Coirnav by the numbers

Discussion in 'Time Locked Progression Servers' started by TeeEHLpee, Mar 23, 2018.

  1. ShivanAngel Augur

    This is actually the biggest issue that will be encountered come kunark and luclin...

    Dozens of people figting for the same mob/groundspawn that is on a long respawn.. Picks made it a little better but it is still an incredibly toxic experience.
  2. Micker Augur

    I don't know why anyone would play on a server with all no drop. FV is so much more fun and you will have much better gear than a normal server. I guess if you raid a lot it's nice, but FV is much easier for the casuals.

    And original EQ was easily 10x harder. It took close to a year for a lot of people to hit 50 and that's when people were obsessed with it and played all night long. Had hell levels that took a month to get through for some. But there weren't some power leveling fools who hit 50 quick and made everyone feel like they needed to rush. It was more about the journey, then the destination. Oh yeah and staring at the spell book till level 35 made the time fly by lol.
  3. Green_Mage Augur

    This server would never work for me, even though I think its a good idea because so many others want it.

    It will be like diablo 3 with the auction hall, you realize that you can just buy the best sword and then there is no point to play because you have the best sword. You can have anything else too because you can just go to work and earn quite a few pixils per hour with that real money to game money exchange rate.

    It would be wonderful if there was no such thing as RMT...but its impossible to enforce RMT. You can enforce "no boxing" despite the skepticism, but no one will ever find a way to enforce "no RMT." Even when servers like p99 tried...there is plenty of it.
  4. oldkracow 9999 Is the Krono Account Limit

    You can already do that on any server you want..... Just /auction WTB (x) for any amount of krono and bam the best sword is in your hand
    • works on epics
    • any raid item you need
    • etc....
  5. HoodenShuklak Augur

    It actually doesn't work that way. You cannot currently buy any raid item loot rights because only an rmt centered guild would do that. At least on agnarr ive yet to see any Ahr loot for sale. On fv rules it would end up on someone's alt trying to sneak in a sale.

    (Not to mention, you neef to get keyed for some LR. That's also a huge factor.)

    FV loot would be an absolute nightmare for even causal raid guilds let alone medcore.
  6. oldkracow 9999 Is the Krono Account Limit

    No RMT guilds on on a TLP server? :rolleyes:
    Ya sure.....
  7. Green_Mage Augur

    The mistake you making here is being overly reductive. Because its possible to buy a NO-DROP item off a guild that doesn't mean that would be at all reasonable for most people. You would have to pay huge sums of krono that would amount to thousands of USD to get a good amount of BiS items....assuming you could be on and find them all...which you probably wouldn't be if your the kind of guy that spends RL money on krono like that....that guy probably has a job right? Likes to buy krono rather than farm pp right?

    People just don't like doing that. The closest thing is buying characters for RL money. But most people recognize the psychological difference in getting someone else's character rather than getting a sword on your own.

    FV will make items that are scarce, less scarce and available for krono. And very easy to trade in can just plop a Cloak of the Fearsome on any level 1 for example. So that item is going to be all over the place...which lowers the value of all kinds of other items.

    There's no item rotting and plenty of incentive to raid old content with FV -- it will be much different than a non-FV ruleset....or no one would ask for it in the first place.
  8. Stagentti Augur

    Yet FV has been extremely popular and fun to play on, for casuals and hardcore gamers, for years...

    Weird, right?
    Sumonerr_Tunare likes this.