Evolving shoulders in Tower of Rot turn into Bloodstained Shoulders?

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by Mgeablonde, May 25, 2014.

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  1. Edrick Augur

    Thanks for the information Roshen.
    Elricvonclief likes this.
  2. Iila Augur

    Spoilt while the spoiltin' is good.

    Sucks if you missed it.

    (I'm still working on my currency bought Bloodstained Shoulders)
  3. Edrick Augur

    Should've been killing group monsters instead. That'll learn you.
  4. Axxius Augur

    Since the Shroud will not be taken away from those who got it, obviously it will evolve into the shoulders. The evolution script is attached to the item. Just hurry up and evolve it before they put in the intended end result. ;)
    Elricvonclief and Yinla like this.
  5. A-Quad Augur

    I'd like to know how they determine which exploitable bugs are 'roll-backable' and which ones aren't.
  6. Iila Augur

    What would I do with two bloodstained shoulders? Silly me for not expecting the raid rare drop to be put on group named for a week, I could have saved all that currency for tribute if I had just waited and camped group named!

    None of the other rares are priest usable, so the currency hasn't been very useful to me since I got all the non-vis slots I wanted.
  7. Ratbo Peep Augur

    If they drop fair and square, they may be "bugs" - but not "exploits".
    Exploits require the player to engage in a "strange behavior" to get an unfair advantage.
  8. Tarrin Augur

    What is considered fair and square in this case? I know a few people that specifically went out and camped nameds all day and got their shoulder-back to drop. Is that fair and square? Or is that intentionally making use of a bug mechanic in game?
  9. Tobynn Augur

    When the raid-quality tradeable rares were dropping like mad in the HAs, weren't those items removed from players after the sudo-exploit was identified and corrected? Seems odd that those people were penalized for taking full advantage of an obvious bug ... yet the people taking full advantage of an obvious bug in Tower of Rot suffer zero repercussions.

    How sweet is that?

    True story, that. Players should know by now -- he who sploits first, spoilts best. Particularly since the dev team is now so robust that they cannot respond in a timely manner to, well, anything anymore.
    Gyurika Godofwar, Esero and Iila like this.
  10. Iila Augur

    Probably effort required vs benefits vs publicity vs impact.

    It took a good week after being reported to get a response, so I'm sure there were a lot of people who dived in after not seeing a dev say it wasn't intended. They did put a lot of time into camping and evolving this before finding out that it was a mistake. Also this won't really have a long term effect on the economy since none of it tradable.

    Don't go buying from beta merchants or farming 50 pieces of raid loot, though. Those can cause problems beyond just your character.
    Xianzu_Monk_Tunare likes this.
  11. Ravengloome Augur

    Unless you use the shroud bank to avoid the items being deleted when they do their deletes.
  12. Ratbo Peep Augur

    Wrong - Those items were only removed from players who "flipped missions" to get a QUANTITY of the items. Those that got them by doing the HA's in full, got to keep them.
    Xianzu_Monk_Tunare likes this.
  13. Tarrin Augur

    How is that any different than a person grinding on nameds in ToR?

    There is a bug. Nameds drop loot they shouldn't. You take advantage of the bug by going out and killing as many nameds as possible. Therefor, you are exploiting. Same exact concept.
  14. Ratbo Peep Augur

    Right! <cough>

    People hunt the named all the time for drops - in any zone that they *want* a thingie.
    Hardly rises to "strange behavior" to hunt named for cool drops.

    The HA thing was different. Please don't make me spell it out in slow-hand.

    Xianzu_Monk_Tunare likes this.
  15. Tarrin Augur

    It doesn't matter.

    Regardless of how it was different. "Strange behavior" is not a requirement. If you knowingly did something to take advantage of a bug..you were exploiting. That is the bottom line.
  16. Ratbo Peep Augur

    All you **know** is that the named are dropping a *very* cool item - so you hunt named.
    There was absolutely no way to infer it was a bug - particularly in light of the "world drops" being "not bugs" in the intent - but bugs in the drop methodology.
  17. Tobynn Augur

    Doesn't seem any different to me. In both cases, people devoted a ton of time specifically killing loot droppers. Whether the mission was completed was entirely irrelevant in my eyes, nothing more than a excuse to avoid the outcry from a real punitive action.

    I have run through a hundred partial HAs specifically for collection ground spawns. I round up the spawns, drop the task, and fetch a new one and gather some more ground spawns. I didn't finish the vast majority of those HAs, so using that same logic I guess I should expect someone to come along and take away all my groundspawns. After all, I just flipped missions to get a quantity of the items.

    Precedent has been set, clearly I am a groundspawn exploiter.
    Iila and Gyurika Godofwar like this.
  18. Tarrin Augur

    Oh, so the side you don't like gets in trouble.

    The side you like gets excuses.

  19. Ratbo Peep Augur

    Actually - in a strict sense - you *should* be penalized.
    You *misused* the instance mechanic to farm ground spawns.
    You were "gaming the game" - and you just admitted that you *even knew well* what you were up to.
    Two wrongs never make a right.
    Xianzu_Monk_Tunare likes this.
  20. Tobynn Augur

    Please link to any official source stating that willfully NOT completing a mission is an exploit.

    I'll wait.

    While we wait, we should probably compile a serverwide list of every headshotter, and every swarm-killer, and anyone else that ever entered any mission instance and did not complete the mission. Flippers and exploiters, the lot, misusing the instance mechanic and gaming the game for loot, coin, and exps, without ever having any intention of completing the mission. Bastards!
    Smokezz, Iila and Gyurika Godofwar like this.
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