Dispelling charm pets

Discussion in 'Time Locked Progression Servers' started by Kazuma the guy, Mar 24, 2018.

  1. Krezzy Augur

    This has been hotly debated by the player community for years. DBG has yet to chime in on their policy. By appearances, it is up to GM interpretation.

    Charming a quest mob, a rare mob, or a PH would certainly make the pet fair game. GMs cannot necessarily tell that the charm mob was a PH, and players may make honest mistakes.

    Harassment boils down to intent. If you're trying to enrage another player, you're griefing them. The thing is, players will also rage when contesting mobs. That line gets very blurry.

    There probably is some risk to dispelling charm mobs, but players who use charm pets cannot rely at all on the GMs to back them up. If you charm, expect dispels, and for GMs to not involve themselves.
  2. Evenstar Lorekeeper

    Researching dispeling charm pets and came across this thread. Had someone dispel a pet in my group when we were racing another group on a rare spawn. They got the kill but only because of the dispel. We were understandably upset. Is there nothing that can be done?
  3. discordkitty Augur

    Sadly, no. There is no PnP anymore. About the only thing that anyone can get in trouble for is training people (video evidence required) or swearing/insulting/raging/threatening via tell/say/chat etc. Everything is a DPS race and DBG is not interested in policing it. So it's deemed a solid tactic in the DPS race.

    I don't like it either. There's a lot of toxic players who enjoy screwing others over. But it costs money to have GMs actively on a server policing these things and upholding a PnP. It died with SoE.

    That being said, keep memblur handy. You just might get the kill next time!