader, Lions of the Heart

    Just to be clear I use no cheats or shortcuts to modify bazaaar prices. I am sure that Daybreak Games would not allow something like this without ensuring everyone in the game gets the advantage of it.

    I find it hard to believe that they would not patch the game to the actual maximum bazaar price and instead allow an unfair advantage to those who use the forums or other sites that explain how to do this.

    So in the end it is either not allowed or it should be rolled out to every player in the game. It would be incredibly unfair of DBG not to make it available to all if legal. This is far different from custom UIs this affects a game system and as per DBG definition gives an unfair advantage to players in bazaar pricing.

    I don't think DBG can have it both ways. Either roll it out to every player or it can't be legit.
  12. Dythan Ban Lev in Plane of Fire guy

    This is an MMO. Anyone who doesn't spend a few hours a week outside the game, reading and learning while playing ANY MMO isn't doing it right. Those people will be subpar players and deserve to not have the advantages others have found.
  13. Corwyhn Lionheart Guild Leader, Lions of the Heart

    Incorrect. Playing the bazaar is no different then playing any other part of the game. It would be like some folk getting more HP because they modified a game file for it.

    When it comes to a basic game mechanic it should simply be given to everyone if it is legit to modify a game file to do it.

    Why would anyone even look up "how do I increase the bazaar price above what the game lets me do in game?"

    In most cases folks are not going to randomly come upon this info and therefore it gives an unfair advantage to those who have the info.

    Let's not be silly the default price for the bazaar should be set for EVERYONE to the maximum allowed and not simply to those who came across the info to edit game files.

    So again. If higher then 2 million is allowed it should be set to that for everyone. Suggesting otherwise is just silly.
  14. Warpeace Augur

    Now who is being silly? Were there no legitimate points for the argument to continue that using the official everquest forums became an unfair advantage somehow for people?:cool:
    Xianzu_Monk_Tunare likes this.
  15. Micker Augur

    What good are Nobles, if you can't use them to buy from traders? The whole issue with plat is the limit for the bazaar traders of 2M pp. All they have to do is allow traders to be able to accept Nobles and problem solved. No idea why they haven't done that yet. Heck, let them be able to accept Kronos too, why not? Probably could be fixed/added in a day or so?
  16. Andarriel Everquest player since 2000

    Im still waiting for bigger trader bags so I can sell more than 100 items at a time.

    Allayna likes this.
  17. Laronk Augur

    But what about the revenue loss from those who have multiple bazaar characters!

    Kidding of course
  18. Corwyhn Lionheart Guild Leader, Lions of the Heart

    Silly? If DBG is going to allow a higher sell or buy price by editing files it should just be rolled out as a patch for everyone. That is fair.

    What other game out there has a different sell/buy price out there by editing files?

    Why would you be against everyone getting the same buy and sell price?
  19. Beimeith Lord of the Game

    Everyone already does have the same ability.

    It's no different than enabling stick figure mode or setting cpu affinity. You're allowed to change the file to the setting you want regardless of whether or not there is a fancy UI box for it.

    Stop spreading FUD and stop pretending your opinions are facts.
    Xianzu_Monk_Tunare and Duder like this.
  20. Corwyhn Lionheart Guild Leader, Lions of the Heart

    Excuse me? I am clearly stating it should be a game default and not require editing of any files. If that is too complicated not sure how I can explain it any simpler.

    There is a big difference between that and baz prices too. This isn't stick figures or cpu affinity.

    Simply patch the game and add the 32 bit max price to everyone. And no idea what you think I am spreading.

    I did ask again in a petition and they keep giving the the same answer which is useless. So I passed it on up the chain to Dreamweaver so he knows CS is giving a different answer.

    Not sure what you are getting so excited about.

    First in my petition I asked if it was okay to edit a game files to buy and sell to the max price in the bazaar.

    THey said you cannot edit any game files (obviously incorrect)

    So I asked if I could edit that specific files and they said.

    "If you feel you are not cheating, feel free to edit your files. However, any individual found breaking our terms of service may have face disciplinary action or have their account terminated. This issue is considered closed, our investigation methods are not up for discussion. Further response to this ticket may go unanswered."

    So basically they will not say it is okay. If that is spreading FUD then it is the CS who is spreading it. So if that is how they handled it then just patch it in for everyone. Not sure what suggesting that is a problem.